

  • 2035年,全球一半以上人口將肥胖
    四川 劉 節A new report from the World Obesity Federation has warned that,without immediate action,more than half of the world's population will be obese or overweight by 2035.The report suggests that by 2035,4 billion individuals,or 5

    瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2023年8期2023-10-07

  • 四川省地震月報目錄(ML≥3.0)
    7 10147 四川馬爾康 51 3.9 10 1 32 51 2 20220705 121819.3 3217 10147 四川馬爾康 51 3.8 9 1 33 51 3 20220706 094836.6 3025 10255 四川蘆山51 3.0 15 1 27 51 4 20220715 201935.8 3054 10300 四川汶川51 3.5 20 1 37 51 5 20220716 211723.9 2755 10038 四川木里51

    四川地震 2022年4期2022-12-22

  • A gift I treasure
    四川 李 蓉It was just a week before my seventeenth birthday.The whole house was full of activities.Even Grandpa,who enjoyed watching his favorite cable TV from the comfort of his armchair,did not want to be left out.Grandpa and I shar

    瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2022年1期2022-11-23

  • Pingtan in Suzhou
    四川 羅麗文As a child growing up in Suzhou,East China's Jiangsu Province,Wu Jing loved to go to teahouses with her parents and grandparents to watchpingtanperformances.Pingtanoriginated in Suzhou during the Song Dy?nasty. It usually in

    瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2022年5期2022-11-22

  • 四川省地震月報目錄(M L≥3.0)
    2210330 四川汶川 513.2 13 1 4351220220104210720.8330410114 四川阿壩縣513.1 18 2 14 51320220108010842.0282410450 四川長寧 514.0 7 1 2851420220108213501.3292610449 四川大安 513.0 3 1 3451520220110043645.8282210454 四川長寧 513.6 12 1 2851620220110182037

    四川地震 2022年2期2022-06-23

  • 四川省地震月報目錄(M L≥3.0)
    52 10255四川會東 51 3.3 12 2 20 51 2 20211001 214005.6 2828 10450四川長寧 51 3.6 6 1 35 51 3 20211002 064838.9 2915 10357四川犍為 51 3.5 10 1 21 51 4 20211002 212149.7 2939 10441四川威遠 51 3.5 3 1 55 51 5 20211005 075805.2 2658 10238四川寧南 51 3.3

    四川地震 2022年1期2022-03-23

  • 努力就能成功
    四川 謝雪梅When I was three,my mom decided it was time for me to start swimming.With eagerness,I walked to the pool's edge and,while my mom's back was turned,I jumped right in.Not surprisingly,I sank like a rock.I still remember how I

    瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2022年12期2022-03-07

  • The windmill trend風車舞
    四川 殷 橋TikTok users are posting videos of themselves swinging their arms around in an attempt to try to avoid any pain in the days following after they got an injection.In the explanation for one video,the poster wrote,“I hope,thro

    瘋狂英語·新悅讀 2021年10期2021-12-03

  • BedtimePrayers
    四川 郝麗丹Julie was saying her bedtime prayers.“Please God,”she said,“Make Naples the capital of Italy.Make Naples the capital of Italy.”Her mother interrupted(打斷)and said,“Julie,why do you want God to make Naples the capital of Italy

    瘋狂英語·新策略 2018年1期2018-08-20

  • 四川省地震月報目錄(ML≥3.0) (2017.07-2017.09)
    四川省地震月報目錄(ML≥3.0) (2017.07-2017.09)序號發震時刻震中位置年月日時分秒緯度經度地點位號震級MLMDMS深度(km)精度臺數資料來源備注120170709062712.1315110259四川理縣513.01112751220170710020919.2270410216四川會理513.50813151320170717065559.7322310522四川青川514.91915351420170722171859.72934

    四川地震 2017年4期2018-01-02
