
匈牙利國家級媒體攝制組訪渝 “外媒眼中的重慶”聚焦山城美景

2024-05-09 06:33楊艷
重慶與世界 2024年4期


The Production Team from Hungarys National Media Outlets Visiting Chongqing

“Chongqing Through the Eyes of Foreign Media”: The Mountain Citys Views Through the Lens

By Yang Yan/The World and Chongqing

The year 2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Hungary. To shore up the resumption of inbound tourism, make Chongqing a culturally advanced city, and speed up its development into a world-renowned tourist destination, the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Development, in cooperation with the Consulate-General of Hungary in Chongqing, invited Hungarys six national media outlets, including M1 (TV channel), TV2, and ATV, to visit Chongqing from March 14 to 26. Under the theme of “Chongqing Through the Eyes of Foreign Media,” they focused on its incredible view, telling its story through the lens.

Walking while listening, seeing while filming, journalists from these national media outlets deeply immersed themselves in the charm of colorful humanities and the beauty of natural scenery in Chongqing. They visited 12 districts and counties, including Beibei District, Nanchuan District, Wulong District, Yuzhong District, Fengdu County, Zhongxian County, Fengjie County, Wushan County, Yunyang County, Changshou District, Jiulongpo District, and Dazu District, to shoot photos and videos, which will be released on these Hungarian national media outlets after being post-processed.

Exploring the Charm in the City of Mountains and Rivers

The production team captured the Liziba Station in Yuzhong District to experience how a monorail train runs through the residential building, feeling the pulse of Chongqing as an 8D magic city. They visited Huguang Guild Hall, unveiling the mysteries of Chongqings immigrant culture. They enjoyed the “Zui Bayu” performance of intangible cultural heritage while appreciating the unique charm of traditional arts and exploring the distinctive beauty of Yuzhong, the root of Chongqing, seamlessly blending the charm of its past and present.

Sz?cs Tamás, a sub-national TV journalist from ATV, said that with Chinas friendly trial policy of granting visa-free access to Hungarian ordinary passport holders, he wanted to bring his family and friends to Chongqing for a visit. “There is even a statue of our Hungarian poets, and this makes me visualize the friendship between Hungary and China more,” Sz?cs Tamás said with astonishment when seeing the Statue of Pet?fi Sándor and Júlia Szendrey in Eling Park.

Toth Gabor, an editor and host from M1, recognized when visiting Beibei District that Beibei is endowed with unique tourism resources and has what it takes to be a world-class resort for hot springs and spas, which is highly attractive to tourists from Hungary and its neighboring countries.

In Jiulongpo District, Lipcsey-Bidló Katalin from the Central European Press and Media Foundation expressed that she was impressed by the adorable giant pandas and the traditional Chongqing-style teahouses.

Experiencing Natural Scenery and Cultural Customs

The cliffs, strange peaks, caves, Buddha statues... The typical karst tableland scenery, the ancient high-altitude cave system, and the profound Buddhist culture of Jinfo Mountain in Nanchuan District made the production team wonder.

After further learning about the rich tourism resources and facility construction in Wulong District, the production team highly praised what the spots have achieved in tourism development, commending that no matter the resource quality, supporting facilities, or service quality, Wulong has reached the international standard.

In Zhongxian County, the production team climbed the Shibaozhai Pagoda and experienced the time-honored history and culture. They took a boat to the Wuxia Gorge & Shennv Spot. The delicate boat crossed the emerald-like Shennv Stream. Sz?cs Tamás couldnt help exclaiming that Wushan has beautiful natural scenery not second to the Grand Canyon of Norway.

In the Zhang Fei Temple Scenic Spot in Yunyang County, the production team fully appreciated the works of Yan Zhenqing, Su Shi, and other great calligraphers and had a profound experience in Chongqings charm of the “picturesque scenery and profound literary deposits.” The unique charm of Yunyangs history and culture can be felt through experiencing county-level intangible cultural heritage—Dongs Wonton Making Technique.

At the Dazu Rock Carvings, a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site, everyone was listening to the commentary while recording the beauty of rock-carving art on the cliffs by cameras. “I cant find proper words to describe the beauty of the Dazu Rock Carvings, for its achievement is so magnificent,” a member of the production team said when acclaimed Dazus unique rock-carving cultural legacy. Péter Pál Kránitz, a reporter from Index, said that they will show Dazus delicious food and rock-carving culture to the overseas audience in an all-round way, enabling more people to know about Chinese culture.

In Qutang Gorge, Fengjie County, the majestic Kuimen and the profound culture and history deeply impressed the production team. In the Mingshan Mountain scenic area, they experienced the folk intangible cultural heritage, landscapes, and cultural and historical representations in Fengdu, praising the exquisite and exceptional Chinese culture. In Changshou Lake scenic area, everyone enjoyed thrilling activities such as jet skis and hovercraft rides, and they also watched the spectacular kayaking performances.

The event organizer said an innovative approach was applied for this occasion, integrating “live shooting by foreign media and on-site promotion in districts and counties.” The purpose is to build Chongqing into a culturally advanced city, accelerate its development into a world-renowned tourist destination, and showcase Chongqings cultural and tourism appeal to Hungary and the broader European market. Moving forward, their plan involves organizing a series of publicity campaigns to popularize inbound travel brands, fostering the sustained growth of Chongqings inbound tourism sector.

Photo/Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Development













在世界文化遺產大足石刻,大家一邊聽講解,一邊用鏡頭記錄下崖壁上的石刻藝術之美?!拔艺也坏胶线m的語言來形容大足石刻的美,其成就是驚人的?!眮碜訧ndex 媒體的記者彼得·帕爾·克拉尼茨說,會將大足的美食和石刻文化全方位展現給海外觀眾,讓更多人了解中國文化。




自然的遺產 世界的武隆