
Fuzzy Analysis Method for Orthogonal Test on Seed Propagation of Eurya chinensis

2015-02-06 08:44YaoxiongYEQianlinHUANGXinZHAIYongdongZHOUYongchangYE
Agricultural Science & Technology 2015年8期

Yaoxiong YE,Qianlin HUANG,Xin ZHAI,Yongdong ZHOU,Yongchang YE

Dongguan Institute of Forestry Science,Dongguan 523106,China

Fuzzy Analysis Method for Orthogonal Test on Seed Propagation of Eurya chinensis

Yaoxiong YE,Qianlin HUANG,Xin ZHAI,Yongdong ZHOU,Yongchang YE*

Dongguan Institute of Forestry Science,Dongguan 523106,China

Fuzzy analysis method for orthogonal test was used to study the effect of different sowing depth,seed soaking time,illumination intensity and culture soil on the seed germination rate of Eurya chinensis.The results showed that the effect of seed soaking time on the sowing and seedling of Eurya chinensis was the biggest, and the others were illumination intensity,sowing depth and culture soil.The germination rate was the highest when composite soil was used as culture soil and seeds were soaked for 48 h and sowed in topsoil,and a layer of sunshade net was used.

Eurya chinensis;Seed propagation;Orthogonal test;Fuzzy analysis

E urya chinensis belongs to Eu rya and Theaceae,and originates in Guangdong,Jiangxi, Fujian,Taiwan,Guangxi and Hunan.It grows on barren mountains,bushwood,forest edge,river bank and wayside at an altitude below 800 m.It also distributes in Vietnam,Myanmar, India,Sri Lanka and Indonesia[1].It widely distributes in sunny hills and bushwood of Guangdong[2-3].Eurya chinensis has an extensive use and thewholeplantcanbeusedas medicine including the effect of clearing away heat and toxic materials,dehumidification and closing sores.It can cure burn,scald and crusted tetter when used externally[4].The flower of Eurya chinensis is one of the impor tant nectar sources for bee in late autumn[5].The branches and leaves of Eurya chinensis can be used to make tea after drying[6].

Seed propagation can save labour forces and costs needed by seedling and transplanting,and the viability of seedlings is strong[7].However,there is little Eurya chinensis seeds can geminate and grow under natural condition.Orthogonal test is commonly used for the design and arrangement of test,which can decrease test times and make sure of objective and correct results[8].Partial representative points are selected from com prehensive test for test based on orthogonality.Orthogonal test is an efficient,fast and economic experimental design method.Currently,comprehensive scoring method and integrated balance method are commonly used for the result analysis of multiindex orthogonal test but the analysis result is not reliable[9].Fuzzy mathematical method has been widely used in many fields to resolve engineering problems since Zadeh[10]firstly published correlative papers offuzzy mathematics in 1965.In recent years, correlation methods of fuzzy mathematics have been gradually used in multi-index or thogonaltestto ana lyze the multi-in dexes system of orthogonal test[11-12].Fuzzy analysis method of orthogonal test was used in this test to study the effects of sowing depth,seed soaking time,illumination intensity and substrate on the sowing propagation of Eurya chinensis,and thus to discuss the suitable condition for sowing propagation of Eurya chinensis and provide scientific basis forthe preservation,exploitation and utilization of germplasm.

Materials and Methods

Test materials

Mature Eurya chinensisseeds harvested in Dongguan Forestry Science Park were used as test materials. Local fine yellow sand and red soil were used as culture soil in seedbed. Sunshade net of two needle produced in Guangzhou with a shading rate of 70%was used in the test.Local tap water was used for seed soaking.

Test methods

Test designOrthogonal test design method was used in the test and L9(34) orthogonal table was used to arrange the test(Table 1),and the test was repeated three times.Sowing depth A1, seed soaking time A2,illumination intensity A3and culture soil A4were experimentalfactors.Three levels were selected for each factor.A1included soil surface,0.5 cm and 1 cm.A2included 0 h,24 h and 48 h. A3included a layer of sunshade net, two layers of sunshade net and three layers of sunshade net.A4included silver sand,red soil and composite soil.Test dateSeeds of Eurya chinensis were sowed immediatelyafterthe seeds were extracted from fruits, washed and dried on November 29, 2012.

Seedbed treatmentA 3 m long,1 m wide and 0.15 m height seedbed was constructed on the flat field of nursery garden with red bricks and the seedbed was uniformly divided into three-section.The first section was filled with local fine yellow sand.The second section was filled with red soil and the third section was filled with composite soil.One thousand times solution of 10%thiophanate methyl was sprayed for soil sterilization.

Seed treatmentStarlatine seeds were selected and divided into 27 portions,and each portion contained 100 seeds.Seeds were soaked with clear water and sowed in seedbed according to the design requirements in Table 1.The seedbed was immediately drenched through with water after sowing.

Final-period managementSeedbed management referred to the nursery management method of Pan[13]and germination rate was investigated three months later.

Results and Analysis

L9(34)orthogonal table was used to arrange the test and the average results were shown in Table 1.Germination rate of each test was expressed as a percentage according to the analysis method of Xu[14]and Zhao[15]. The average germination rate aij(0≤aij≤1)of Aij,factor Ai(i=1,2,3,4)on the level of j(j=1,2,3,4),could be regarded as influence degree of membership degree of“high germination rate”on the improvement of germination rate.Aiwas also a fuzzy set defined in domain of discourse Xiwith respect to the average germination rate (ai1,ai2,ai3)of each level.Therefore, A1=(0.256,0.146,0.176);A2=(0.088, 0.098,0.394);A3=(0.138,0.178,0.262); A4=(0.172,0.166,0.240)were the fuzzy subsets(fuzzy vectors)of x1,x2,x3and x4,respectively.The height of fuzzy subset A1,hgtA1was 0.256,while hgtA2=0.394,hgtA3=0.262,hgtA4= 0.240 and hgtA2>hgtA3>hgtA1>hgtA4.

