
Find a Person Willing to Listen to Your Talk of Nonsense

2018-06-26 08:14本刊編輯部
意林(繪英語) 2018年2期

A psychologist found that if a person talks more than 90% of useless words, then he is happy.If the useless words are less than 50%, then the sense of happiness he feels is not enough. In communication, language without strong sense of purpose is easy to make people feel comfortable.So every day we are seeking for①seek for 尋找;追求;探索 resignation 英 [rez?g'ne??(?)n] 美 [,r?z?ɡ'ne??n]n. 辭職;放棄;辭職書;順從happiness.

What's happiness? Maybe it's to fi nd a person willing to listen to your talk of nonsense.
