

2017-07-07 20:39郭玉章
試題與研究·高考英語 2017年2期




第一部分 聽力(略)

第二部分 閱讀理解(共兩節,滿分40分)




I was going to Paris, which Id always wanted to see. But now I was frightened to travel alone. I arrived at the train station in Paris. I hadnt spoken my college French for twenty years. On my first metro ride, I came across an incompetent(不勝任的)thief. I just stared at him, and he stopped his hand from my purse and disappeared into the crowd. Somewhere in this confusing city was my hotel hidden, but the directions suddenly werent easy to find. When I finally found the hotel, my heart was beating heavily, and I was sweating like a basketball player. I couldnt stay. Could I? The wallpaper looked like it had been through a fire. The bathroom was downstairs, and the window looked out onto the brick wall of another building. Welcome to Paris. I sincerely wanted to die. I missed my friends. I was entering my third week away from home and my kids, and I had arrived in the most romantic city in the world, alone, lonely and frightened.

The most important thing I did in Paris happened at that moment. I knew that if I didnt go out, right then, and find a place to have dinner, I would hide in this small room my entire time in Paris. I might never learn to enjoy the world as a single individual. So I went out. Evening in Paris was light and pleasant. I walked along a path, listening to birds sing, watching children float toy boats in a huge fountain. No one seemed to be in a hurry. Paris was beautiful. And I was here alone and suddenly not lonely. My sense of accomplishment overcoming my fear and weakness had left me feeling free. I wore out two pairs of shoes during my weeks stay in Paris. I did everything there was to do, and it was the greatest week of my European vacation. I returned home, becoming a believer in the power of traveling alone. Now when I meet difficulties I just say to myself, “If I can go to Paris, I can go anywhere.”

21. What happened on my first metro ride?

A. I came across a skillful thief.

B. I scared away a thief trying to steal.

C. The thief successfully stole my purse. D. I bravely caught a thief trying to steal.

22. The room in the hotel where I lived ________.

A. had just gone through a big fire

B. was in very poor conditions

C. had a good sight through the window

D. was very small and untidy

23. The lifestyle of French people can be considered as ________.

A. relaxed B. rushed

C. anxious D. aggressive

24. As to the writer, the power of traveling alone is _______.

A. the power of being independent

B. the power of feeling free

C. the power of overcoming difficulties

D. the power of becoming optimistic


My first memory of volunteering was when I was 7 years old. I still recall that day: it was warm but breezy, everyone was in a good mood, and we finished ahead of schedule. Certainly, I was too young to do any heavy lifting, but I remember feeling a wave of emotion when we completed the project.

To now, Im still addicted to that feeling. I still love giving back to the place I now call home, the San Francisco Bay Area. Many animals shelters in California lack staff, including the City of Stockton Animal Shelter. My background is in marketing, and in my spare time, I act as webmaster to keep their website up to date.

And with a love for animals, I recently just started at Rabbit Rescue as a rabbit socializer! I spend 2 hours a week hanging out with rabbits to make them perfect pets. From just sitting with them to get them used to humans or playing with them to give them exercise, it is the perfect excuse to get out and help animals in need!

As you can tell, I have a soft spot for animals. Even as a young child, I wanted to be the voice for them. As I grew older and gained more professional talents, skilled volunteering is where I found the greatest reward when using my marketing skills for good and playing with rabbit—now thats volunteer heaven!

Many people do not want to bring work home. But what if you were using your “work” to help a cause! That is why I think skilled volunteering is so important. Countless nonprofit organizations do not have the budget to hire for every skill. With skilled volunteering, professionals can set aside a few hours a month for specific tasks like graphic designing and accounting. Next time youre looking for a volunteer job, consider using your professional skills to make a difference!

25. What is Paragraph 1 mainly about?

A. The writer finished the work on schedule.

B. The first memory of volunteering is still fresh.

C. The writer was old enough to lift heavy things.

D. It was rather cold on the first day of his volunteering.

26. In his free time, the writer .

A. works as a web professional

B. learns marketing

C. looks for workers

D. works as a rabbit socializer

27. In the writers eyes, he can find the greatest reward from .

A. training rabbits

B. helping animals

C. professional talents

D. skilled volunteering

28. In the last paragraph, the writer wants to tell us .

A. the ways to become a skilled volunteer

B. the importance of skilled volunteering

C. how to spend our spare time

D. how to use skills to make a difference


JOHANNESBURG—They say cats have nine lives. Now a Chinese toad(蟾蜍) has joined that club of clever survivors.

South Africans are shocked at the endurance of a toad that got trapped in a cargo shipment from China to Cape Town, after jumping into a porcelain(瓷器) candlestick(燭臺) that was made there. South African officials reportedly planned to put down the creature, fearing it would cause harm as an invasive species if it were let go in the wild.

