

2016-12-01 19:47陳志均
高中生學習·高二版 2016年11期
















例題 Since she was a little girl, Chloe-Jeane Wendell has had a special rapport with animals. But in the two years since her family brought Sunny Boy home to their farm in Vivian, Louisiana, the 16-year-old high school junior has bonded more closely with her palomino quarter horse than anyone expected. Hit, possibly, as a colt years before, Sunny Boy was spooked by almost any human contact. “No one could catch him,” says Chloe-Jeanes dad, Mark, “but my daughter had an immediate calming effect on him that allowed her to saddle him up for a ride.” Sunny Boy and Chloe-Jeane quickly became inseparable. “Hes a sweet guy,” she says affectionately.

At the local Redbud Festival parade in March 2008, the whole Wendell family—Mark and wife Bobbi Jo, Chloe-Jeane, and her younger sister, Kristen, 15—decked themselves out in Western gear and trotted on their horses behind the Vivian sheriffs group. Chloe-Jeane rode Sunny Boy; Kristen was on her filly, Angel. A few blocks into the parade, a 75-pound pit bull shot out of the crowd right at Angel and began to attack her. When Angel kicked back, Kristen jumped off to avoid being thrown. The snarling dog then turned on the girl. Chloe-Jeane dismounted to protect her sister. "We watched in horror," recalls Mark.

When Chloe-Jeane let go of the reins, Sunny Boy started, as if to run off. But as the pit bull whipped around to pounce on Chloe-Jeane, all 1,200 pounds of Sunny Boy stopped short and jumped between them. He astonished everyone by squaring off and kicking the dog hard in the face. “I was shocked,” says Chloe-Jeane. “Usually, he avoids other animals.”

The stubborn dog kicked around and began tearing cuts in the legs of Marks horse. Animal control officials moved in and finally captured the dog, which was later euthanized (安樂死).

Chloe-Jeanes friends clustered around her, saying, "Your horse saved you!" Indeed, the behavior was highly unusual. "Ive been around horses all my life and have not seen one take on another animal like that," says Mark.

That night, Chloe-Jeane visited Sunny Boy out in the pasture. “I gave him treats and told him how thankful I was that he protected me. I think he already knew how I felt.”

Sunny Boy will likely remain a hero, as the Wendells plan to have him participate in an equine-assisted therapy program for troubled youths.

1. How many kids does Mark have?

A. 1 daughters and 2 son

B. 2 daughters

C. 3 daughters and 1 sons

D. 2 sons

2. How many horses did the dog attack?

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5

3. What kind of horse is Sunny Boy?

A. It is always very active.

B. It is always very offensive.

C. It is always very nervous.

D. It is always very timid.

4. It can be learned from this passage that ________.

A. Jeanes horse was badly injured in the attack

B. Jeanes horse won its fame for its brave behavoir

C. Jeanes horse will have another chance to help other kids

D. Jeanes horse was visited now and then for its behavoir

解析 1. B。從第2段“... Mark and wife Bobbi Jo, Chloe-Jeane, and her younger sister, Kristen, 15—d ...”可知,mark有Jeane和Kristen兩個女兒,Sunny Boy和Angel是孩子們的馬的名字。

2. A。從第2、3、4段可知,the dog攻擊了Angel 和Mark的馬。

3. D。從第3段“Usually, he avoids other animals.”可知,Sunny Boy平時總是非常膽小,連跟其他動物打個照面都躲躲閃閃的。

4. C。從最后一段可知,桑尼男孩還會繼續成為人們心目中的英雄。因為溫德爾一家打算讓他參加“小馬駒當醫生”的活動,扮演治療助手的角色,讓生病的孩子們開朗起來,早日恢復健康。

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