

2009-05-13 08:09李如鋒
都市家教(教育交流)·理論版 2009年4期







Peter and his three friends are in his bedroom. We can see five books on the table. There are some flowers near the books. Are all the pictures on the wall? No, there are three pictures and a map. Whats that under the chair? Is it his hat? No, its a black cat. It looks like a hat.


()1.There are children in the bedroom.

A. threeB. fourC. five

()2.There is a under the chair.

A. mapB. hatC. cat

第1題的正確答案是B,而許多考生卻選擇A,忽視了Peter這個人,只注意到three friends 因此導致選錯了答案。第2題的正確答案是C,考生沒有聽清楚是hat還是cat,導致有些考生選擇了B。


五、做到帶著問題聽錄音。不管在平時聽力訓練或測試都要做到這一點,聽錄音時,要把注意力集中到含有答案的詞句上,例如題目中出現有關when, where, who, what, why, how等帶有疑問的詞,心中選出確定這些問題的答案。對于那些對話、短文內容,第一遍聽不清楚的問題,把它作為聽第二遍的重點。當然,需要特別精力集中,毫不分心。例如:


Helen is eleven years old. She is in Grade 4 in a school. She goes to school by bus. Last week she had a bad cold. She felt weak and sick. She didnt go to class. She went to the hospital to see a doctor. She had to stay in bed for a few days. During the weekend, Mrs White cooked her nice food and her friends looked after her well. Seven days later, Helen got well again. She was able to go back to school. Now Helen is working hard to catch up with the other students in her class.


()1. How old is Helen? p;

A. 10. B. 11.C. 12.

()2. How does she go to school?

A. By bike.B. On foot. C. By bus.

()3. Why didnt Helen go to school?

A. Because she was ill.B. Because her father was ill.C. Because her brother was ill.

()4. What did Mrs White do during the weekend?

A. She cooked nice food. B. She washed clothes. C. She cleaned the room.

()5. How long did Helen stay in bed?

A. Several months.B. Several weeks.C. Several days.

從短文中的第1句Helen is eleven years old得出第1題答案是B。從第3句She goes to school by bus得知第2題答案是C。從第4句she had a bad cold得知第3題答案是A。從第9句During the weekend, Mrs White cooked her nice food得知第4題答案是A。從倒數第3句Seven days later, Helen got well again得知第5題答案是C。


七、注意表示轉折和否定意義的關鍵詞和詞組。表示轉折的常用詞是but,聽者要注意but后的部分。表示否定意義的詞和詞組主要有no, not, never, seldom, hardly, neither, too…to…, little, few等。存在這些表示否定詞的句子,往往容易使考生誤解,模糊,所以考生有必要特別注意。這樣對理解聽力內容很有幫助。例如:


1.M:My dog is lost. Could you look for it with me, please?

W:Sure. Is that black one yours?

M:No. Mine is yellow.

2.W:My bike is broken. Could you help me, John?

M:No, but Jeff can.

3.W:Its a fine day, isnt it?

M:Yes. But the radio says it will be cloudy tomorrow.

4.W:He is a rich man here.

M:Really? But he has few friends.


()1. What color is the mans dog?

A. Black.B. Yellow.C. White.

()2. Who can mend the girls bike?

A. Jeff. B. John.C. Mary.

()3. Whats the weather like tomorrow?

A. Its sunny. B. Its cloudy. C. Its windy.

()4. Does the man have many friends here?

A. Yes, he does.B. No, he doesnt. C. I dont know.

第1組對話的問句中雖然出現black,但回答是No,緊接著是yellow,很明顯答案應是B。第2組對話雖然出現兩個人名John 和Jeff,但答句中的轉擇but Jeff can很明顯,只有Jeff能修好自行車,

答案是A。第3組從對話出現的But the radio says it will be cloudy tomorrow.就得知第3題答案是B。第4組對話出現But he has few friends表示否定的句子,所以第4題的答案是B。


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