

2015-04-21 02:59余梓逵
中華老年多器官疾病雜志 2015年1期

余梓逵,宋 穎,柳 林



余梓逵,宋 穎,柳 林*

(上海交通大學醫學院附屬仁濟醫院眼科,上海 200127)



視網膜中央靜脈阻塞(central retinal vein occlusion,CRVO)是一種嚴重損害>50歲人群視功能的眼底血管性疾病,缺血型患者如不能及時適當治療可造成嚴重的并發癥,如玻璃體出血(vitreous hemorrhage,VH)、虹膜新生血管(iris neovascularization,INV)及新生血管性青光眼(neovascular glaucoma,NVG)等,最終均可造成患眼失明。對于缺血型CRVO的基本治療,至今仍然是全視網膜光凝(panretinal photocoagulation,PRP)[1,2],但對于激光治療的時機尚有不同觀點。目前主要有兩種選擇,一是對缺血型CRVO患者進行預防性PRP,以減少失明風險;二是先對患者進行觀察,如發現虹膜出現新生血管,即做PRP[3]。本文擬對處于不同階段的缺血型CRVO進行PRP,分析其療效和并發癥的發生情況。

1 對象與方法

1.1 研究對象

2011年6月至2014年4月來上海交通大學醫學院附屬仁濟醫院眼科門診就診的CRVO患者,均做視力、裂隙燈、擴瞳眼底及眼底熒光血管造影(fundus fluorescein angiography,FFA)檢查。缺血型CRVO的確定標準:FFA顯示視網膜無灌注區≥10個視盤面積者,或出現INV者。本組病例不包括已經發生VH或因角膜水腫或瞳孔過小而無法進行光凝的CRVO患者。符合缺血型CRVO診斷標準的患者共41例41眼,其中無INV者34眼,有INV者7眼,基線視力HM/BE~0.6。

1.2 方法

根據激光治療時是否存在INV將患者分為無INV的A組(34眼)和已出現INV的B組(7眼),后者包括開始屬于未定型、但在隨訪過程中出現了INV的CRVO患者。所有患者均接受PRP治療,本研究使用IRIS Oculight倍頻532激光器,在接觸式廣角激光鏡下做PRP,一般每周1次,3次完成,并根據病情變化及FFA的結果,如INV不消退或眼底仍存在片狀毛細血管無灌注區,或視網膜、視盤上有新生血管,在隨訪中予補充光凝;如治療過程中發生VH或角膜混濁水腫無法繼續光凝,則治療暫?;蚪K止。激光參數選擇光凝反應Ⅱ級,光斑直徑200~300μm,點與點之間間隔半個到一個光斑直徑距離。隨訪6個月~3年,平均(19.3±8.5)個月。統計最終兩組患者的光凝次數、平均激光點數、VH的發生率、NVG的發生率和視功能等情況。

1.3 統計學處理

2 結 果

2.1 兩組患者發病年齡比較


2.2 兩組患者激光治療比較


表1 兩組患者光凝次數和總光凝點數比較

Group A: without iris neovascularization; Group B: with iris neovascularization. Compared with group A,*<0.05

2.3 兩組患者NVG發生率的比較


表2 兩組患者NVG發生率的比較

Group A: without iris neovascularization; Group B: with iris neovascularization; NVG: neovascular glaucoma; PRP: panretinal photocoagulation. Compared with group A,*<0.05

2.4 兩組患者VH發生率的比較


表3 兩組患者VH的發生率比較

Group A: without iris neovascularization; Group B: with iris neovascularization; VH: vitreous hemorrhage; PRP: panretinal photocoagulation

2.5 兩組患者治療前后視力比較


表4 兩組患者治療前后視力比較

Group A: without iris neovascularization; Group B: with iris neovascularization; HM/BE: hand motion before eye

3 討 論

視網膜靜脈阻塞(retinal vein occlusion,RVO)是老年人常見的眼底血管性疾病,發病僅次于糖尿病性視網膜病變。其中>90% CRVO患者發病年齡>50歲,男性略多于女性,其發病與高血壓、高血脂、高血糖及高血黏度等有較密切的關系[2,4]。CRVO根據其視功能及眼底缺血狀況可區分為非缺血型及缺血型,后者如不及時治療,發生VH及NVG的概率較高。盡管近年來出現了一些新的治療方法,如眼內注射類固醇激素治療CRVO所引起的黃斑水腫[5,6],抗血管內皮生長因子(vascular endothelial growth factor,VEGF)藥物治療眼內新生血管和減輕黃斑水腫[7?11],以及通過激光誘導形成視網膜脈絡膜靜脈吻合等方法[12],均取得了一定的療效,但對于缺血型CRVO來說,最根本的抑制新生血管形成的方法依然是PRP,而且治療費用相比眼內注射抗VEGF等藥物要低廉得多;定期注射抗VEGF藥物,對減輕及吸收黃斑水腫具有肯定的效果,但不能完全阻止視網膜無灌注區的擴大[13,14]。PRP通過凝固高耗氧的視網膜色素上皮細胞及光感受器,使得眼底的低氧缺血狀況得以緩解,減少視網膜無灌注區,從而減少了眼內VEGF的產生,最終抑制眼內新生血管形成、促使已有的新生血管消退、減少VH等嚴重并發癥的發生。據統計,如果缺血型CRVO不進行激光治療干預,最終約有60%的患眼將發生NVG,>20%患者發生眼底新生血管形成及VH[15]。



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(編輯: 周宇紅)

Efficiency of panretinal photocoagulation in treatment of ischemic central retinal vein occlusion at different stages

YU Zi-Kui, SONG Ying, LIU Lin*

(Department of Ophthalmology, Renji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200127, China)

To evaluate the therapeutic effect of panretinal photocoagulation (PRP) in the treatment of ischemic central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) at different stages.From June 2011 to April 2014, all the patients with ischemic CRVO diagnosed in our department by visual function, slit-lamp biomicroscopy, funduscopy under dilated pupil and fluorescein angiography were recruited in this study. Before PRP, the cohort was divided into 2 groups according to the existence of iris neovascularization (INV), that is, group A (34 eyes without INV) and group B (7 eyes with INV). All patients receivedstandard PRP treatment in a period of 2 to 3 weeks, and the additional laser treatments were given during the follow-up period based on the results of fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA) or clinical manifestations. They were followed up for 6 months to 3 years [(19.3±8.5) months]. The incidence of severe complications and the times of laser treatment were observed and compared between the 2 groups.There was no statistical difference in the term of age of onset between the 2 groups (>0.05). When PRP finished, the times of laser treatment and the total number of laser spots needed were significantly greater in group B than those in group A (<0.05). The incidence of neovascular glaucoma (NVG) was obviously higher in group B (<0.05), but there was no statistical difference in vitreous hemorrhage (VH) between the 2 groups (>0.05). No significant difference was found in the visual acuity before and after treatment in both groups (>0.05).For ischemic CRVO, the incidence of severe complications is relatively low, and the times of laser treatment and the total number of laser spots are also less when PRP is performed before the occurrence of INV.

central retinal vein occlusion, ischemic; panretinal photocoagulation; iris neovascularization






柳 林, E-mail: 18918358758@163.com
