

  • 最酷的生日驚喜
    重慶 胡正春We all have someone we look up to in our lives.For two-year-old Colby from Simsbury,Connecticut,that person is his local mail carrier,known to residents as“Mailman Mike”.From the little boy's perspective,Mike has just about

    瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2023年11期2024-01-26

  • 最甜蜜的驚喜
    重慶 郭安瑜Fred Brown is a creature of habit.For the past 40 years,the Air Force veteran(老兵) Fred Brown has left his home in Lynn,Massachusetts and walked about a mile to Dunkin on Lewis Street.Inside the shop,employees know his name a

    瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2023年6期2023-09-11

  • 遇見寧夏,星光燦爛
    重慶 劉 紅Stargazing tourism is shining bright in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region as the in?land region has been trying to rebrand itself as the“hometown of stars”since 2000.“Ningxia has many places where you can film or photograph

    瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2022年4期2022-04-09

  • The Chinese chef in Turkey
    重慶 劉益秋Shen Hu,a Chinese chef,arrived in Turkey's biggest city Istanbul from China in 2005 to introduce his delicious meals and his country's food culture to the Turkish people.For the past 17 years,he has been working in a Chinese

    瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2022年2期2022-03-12

  • 貓和狗的和諧時光
    重慶 高波Cats and dogs are known for being opposites in many ways—just don't tell Marlin that.When I first took a look at Marlin,I thought he was just an average cat.But upon closer inspection,it became very clear that Marlin thinks h

    瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2022年12期2022-03-07

  • 重慶,能干啥?

    課堂內外(高中版) 2021年6期2021-01-17

  • 重慶喜歡重慶

    作文周刊·小學二年級版 2020年8期2020-05-08

  • A Dialogue about Innovation in Global Economy Governance in Chongqing
    ative (《重慶倡議》) was released. Other events held during the dialogue include Wisdom Talks, Political Parties Dialogue,Economists Round Table, the 2nd China-Africa Political Theoretical Seminar and the Dialogue between CPC and Politi

    重慶與世界 2017年11期2017-12-05
