
Behind the sanitation worker

2024-03-20 01:41浙江李暢
瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2024年2期

浙江 李暢




1Recently,a video of Zhang Jianna,a sanitation worker (環衛工人),directing foreigners has gone viral online.Her fluent English and confident behavior showcased in the video have deeply impressed the viewers,sparking curiosity about how an ordinarylooking sanitation worker acquired such impressive English skills.

2Behind the sensation lies a decade-long journey of persistence.In 2012,Zhang Jianna took on the role of a sanitation worker in the embassy area of Sanlitun in Beijing's Chaoyang District.A special encounter while working has motivated Zhang to learn English by herself,a pursuit she continues with determination to this day.“My goal is quite simple.I just want to help whenever someone is in need,whether asking for directions,inquiring about visa procedures,or about the embassy area I am responsible for,” said Zhang.

3Thus,at the age of 40,Zhang embarked on a personal challenge.Without a tutor,she began learning English from her children's textbooks,starting with basic words and phrases commonly used for giving directions.With no fixed study hours,she used every spare moment.While others rested,she memorized vocabulary and practiced speaking.Upon arriving home after work,she would write down new knowledge points and review them until she thoroughly understood them.Over the years,she filled over a dozen notebooks with her notes.

4Her memory posed her biggest challenge.“Learning English at an older age,I would easily forget the words I learned the previous day.Persistence is the key to learning English.Learn step by step,and learn every day,” Zhang said.When asked about the greatest reward of learning English,Zhang emphasized self-confidence.“Growing up in a rural area without a college education,I sometimes fear being looked down upon.But every time I help a stranger in English,I feel incredibly accomplished.”

5“Tiring,but satisfying,” Zhang Jianna reflected on her work,summarizing her dedication and pursuit of language learning.“To serve others makes me happy,and it's where I prove my self-worth,” said Zhang.“After retirement,I also want to introduce my hometown in English and promote local tourism,” she said,acknowledging that her inspiring journey has led to this new goal.

Reading Check


1.What motivated Zhang Jianna to learn English?

A.Her children's textbooks.

B.Her work environment.

C.A special encounter.

D.Online videos.


2.Why does Zhang Jianna learn English?

A.To help others.

B.To promote tourism.

C.To feel accomplished.

D.To build self-confidence.


3.How does Zhang Jianna describe her work?




4.What is Zhang Jianna's goal after retirement?

A.To learn another language.

B.To work as a guide.

C.To introduce her hometown.

D.To write a book.

Language Study

Ⅰ.Text-centered chunks

be responsible for 負責

write down 記錄下來


look down on/upon 蔑視;輕視

embark on/upon sth 從事;著手(新的或艱難的事情)

Ⅱ.Difficult sentence in the text

I just want to help whenever someone is in need,whether asking for directions,inquiring about visa procedures,or about the embassy area I am responsible for.我只是想在有人需要幫助的時候提供幫助,無論(他們)是問路,詢問簽證程序,還是詢問我負責的使館區。

【點石成金】本句中,whenever 引導的是時間狀語從句;I am responsible for 是一個省略了引導詞that的定語從句,修飾先行詞the embassy area。

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