

2016-05-30 01:31鄢晨宇
高中生學習·高二版 2016年1期


題型一: 根據信息完成文章

1. 人們生活忙碌,似乎沒有時間在家吃飯,而是在外對付。但是在家吃飯有很多好處:便宜,可以吃到想吃的食物,吃飯的環境放松,家人可以交流溝通。


Eating at home or out?

Nowadays people are so busy that it seems impossible for them to spare time to prepare a meal at home. Thus ①


However, ②


First of all, ③


Next, ④ .

Finally, ⑤


Family members can get more chances to communicate with each other quietly at home than in a noisy restaurant.

All in all, eating at home is much better than eating outside, which is much healthier at the same time.

2. 關于選擇名校和選擇好專業的問題,高中畢業生對此說法不一。請以Famous University or Better Major?為題,闡述各自的理由,并談談自己的看法。

High school graduates have different views about what kind of university they should go to.

Some students focus their attention on the universities that are very famous across the country. The students holding this view usually think

① .

They say that

② .

However, others have a preference for those that can offer a good major. Holders of the second view will argue that ③ .


They think ④ .

As far as I am concerned, ⑤

. After all, ⑥


Therefore, ⑦ . If we blindly cling to those famous universities, we may fail to develop our full potential and make a great contribution to our society.


3. 請根據以下內容要點和要求寫一篇關于綠色校園的英語征文。

征文要點: 1.建設綠色校園的重要性;2.綠色校園不僅指綠色環境;3.我們應該做什么。

A green campus not only refers to being environmentally friendly in which we can study but also the place we learn to live in harmony with our peers as well as nature.


For instance, we are not allowed to leave the classroom with the lights on. Bear in mind to turn off the tap when we dont use it. Besides, it is of great significance to raise the awareness of every student to create a green campus. Let the students keep off the grass, or encourage them to be honest and a grateful heart. They are ought to mutually respect.


4. 金錢與健康,哪一個更重要,不同的人有不同的觀點。有人認為“錢不是萬能的,但沒有錢是萬萬不能的”,他們努力地積攢財富,甚至不惜以健康為代價,請你對這一現象談談自己的看法和觀點。


② , holding that money can not bring everything, but without it, one can do nothing. In order to accumulate more money they can do anything. ③ , ④

. Once health is lost, it is no use having a lot of money.

⑤ . Everybody wants to live a happy life. So they try their best to earn money which they can ensure they lead a comfortable life, but if happiness and comfort are achieved at the cost of their health, how can they be happy? ⑥ .


1. ①a nearby restaurant often becomes their dining place

②we have a good many reasons to home-cooked meals with our family members

③it is much cheaper to have home-cooked meals. We can have a wide variety of cheaper fresh vegetables from the market than in a restaurant

④we can get the food which we want rather than that served in a restaurant which is not wanted

⑤it is generally acknowledged that home is a more relaxing place place to have meals. Family members can get more chances to communicate with each other quietly at home than in a noisy restaurant

2. ①that people tend to pay much attention to the reputation of the university

②If you are from a famous university, they will think you are an excellent student

③one should choose a good major instead of a famous university

④A good major will help you develop you ability and skills

⑤Id like to give my support to the second view

⑥it is your own ability and skills, not the fame of your university, that count most

⑦we should choose a good major and make great efforts to achieve self-development

3. ①There is no doubt that a green campus plays an important role in the physical and mental growth of each student

②From where I stand/In my point of view, making regulations and rules on campus should be the first measure we must take to ensure appropriate conducts among us students

③With the above effort, we do believe that we can create a green campus in the near future

4. ①Which is more important, wealth or health? Different people have different opinions

②Some people prefer wealth


④other people regard health as more important

⑤As far as I am concerned, I love wealth, but I value health more

⑥Without health money becomes meaningless. So, just do our best and keep fit