But the toad got a last-minute pardon. Mango Airlines, a South African airline, transported the toad on Friday to Johannesburg for delivery to an animal shelter, after officials decided to find a way to let the toad live. The two-hour fight was a breeze compared to the trip from China, a long way of many weeks and thousands of kilometers across the Indian Ocean.

Airline spokesman Hein Kaiser said the toad got “first-class treatment”, sitting in a transparent plastic container with escort Brett Glasby, an animal welfare inspector. There was even a ceremony, in which the toads boarding pass was handed to Glasby.

“He was the star of the show on the flight. He was the amphibious(兩棲的) passenger. I think every passenger stopped to have a look.”Kaiser said.

On landing in Johannesburg, the toad was brought out of its container for a celebrity-style photo shoot. Observers said the brown toad seemed like a cool customer. It belongs to the Asian Toad species, which breeds during the monsoon(季風) season. It is believed to have survived the trip from China by hardening its skin to prevent it from drying out, and also by slowing its breathing and heart rate—methods that help the species survive in times of drought.

“Weve had snakes in imported timber and scorpions(蝎子) in fruit. We were called because the toad was right inside the candlestick, and we had to break it to get it out” Glasby, the inspector, told The Star, a South African newspaper.

29. The underlined phrase “an invasive species” in second paragraph may refer to _________.

A. something which is not used to the local conditions

B. something which is harmful to the native creatures

C. something which has never appeared in local areas

D. something which is greatly good to the local people

30. The toad was able to arrive in South Africa alive_________.

A. because it slowed its breath on the way

B. because it used methods in times of drought

C. because it formed hard skin to protect itself

D. because many people looked after it carefully

31. It can be inferred from the passage that_________.

A. sometimes animals are transported accidentally

B. no one has seen such a big toad in Africa

C. a candlestick is the best place for a toad

D. droughts make toads live longer

32.What is the best title of the text?

A. A journey-loving toad.

B. A marvelous China toad.

C. A toad that has nine lives.

D. A toad in a porcelain candlestick.


Disney World has four theme parks. A single-day admission ticket to any of these four theme parks is $67 for adults and $ 56 for young children above three years. The very best time to come here includes middle of April to late May, and Labor Day to middle of November or early December.

Magic Kingdom

This is the original Disney park from which the entire Disney World has expanded. Once you get here, you can pose for pictures with the Disney characters at the entrance. But if you want to save time, go straight to the Main Street. The children would almost certainly desire to see the Dumbo and Winnie. Just remember the parking lot is usually packed. You will need to walk to the entrance gate.


Epcot is divided into two sections: World Showcase and Future World. Future World is all about futuristic rides and high-tech attractions like Test Track and Turtle Talk with Crush. The World Showcase, which lies along a lake, shows international styles from different parts of the globe, including Germany, Canada, Mexico, China and a lot more.

Animal Kingdom

If youre an animal lover, youll really like the Animal Kingdom. The newest addition to this part of Disney World is the Expedition Everest ride plus the Finding Nemo stage show. Its very best to come here in the morning when the animals are more active. The safari(游獵)is open but the opening hours depend on the animals, and how active they are during the day.

Disneys Hollywood Studios

You will discover plenty of huge attractions inside this movie park. Indiana Jones, Playhouse Disney Live, Beauty and the Beast Live on Stage, and also the Lights, Motors, Actions Extreme Stunt show are just few of what you need to watch out for. It is also the very best spot for taking pictures with Disney characters.

33. If your parents bring your three-year-old little brother to visit Magic Kingdom, the cost is at least_______.

A. $123 B. $255

C. $134 D. $179

34. You think Epcot is worth visiting probably because you can_______.

A. see the most popular movies nowadays

B. enjoy the foreign styles along the lake

C. take pictures with the Disney characters

D. go hunting wherever you like

35. Which of the following may have something to do with animals?

A. Actions Extreme Stunt show.

B. The Dumbo and Winnie.

C. Playhouse Disney Live.

D. The Finding Nemo stage show.



Being Polite is Good For You

Little did we know that this basic, common courtesy was more than just for keeping up appearances: 36 Good manners can go a long way, and after reading about these fast-acting benefits, youll be saying your pleases & thank yous a bit more often!

1. 37

A study published earlier this month in the journal Clinical Psychological Science found that people who partake in “prosocial behaviors,” such as holding the door open for someone or engaging in simple, friendly actions, were found to have an increased feeling of positive mental health, even on extremely stressful days.

2. You feel better about yourself

When you are nice to someone, its not just the receiver of the nice act who benefits —

38 Clinical psychologist Lara Honos-Webb, PhD, confirms this “helpers high” in a Psychology Today blog: “When we help others and do kind acts, it causes our brain to release endorphins, the chemicals that give us feelings of warmth and high spirits,” she says.

