

2018-04-02 09:12山東董明義
瘋狂英語·初中天地 2018年12期

山東 董明義


1.I like Monday because I have P.E. and history.


①—Why does Bob like history?鮑勃為什么喜歡歷史?

—Because it's interesting.因為它有趣。

②Many children like pandas because they are cute.許多孩子喜歡熊貓,因為它們很可愛。

2.—Who's your P.E. teacher?


who是疑問代詞,意為“誰”,用來對“人”進行提問。答句為簡略回答形式,完整的回答應為“My P.E. teacher is Mr.Hu.”。例如:

—Who is the boy?那個男孩是誰?

—He is my cousin.他是我表弟。

3.Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00.


①I work from Monday to Friday.我從星期一到星期五工作。

②It is very far from his home to school.從他家到學校很遠。

4.Can you give me some advice, please?

advice意為“建議;勸告”,是不可數名詞,無復數形式,不可用不定冠詞或數詞修飾,但可用some、any、much、a lot of等詞修飾。要表達“一條建議”,應用a piece of advice來表示。例如:

①Let me give you a piece of advice.讓我給你提一條建議吧。

②This is some advice to you.這是我給你的一些建議。

5.Unless we talk to someone, we'll certainly feel worse.


Unless you work harder, you will not pass the examination. (=If you don't work harder, you will not pass the examination.) 如果不加倍努力一點,你就不能通過考試。

6.So you're halfway to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it.


I told him about the news by sending an email.我是通過發電子郵件告訴他這消息的。

7.Some students often forgot that their parents have more experience.


①She is a teacher with 25 years' experience.她是一位有25年教學經驗的老師。

②He had a pleasant experience.他有過一段愉快的經歷。


They experienced a lot of difficulties.他們經歷了很多困難。

8.Well, the more I got to know Julie, the more I've realized that we have a lot in common.

“the +比較級,the +比較級”結構,意為“越……,就越……”,表示逐漸地增加。例如:

①The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you'll make.你越細心,出的錯就越少。

②The higher you climb, the farther you will see.你爬得越高,就看得越遠。

9.I'd rather go to Blue Ocean because I like to listen to quiet music while I'm eating.

would rather意為“寧愿;寧可”,通??s寫為'd rather,后接動詞原形,其否定形式是would rather not do sth.。例如:

①He would rather work in the countryside.他寧可到農村去工作。

②The girl would rather not say anything.這個女孩什么也不愿說。

【拓展】would rather...than...意為“寧愿……也不愿;是……而不是……”,would rather和than的后面都要接動詞原形,但如果該句型前后連接的兩個動詞相同,那么than之后的那個動詞可省去。例如:

①They would rather go fishing than stay at home.他們寧愿去釣魚,也不愿待在家里。

②I'd rather play football than basketball.我寧愿踢足球,也不想打籃球。

10.Neither medicine nor rest can help him.


①I have neither time nor money.我既沒有時間也沒有錢。

②Neither I nor my father enjoys the music.我和我父親都不喜歡這種音樂。

③It is neither hot nor cold in winter here.冬天這兒既不熱也不冷。

11.By the time I arrived at the party, everyone else had already shown up.

show up意為“如約趕到;露面”,是固定短語。例如:

①He didn't show up in the meeting this morning.他今天早上沒有參加會議。

②I promise you that he will show up.我向你保證他肯定會來的。


1.—_____do you like Wolf Warriors II?

—Because it's exciting.


A.Why B.What C.How

【答案與解析】A 本題考查疑問詞。 A.Why“為什么”;B.What“什么”;C.How“怎樣”。句意:——你為什么喜歡《戰狼2》?——因為它令人興奮。故選A項。

2.—_____will you ask for help when you are in trouble?

—My parents, I think.


A.Who B.What

C.Where D.When

【答案與解析】A 句意:——當你遇到困難時,你會向誰求助?——我的父母,我認為。對人提問的疑問詞用who。故選A項。

3.Please give me some_____on how to spend the coming weekend.


A.space B.advice

C.praise D.courage

【答案與解析】B A.space“空間”;B.advice“建議”;C.praise“贊揚;稱贊”;D.courage“勇氣”。根據句意“請給我一些關于如何度過即將到來的周末的建議?!迸袛?,應選B項。

4.Lots of people exercise every morning_____bad weather stops them.


A.if B.unless

C.until D.since

【答案與解析】B A.if“如果”,引導條件狀語從句;B.unless“除非;如果不”,引導條件狀語從句;C.until“到……時”,引導時間狀語從句;D.since“自從”,引導時間狀語從句。根據句意判斷,應選B項。

5._____convenient the way is! We can pay money_____scanning QR codes (二維碼) in many shops.


A.How; for B.How; by C.What; by

【答案與解析】B 第一句為感嘆句,應用how來修飾形容詞。第二句意為“在許多商店里我們可通過掃描二維碼來支付費用?!?,介詞by有“用……方式”的意思,故選B項。

6.—I don't know how to use the App Fun Dubbing.

—Ask Jimmy for help. He has lots of_____in doing it.


A.experience B.trouble C.courage

【答案與解析】A A.experience“經驗”;B.trouble“麻煩”;C.courage“勇氣”。根據句意“他在這方面很有經驗”判斷,應選A項。

7.—Do you prefer_____basketball with me?

—No, I'd rather_____at home and watch TV.


A.play; stay B.to play; to stay

C.play; to stay D.to play; stay

【答案與解析】D prefer后面可跟動詞不定式,would rather后面要跟動詞原形。故選D項。

8.Neither Tom nor I_____interested in playing WeChat.


A.am B.is C.are D.be

【答案與解析】A neither...nor...意為“既不……也不……”,連接兩個并列主語時,應遵循“就近原則”,句子中離謂語最近的主語是I,所以用am。

9.—How hard you are working, Helen!

—We must! President Xi said that_____we are,_____we will be.


A.the more hard-working; the luckier

B.the hard-working; the lucky

C.more hard-working; luckier

D.the most hard-working; the luckiest

【答案與解析】A “the+比較級,the+比較級”表示“越……越……”。句意:——海倫,你們工作多么努力??!——我們必須努力。習主席說了,我們越勤奮,我們將越幸運。hard-working意為“勤奮的”,是形容詞的原級,其比較級形式是more hard-working(更勤奮的),最高級形式是the most hard-working(最勤奮的)。lucky意為“幸運的”,是形容詞的原級,其比較級形式是luckier(更幸運的),最高級形式是the luckiest(最幸運的)。根據句意和結構,應選A項。



1.—_____do you like ping-pong?

—Because it is relaxing.

A.How B.When

C.Why D.Where

2.He goes to work_____Monday to Saturday.

A.on B.in C.at D.from

3.—_____is the young man with a pair of glasses?

—My uncle, John.

A.How B.Who C.Where D.What

4.—What_____can you give me on learning English?

—I think you can join an English club.

A.advice B.news

C.messages D.information

5.—The air pollution is terrible.

—Yes. It will be worse_____we take action to protect the environment.

A.if B.unless

C.until D.when

6.I think you can improve your English_____practicing more.

A.by B.with C.of D.in

7.—What do you think of your last trip?

—I had a very scary_____in the mountains. I won't go there again.

A.assistant B.experience

C.station D.souvenir

8.My father would rather_____the old bike than_____a new one.

A.repair;to buy

B.to repair;buy


D.to repair;to buy

9.—How do you like the two white T-shirts?

—They don't fit me well. They are_____too long_____too short.

A.not only; but also

B.both; and

C.neither; nor

D.either; or


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