

2024-04-28 08:28臧新茂劉麗娜
現代世界警察 2024年3期

臧新茂 劉麗娜
















































A Female Sharpshooter

Zang Xinmao and Liu Lina

To enhance her skills, every day Su Yaming fired at least 500 live rounds, practiced dry firing over 500 times, and performed more than 1,000 magazine changes. To maintain her physical fitness, she aimed for at least 30,000 steps in her daily exercise routine, in addition to countless high-intensity workout sessions. To participate in international competitions as scheduled, Su took two injections in her back to alleviate the pain from lumbar disc herniation, muscle strains, and knee problems.

Su is a female police officer from the Political Affairs Supervision Office of the Xinbei Branch of the Jizhong Public Security Bureau in Hebei province. At the fourth International Police Shooting Competition, Su and her teammates achieved remarkable results through their skills and determination.

"I felt swelling pride while showing the world what Chinese police are made of! No matter what comes my way, I'll leave no stone unturned to bring glory to the Chinese police!" Su said.

Never Falling Behind

In 2007, Su was admitted to the Hebei Public Security Police Vocational College. During her time there, Su consistently excelled in shooting. Teachers and classmates alike saw that she displayed a calmness beyond her years on the firing range.

After joining the police force in 2010, Su worked first in the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Baxi Branch of the Hebei Public Security Bureau and then the Political Affairs Supervision Office of the Xinbei Branch. She consistently upheld her high standards for shooting skills, diligently practicing whenever she could visit the firing range.

In September 2013, Su participated in her first official competition, the Hebei Province Public Security Practical Shooting Competition.

"Just a few days before the competition, I got really sick with a stomach bug, experiencing high fever and vomiting. The doctor deemed it necessary for me to get hospitalized," Su recalled. "But it was my first competition, and I definitely wasn't going to miss it. So, I decided to get fluids at the hospital overnight and return to the competition during the day."

Perseverance and determination converged to set Su off when she ultimately achieved fifth place in the women's shooting competition in Hebei province. With this result, she was selected for the Hebei Public Security Shooting Training Team and participated in the 23rd National Police Practical Shooting Competition held in October of the same year, where she ranked sixth in the women's rapid shooting among over 400 participants from 36 teams.

In April 2015, following over four months of intensive training, Su competed in the Second National Police Instructor Practical Skills Competition. She was only woman representing the Hebei Public Security Bureau Team.

In the fierce mixed-gender competition, Su achieved second place in basic police tactics, third place in pistol rapid shooting, and third place in forced advancement under pressure. She also played a pivotal role in securing Hebei province's second place in the National Police Instructor Practical Skills Team Competition. In recognition of her outstanding performance, she was awarded a First-Class Merit by the Hebei Public Security Department.

Her colleagues once remarked, "The training was brutal, but she never fell behind. She's quite something! Taking on a group of guys, she even outperformed many male counterparts. Truly impressive!"

Thanks to her exceptional performance, Su was soon appointed a senior police instructor in practical combat by the Hebei Public Security Department. She shared her shooting skills with grassroots officers without any reservation, and her lectures were highly praised by all.

In May 2015, the Jizhong Public Security Bureau Team, coached by Su, achieved outstanding results in provincial competitions. They won first place in the instructor team competition, first place in the shooting team competition, first place in the basic tactics team competition, and third place in anti-terrorism practical drills.

With perseverance and dedication, Su has represented the national police, Hebei Public Security Bureau, and Jizhong Public Security Bureau in shooting and instructor competitions at the international, national, and provincial levels on six occasions during her 14-year tenure with the police force. She has achieved excellent results in a successive competitions against formidable opponents.

With dedication and persistence, she exemplifies the strength of Chinese women through her professionalism and accomplishments. Su has expressed that despite the sacrifices she has made, the hardships have been worth it, as they have shaped her into an indomitable person fueled with a fighting spirit.

Rising to Challenges

In August 2023, upon receiving a notice from the Ministry of Public Security to set up a team for the 4th International Police Shooting Competition, the Hebei Public Security Department began preparations. From a pool of 155 exceptional police officers within the province, two male and two female officers were chosen for the final training.

He Jianghong, the former director of the Education and Training Division of the Political Affairs Department of the Hebei Public Security Department, mentioned, "Five men secured positions in the top ten list, while only four suitable female officers were selected. Su, who hadn't initially applied for this event, was urgently called up due to her outstanding performance in the national competitions."

"I think I got chosen because of my performance in the national competitions," Su said with a smile. At that time, her mother, over seventy years old, had just undergone surgery for a back injury and required care. Additionally, her four-year-old child had never been separated from her before.

Despite the harsh situation of her family, Su was eventually braced for the challenge. With the understanding and support of her family, she managed to overcome her personal difficulties and began over a month of rigorous training.

