
A Baby Eagle And His Mother

2024-04-19 09:30林鋒
初中生學習指導·中考版 2024年1期


Once there was a baby eagle(鷹)living in a nest(巢)on a cliff(山崖). The baby eagle loved his nest. It was warm, soft and comfortable. And even better, he had all the food and love that his mother could give. Whenever the baby eagle was hungry, his mother would always come just in time with the delicious food he liked.

He was growing happily day after day. But suddenly his world changed. His mother stopped coming to the nest. He was full of sadness and fear. He thought he would die soon. He cried, but nobody heard him.

Two days later, his mother appeared with some nice food. The baby eagle was wild with joy. But the mother put the food at the top of the mountain and then looked down at her baby. The baby eagle cried out, “Mum, why did you do this to me? Im hungry. Dont you know I will die if I have nothing to eat?”

“Here is the last meal I give you. Come and get it by yourself.” his mother said. Then she flew down and pushed the baby eagle out of the nest. The baby eagle fell down, faster and faster. He looked up at his mum, “Why do you abandon me?” He looked down at the earth. The ground was much closer. Then something strange happened. The air caught behind his arms and he began to fly! He wasnt moving to the ground any more. Also, his eyes were pointed up at the sun.

“You are flying! You can make it!” His mother smiled.


1. The baby eagle ________before his mother stopped coming to the nest.

A. lived in a nest in the tree

B. got nice food from his mother

C. was always cold and hungry

D. lived very happily with friends

2. The baby eagle felt ________as soon as he saw his mother coming again.

A. sad B. happy C. afraid D. angry

3. The baby eagles mother________when she came the last time.

A. put some food in the nest

B. just came to see him again

C. shouted at her baby eagle and flew away

D. pushed her baby eagle out of the nest

4. The underlined word “abandon” means ________.

A. 拋 棄 B. 保護 C. 歧視 D. 拯救

5. We can infer(推斷)from the story that the baby eagle________.

A. lost his mother B. feel down and died

C. could get food himself D. was still angry with his mother



1.細節理解題。根據“The baby eagle loved his nest. It was warm, soft and comfortable. And even better, he had all the food and love that his mother could give. ”可知在媽媽不再來巢之前,小鷹從媽媽那里得到了美味的食物。故選B。

2.細節理解題。根據“Two days later, his mother appeared with some nice food. The baby eagle was wild with joy.”可知小鷹一看到媽媽來了,就非常高興。故選B。

3.細節理解題。根據“‘Here is the last meal I give you. Come and get it by yourself. his mother said. Then she flew down and pushed the baby eagle out of the nest.”可知小鷹的媽媽最后一次來的時候,把小鷹推出了巢。故選D。

4.詞語猜測題。根據前文“The baby eagle fell down, faster and faster. He looked up at his mum.”可猜測出,后句應是問:“你為什么拋棄我?”故下畫線單詞的意思應是“拋棄”。故選A。

5.推理判斷題。根據文中“Here is the last meal I give you. Come and get it by yourself.”和“You are flying! You can make it!”可推理出,小鷹可以自己得到食物。故選C。
