

2018-05-08 11:11徐寶王宇廷馬藝光

徐寶 王宇廷 馬藝光

摘 要 在加權p,q對稱損失函數下,對實際中廣泛應用的兩參數Pareto分布,當刻度參數已知時,用參數估計方法,研究了形狀參數的最小風險同變估計的形式和性質. 得到了最小風險同變估計的一般形式,又經由該參數的廣義Bayes估計,得到了最小風險同變估計的精確形式,并證明了這一最小風險同變估計具有最小最大性,從而它也是該參數的最小最大估計,由此將Pareto分布形狀參數的最小風險同變估計、廣義Bayes估計以及最小最大估計聯系起來.

關鍵詞 Pareto分布;最小風險同變估計;Bayes估計;最小最大估計

中圖分類號 O212.8文獻標識碼 A文章編號 1000-2537(2017)06-0076-04

Abstract For the Pareto distribution, in the present work, the form and property of the minimum risk equivariant estimator for shape parameters with known local parameters were investigated under weighted p, q symmetric entropy loss by the method of parameter estimation. The general form of the minimum risk equivariant estimator was obtained, and the exact form of the minimum risk equivariant estimator was found using the general Bayes estimator of shape parameter. The minimaxity of this minimum risk equivariant estimator was proved. The relationships among the general Bayes estimator, the minimum risk equivariant estimator, and the minimax estimator have been established.

Key words Pareto distribution; minimum risk equivariant estimator; Bayes estimator; minimax estimator

3 結束語

Pareto分布參數的估計是現代統計文獻中比較常見的研究內容,本文基于p, q對稱損失函數,經由廣義Bayes估計,在刻度參數給定條件下,較快捷地給出了形狀參數的最小風險同變估計的精確形式,并證明了它還是該參數的最小最大估計.本文得到的估計形式更簡捷,可根據需要靈活調整待定常數p, q的值以得到預期的估計形式.


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