3. It can lower blood pressure

Physical benefits have also been linked to these types of supportive social interactions.

A study published in the International Journal of Psychophysiology found that people who offer social support to others have lower blood pressure than people who dont. Maybe its the result of good karma(因緣) or maybe its simply a side effect of stress reduction — 39

4. It could help you live longer

The ultimate reward for being polite? A longer life. The Corporation for National and Community Service came out with a collection of studies called “The Health Benefits of Volunteering,” which concluded that people who offer emotional support to others had lower mortality rates than those who do not.

40 After all, the holidays are all about the spirit of giving, and at the end of the day its a win-win for everyone involved!

A. It reduces stress

B. So, what better time to start being polite than during the holiday season?

C. The act of being polite can actually be good for you.

D. So, even small acts of politeness can give you a more relaxed disposition overall!

E. you get satisfaction from it, too.

F. If theres one thing we can thank our mothers for, its their constant reminders to always be polite.

G. either way, its a wonderful health boost for those hoping to keep their blood pressure levels low.

第三部分 英語知識運用(共兩節,滿分45分)

第一節 完形填空(共20小題;每題1.5分,滿分30分)


People from every corner flooded into the streets that Christmas Eve. “Frosty the Snowman,” and “Jingle Bells” 41 in stores; on the pavements, the street singers performed happily. Everyone was 42 by someone else, delighted and cheerful. I was alone.

As one of 8 kids of a Brazilian family, brought up in Americas crowded apartment, Id spent several years searching for aloneness. Now, 43 , at 27, a college student after the 44

with my girlfriend, every cell inside me wanted to be alone, 45 not at Christmas. My family had 46 to Brazil and my friends were 47

with their own lives. Dusk was approaching, and the fact that I had to return to my 48 home made me sad. Lights from windows blinked (閃爍), and I hoped someone would 49 from one of those homes to invite me inside with a Christmas tree decorated with shiny fake snow and 50 presents.

At a market, I felt more 51 when people were buying lots of goods, which 52 the gifts we received as children in my mind. I missed my family and wanted to cry for wanting to be alone and for having achieved it.

Outside the church, a manger (耶穌像) had been set 53 . I stood with others watching the scene, some of them 54 themselves, praying. As I walked home, I realized that leaving Brazil was still a painful experience as I struggled with

55 I had become in 15 years in America. Id mourned (悲嘆) the 56 , but for the first time, I recognized what Id gained. I was independent,

57 and healthy. My life was still ahead, full of

58 .

Sometimes the best gift is the one that you give yourself. That Christmas, I gave myself 59

for what Id obtained up to now and promise to go forward. It is the best gift Ive ever got, the one that I most 60 .

41. A. served B. held

C. shared D. played

42. A. employed B. attended

C. supported D. accompanied

43. A. eventually B. usually

C. extremely D. really

44. A. date B. sympathy

C. breakup D. concern

45. A. but B. so

C. and D. or

46. A. moved B. returned

C. slipped D. came

47. A. bored B. pleased

C. satisfied D. occupied

48. A. empty B. warm

C. shabby D. cozy

49. A. hang out B. go away

C. turn up D. break in

50. A. donated B. wrapped

C. discounted D. dealt

51. A. nervous B. excited

C. upset D. tired

52. A. called up B. called for

C. called on D. called in

53. A. aside B. about

C. down D. up

54. A. crossing B. hugging

C. bowing D. bending

55. A. that B. what

C. how D. which

56. A. worries B. cases

C. limits D. losses

57. A. educated B. lonely

C. shy D. free

58. A. sadness B. possibility

C. hardship D. sight

59. A. prize B. defeat

C. credit D. surprise

60. A. save B. admit

C. select D. value


第三部分 英語知識運用(共兩節,滿分45分)


閱讀下面短文,在空白處填入1個適當的單詞或括號內單詞的正確形式。 并將答案填寫在答題卡相應的位置上。

I made a promise to 61 (me) on the

way down to the vacation beach cottage. For two weeks I would try to be a loving husband and father. Totally loving. No ifs, ands or 62


So it went. 63 (relax) and happy, thats how the whole vacation passed. I made 64 new promise to keep on remembering 65 (choose) love.

There was one thing 66 went wrong with my experiment, however. Evelyn and I still laugh 67 it today. On the last night at our cottage, preparing for bed, Evelyn stared at me with the 68 (sad) expression.

“Whats the matter?” I asked her.

“Tom,” she said in a voice filled with distress, “I dont?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well…that checkup I had several weeks ago…our doctor…did he tell you something about me? Tom, you 69 (be) so good to me…am I dying?”

It took a moment for it all to be understood.

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