

2016-12-15 09:54汪文斌蘇仁杰彭倩華張祥文應正標
中國眼耳鼻喉科雜志 2016年6期

汪文斌 蘇仁杰 彭倩華 張祥文 應正標




汪文斌 蘇仁杰 彭倩華 張祥文 應正標

目的 探討聲帶白斑癌變的相關影響因素。方法 回顧分析186例聲帶白斑患者的臨床資料,分析患者性別、年齡、吸煙、酗酒、病變范圍、是否累及前連合、組織病理分級與聲帶白斑癌變的關系,篩選與聲帶白斑癌變相關的變量,選入Logistic回歸分析模型,計算這些因素的相對危險度(OR值)及95%可信區間。結果 186例聲帶白斑中25例發生了癌變,癌變率為13.4%。其中,白斑范圍、是否累及前連合、組織病理分級被選入Logistic回歸分析模型。Logistic回歸分析結果表明,是否累及前連合、組織病理分級是聲帶白斑癌變的影響因素,而病變范圍不是聲帶白斑癌變的影響因素。聲帶白斑累及前連合的癌變風險是不累及前連合的10.16倍;病理為中度異常增生(SIN2)的癌變風險是單純增生伴或不伴角化(KWD)的11.06倍,而重度異常增生(SIN3)的癌變風險是KWD的140.17倍。結論 聲帶白斑癌變與累及前連合、組織病理分級相關,累及前連合、組織病理分級為SIN2和SIN3的聲帶白斑為高風險癌變組。(中國眼耳鼻喉科雜志,2016,16:415-418)



1 資料與方法

1.1 資料 收集2000年1月~2010年12月在本科首次手術治療的186例聲帶白斑患者的臨床資料,這些患者經臨床和組織病理學檢查確診為聲帶白斑。排除喉癌放療后或術后患聲帶白斑;1年內發生癌變的患者;由于電話號碼更改或地址更換而致失訪患者8例(失訪率4.1%)。共有186例患者納入本研究。所有患者術前均接受纖維或者電子喉鏡檢查。收集的臨床資料包括性別、年齡、癥狀、病程、吸煙、酗酒、學歷、病變范圍、是否累及前連合及組織病理等。



組織病理學結果通過整個切除的手術標本進行病理學檢查最終確定,采用WHO的鱗狀上皮內病變分類方法[3]。KWD:單純增生伴角化或不全角化;SIN1:輕度異常增生,結構紊亂伴細胞非典型變化,且局限于上皮層的下1/3;SIN2:中度異常增生,結構紊亂擴展到上皮層的中1/3;SIN3:重度異常增生,結構紊亂超過上皮層的2/3。本組病例中,KWD 87例(46.8%)、SIN1 64例(34.4%)、SIN2 29例(15.6%)、SIN3 6例(3.2%)。

1.2 方法 患者均在經口氣管插管全身麻醉下行支撐喉鏡視屏內鏡(Karl STORZ,德國)下黏膜剝脫術。病變范圍經術中所見最后確認。


1.3 統計學處理 使用SPSS Statistics19軟件(SPSS,芝加哥,IL)進行統計分析,計量資料采用t檢驗,計數資料采用卡方檢驗或Fisher精確檢驗,有序計數資料采用秩和檢驗,以P<0.05表示差異有統計學意義。采用二元Logistic回歸分析檢驗多因素癌變的差異,計算相對危險度及95%可信區間。

2 結果




表1 聲帶白斑癌變的單因素分析(n)


表2 影響聲帶白斑癌變因素的二元Logistic回歸分析

表3 影響聲帶白斑癌變的多因素相對危險度分析及95%可信區間

3 討論







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(本文編輯 楊美琴)

Risk factors of malignant transformation in vocal cord leukoplakia



YING Zheng-biao, Email: hxf119850@163.com

Objective To investigate the risk factors of malignant transformation in vocal cord leukoplakia.Methods A total of 186 cases with vocal cord leukoplakia were analyzed retrospectively.Single factor test was performed to examine the associations between malignant transformation in vocal cord leukoplakia and each of the risk factors including sex,age,smoking,alcohol consumption,size, whether involving the anterior commissure and histopathological classification.Then the associations of these selected factors with malignant transformation in vocal cord leukoplakia were evaluated by fusing multiple Logistic regression analysis.Results Twenty-five cases of all 186 patients with vocal cord leukoplakia developed larynx cancer.The ratio of malignant transformation was 13.4%. Size, whether involving the anterior commissure and histopathological classification were chosen as risk factors which were incorporated into the multiple Logistic regression models.The multiple Logistic regression showed that whether involving the anterior commissure and histopathological classification were the risk factors of malignant transformation in vocal cord leukoplakia,but the size was not. The risk of involving the anterior commissure was 10.16 times as high as that not involving the anterior commissure. The risk of moderate dysplasia was 11.06 times as high as that with hyperplasia,while severe dysplasia was 140.17 times.Conclusions Involving of the anterior commissure and histopathological classification were the risk factors of malignant transformation in vocal cord leukoplakia. (Chin J Ophthalmol and Otorhinolaryngol,2016,16:415-418)

Vocal cord leukoplakia; Malignant transformation; Risk factors


溫州醫科大學附屬溫嶺醫院耳鼻咽喉科 溫嶺 317500




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