Therefore,the effects of various factors on the germination rate of Eurya chinensis were different.Effect of seed soaking time reached 0.394, which was the biggest,and the others were illumination,sowing depth and culture soil.

In order to analyze the effect of random collocation with various levels of two factors in the orthogonal test on survival rate of cottage of Eurya chinensis,cartesian product was conducted between each two of the fuzzy vectors A1,A2,A3and A4[16]:

Ri(i=1,2,3,4)is the fuzzy relation on the domain of discourse of Xi×Xi+1 and Ri=(rijk).rijk=aij∧a(i+1)k,which indicated the associative influence on the germination rate of Eurya chinensis when Aion the level of j was collocated with Ai+1on the level of k.

In order to analyze the effect on the germination rate when one factor on one level collocated with other factors of different levels,the projection of R1in X1was supposed as a fuzzy subset of X1and recorded as R1x1,and the membership function was defined as μR1x1(x1)?x1∈x1μR1(x1,x2).The projection of R1in X2was supposed as a fuzzy subset of X2and the membership function was defined as μR2x2(x2)?x2∈x2μR2(x2,x2).Projection represented the line peak(R1,X1)and column peak (R1,X2)of fuzzy relation matrix.Therefore,the projection of R1,R2,R3and R4in x1,x2,x3and x4were shown as follows:

μR1x1(x1)=(A11A23,A12A23,A13A23)r= (0.256,0.146,0.176)r

μR1x2(x2)=(A11A23,A11A22,A11A21)= (0.256,0.098,0.088)

R1was the associative influence of sowing depth and seed soaking time on seed germination rate.It could be concluded that the effect on germination rate was the best when seeds were soked for 48 h and sowed in surface layer(A11A23)if only this two factors were considered,and the value reached 0.256.

μR2x2(x2)=(A21A33,A22A33,A23A33)r= (0.088,0.098,0.262)r

μR2x3(x3)=(A23A31,A23A32,A23A33)= (0.138,0.178,0.262)

R2was the associative influence of seed soaking time and illumination on seed germination rate.It could be seen that the effect on germination rate was the best when seeds were soked for 48 h and a layer of sunshade net was used if only this two factors were considered,and the value reached 0.262.

μR3x3(x3)=(A31A41,A32A42,A33A43)r= (0.138,0.178,0.240)r

μR3x4(x4)=(A33A41,A33A42,A33A43)= (0.172,0.166,0.240)

R3was the associative influence of illumination and culture soil on seed germination rate.It could be seen that the effect on germination rate was the best when composite soil and a layer of sunshade net was used if only this two factors were considered,and the value reached 0.240.

μR4x4(x4)=(A41A11,A42A11,A43A11)r= (0.172,0.166,0.240)r

μR4x1(x1)=(A43A13,A43A12,A43A11)= (0.176,0.146,0.240)

R4was the associative influence of culture soil and sowing depth on seed germination rate.It could be seen that the effect on germination rate was the best when composite soil was used and seeds were sowed in surface layer if only this two factors were taken into account,and the value reached 0.240.

In order to analyze the effect of collocations between various levels of all the factors on germination rate, cartesian product of the four Fuzzy vectors,A1,A2,A3and A4,was defined as follows:

Therefore,the membership degree of(A11,A23,A33,A43)about Fuzzy set A1×A2×A3×A4was 0.256∧0.394∧0262∧0.240=0.240,which indicated thatthe associative influence was 0.240 when seeds were soaked with clean water for 48 h and sowed in the surface layer of composite soil,and a layerofsunshadenetwasused. Therefore,this combination was the best combination.

Conclusion and Discussion

The germination rate was the highest when seeds were soaked with clean water for 48 h and sowed in the surface layer of composite soil,and seedbed was covered with a layer of sunshade net.The test result was restricted by chimate,quality of mud and sand,seed maturity,etc.Whether it is suitable for other places or Theaceae varieties needs to be further verified.

Comprehensive influences of four common factors including culture soil, seed soaking time,sowing depth and sunshade net on the germination rate of Eurya chinensis were studied in the test.The effects of other factors were not studied because of the restricted conditions.Fan et al.[17]studied the effect of different treatments on seed germination of Rhododendron irroratum and found that the germination rate could be significantly increased when gibberellin was used.Chen et al.[18]studied the seedling techneques of Paris polyphylla var.yunnanensis and found that the development and germination of embryo were closely related with temperature.Liu et al.[19]found that the ripening time could be shortened and the germination rate could be significantly improved when the seeds of Ilex kudingcha were soaked in sucrose solution.Whether these factors have influence on the nursery of Eurya chinensis needs to be further discussed and studied.

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Responsible editor:Yingchun YANG

Responsible proofreader:Xiaoyan WU


葉耀雄,黃倩琳,翟 欣,周永東,葉永昌*
(東莞市林業科學研究所,廣東東莞 523106)

采用正交試驗的模糊分析方法研究了不同播種深度,浸種時間,光照強度以及培養土等因素對米碎花(Euryachinensis)播種發芽率的影響。結果表明:米碎花播種育苗以浸種時間影響最大,其余依次為光照強度、播種深度和培養土;以混合土為培養土、浸種48 h、播在表土、蓋1層遮陽網的發芽率最高。


廣東省農業科技計劃項目 (編號: 2005-15)。



修回日期 2015-07-25

Supported by Project of Forestry Science and Technology Plan of Guangdong Province (2005-15).

*Corresponding author.E-mail:dglks@163.com

Received:May 28,2015 Accepted:July 25,2015

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