Shooting involves intense and rolling training. In the training camp, Su noticed that she was the only team member not affiliated with a special police unit, a difference she felt keenly.

In her efforts to keep pace with her teammates, Su devoted a lot of time to her rigorous training regimen. However, this unexpectedly led to many physical discomforts. Over the course of a single month of training, she found herself visiting the hospital no less than five times.

"Minor injuries won't stop me. It's normal to have bumps and bruises." Su's tone was gentle, but her eyes exuded determination. "During the most intense training, even climbing stairs became difficult, let alone the running sessions. It was then that I had to get a nerve block injection to continue training."

On September 27th, departure day, just before the plane took off, Su received her second nerve block injection.

Upon arriving in Budapest, Hungary, the Chinese police shooting team was informed of changes to the competition rules. The firearms to be used were expanded to include various types such as pistols, sniper rifles, assault rifles, and shotguns. Additionally, several tactical elements were added, including special driving, rappelling, rescue operations, breach maneuvers, and nighttime shooting.

Facing unexpected challenges like these, along with jet lag and language barriers, Su, who had only received training in pistols, stayed calm. Over the following days, she swiftly adjusted her mindset, actively sought guidance from coaches, consulted with fellow team members, and made the most of the limited time before the competition to practice extensively with various firearms and enhance her tactical knowledge.

On September 30th, the competition officially began. With their consistently outstanding performances, Su and her teammates ultimately distinguished themselves from 150 competitors from 21 teams representing 12 countries. In the tactical skills competition, they achieved first place in both the men's international group and team overall score. Additionally, they secured first place in the women's international group and second place in the women's team overall score. They also claimed the team championship in the pistol shooting competition.

This was the best result ever achieved by Chinese police in such events abroad, leaving a significant mark for the Chinese police on the international stage.

"When I held my medals and certificates and called my mom to share the joy, I discovered she could stand up on her own, holding onto the bed frame. I was so excited, but I also felt a mix of joy from winning and guilt for my failure to look after my mother for more than 40 days," Su broke down with emotion.

The Loving Couple

After the competition ended, Su's husband, Li Weijie, called immediately. "I'm happy and proud of you indeed! It's a lucky thing for me to have such a loving companion like you. As the saying goes, ‘Just as clouds dance with the breeze, and trees sway gently with ease, our happiness, too, finds its way in the companionship we share each day.'"

Graceful and confident, Su, the police officer, is also a proud wife. Her husband, Li, serves in the military. The journey of their acquaintance and love was full of twists and turns. Often separated by their conflicting duties, they repeatedly lost contact with each other. However, their compatible personalities eventually brought them together.

After getting married in 2018, the couple frequently faced periods of separation, including during important holidays. With Su often working late into the night and Li swamped with his own duties, they struggled to find time to connect. They could only exchange occasional messages to express love and check in.

Su, fully understanding her husband, remarked, "Although military servicemen and police officers have different professions, they share the same responsibility - one protects the country, and the other safeguards peace." A simple exchange of facial expressions or a few words between the couple are the natural flow of their mutual care and warmth.

The loving couple support each other in their professional efforts and overcome life's challenges together. Recently, Su noticed that Li was overwhelmed with work, she then frequently phoned or facetimed with him. This is her little token of love.

"She's been incredibly supportive of my work, always offering suggestions and ideas in her role as a political instructor. And you know what? She even used her vacation time to travel over 200 kilometers to Xibaipo in Hebei province just to record a live lesson to support what I do. Isn't that amazing? Her efforts received nothing but praise from my colleagues," Li said.

In 2019, after the birth of their daughter, Su became a mother. This new role empowered her further, making her even more independent and strong.

Su is like a tireless "superwoman," working overtime while caring for her child, rushing to the hospital at midnight for emergencies, and tending to her elderly parents, all besides her multiple work responsibilities. Her hectic schedule renders her life busy yet fulfilled.

"It's the care and love of her mother that has brought even more joy and happiness to our daughter's growth," Li said. A warm and loving family atmosphere provides tremendous support for him to fully devote himself to his work. "Through her actions, she exemplified both an excellent police officer and a devoted military wife."

When Su returned home after the competition on October 6th, 2023, at 1:30 in the morning, she was surprised to find her family waiting downstairs. Her daughter ran to her and hugged her tightly.

Her mother-in-law told her, "Every time we video-called, our little one seemed to know not to cry when you were on, fearing it might mess up your training." Su hugged her daughter tightly, feeling a mix of bittersweet emotions at her mother-in-law's words.

Indeed, Su is a woman loyal to the nation and strong in her profession.

"As a police officer, whenever my country calls, I will answer with courage and dedication," Su said firmly.

Authors' Introduction:

Zang Xinmao, Publicity Department of Hebei Province Public Security Department.

Liu Lina, Publicity Department of Hebei Province Jizhong Public Security Bureau.

(Translated by Wei Dong)
