
China (and Asia) Are Driving a Booming Global ESports Market

2018-10-31 05:30By
英語世界 2018年10期


Ben Wu’s hard work in college led to a degree in biomedical engineering and a well-paid job at a Chicago trading firm.But in spite of being the envy of many of his peers, he quit after just three years to become a professional PC online game player.Going by the name Merlini, he was able to earn more money playing games, likeDefense of the Ancients(DotA), and working as a commentator for eSports tournaments than he ever did as a trader.


[2]Wu’s career trajectory is emblematic1emblematic有代表性的。of the growth of eSports, which are booming globally, but particularly in Asia where champions and commentators have achieved cult-like status.And people like Wu are playing digital games and earning more money than the majority of us make at our 9-5 jobs.


[3]In a true testament to how big eSports have grown, look no further than2look no further than只需要看……就夠了;沒有比……更好的。the dictionary.Now an official word on dictionary.com, eSports can be used as a noun (usually used with a plural verb) or an adjective: (n) competitive tournaments of video games, especially among professional gamers; (adj) of or relating to eSports: an eSports event;eSports gambling.


[4]ESports can be played on PCs or mobile devices, the latter segment is predictably experiencing a huge boom,especially in China.Massive live tournaments, such as theLeague of legendsWorld Championships, with millions of dollars up for grabs3up for grabs可供爭奪的。, are held every year and Chinese teams are a force to be reckoned with.


[5]Today, eSports gamers like Wu are professionals leaving coveted jobs in finance to earn more money playing video games.These gamers have fans; Wu in particular has thousands of followers watching his online gaming tutorials on YouTube and Twitch, the streaming service that Amazon bought for nearly $1 billion.We estimate there are 100 million eSports fans in China now.They watch professional competitions, either live or online, on many video sites that are China’s answer4answer堪稱相當的事物。to Twitch.


[6]And, while eSports typically comprises PC online games today, there is already growth in the mobile eSports segment, too, where gamers play competitive eSports on mobile devices such as tablets or smartphones.


[7]The most common games associated with eSport competitions are realtime strategy (RTS), fighting, firstperson shooter (FPS), and multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) games.


[8]Gaming competitions have existed for amateurs since the ’70s.Arguably the first eSports event took place in 1972 on the campus of Stanford University, where students battled each other in the gameSpacewarfor a grand prize of a year’s subscription toRolling Stonemagazine.Eight years later, in 1980, Atari5雅達利公司,街機游戲、家庭視頻游戲機和家用電腦領域的先驅,1972年由諾蘭·布什內爾和泰德·達布尼在美國加州森尼維爾創立。held aSpace Invaderstournament,the first large-scale video game competition, drawing 10,000 participants from across the U.S.


[9]The dominance of MOBA games is perhaps the strongest case of all for its legitimacy6legitimacy合理。as a bona fide7bona fide真實的。genre.MOBA games have had a direct impact on turning eSports into a place for amateurs having fun into revenue-driving professional events.I believe that demand for MOBA games is driving a resurgence in demand for Internet cafés across China and Asia, as gamers prefer to play face-to-face and to socialize

[9]MOBA游戲之所以在電競中占主導地位,可能是因為它最真實可信。MOBA游戲直接影響了電子競技從業余愛好者的單純玩樂轉變成收入驅動的職業賽事。我認為,人們對MOBA游戲的需求正在推動中國乃至亞洲各國網咖的復蘇,因為玩家喜歡與他們的5人團隊和5人對手團隊面對面with their 5-person teams and 5-person opponents, which is how many such games are structured.The use ofinternet cafés bottomed out8bottom out(惡劣局勢等)降到最低點。in 2013, and in 2014 and 2015 we saw an increase in the use ofinternet cafés for competitive gaming and viewing eSports.

[10]The most lucrative event in the eSports world isDota 2—The International9美國Valve公司舉辦的Dota 2系列賽事。, with a purse10purse(體育比賽的)獎金。of $18 million in 2015.Compare that to purses from other sporting events, and the rise of eSports plus the impact of games likeDota 2becomes clear:

·The Masters: $10 million

·Tour de France: $2.6 million

·Wimbledon Mens/Womens Singles: $14.86 million


? 美國高爾夫大師賽:1000萬美元

? 環法自行車賽:260萬美元

? 溫布爾登網球錦標賽男/女單:1486萬美元

[11]A key point to keep in mind when defining eSports is that it’s not just aboutplayingthe games—watching eSports competitions is a world onto its own.According to ESPN, more people watched the 2014League of legendsworld championship finals than Game 7 of the World Series or the clinching game of the NBA Finals.There are more than 100 million eSports fans in China alone, watching professional gamers and tournaments online, live or on TV.合作和交流,五對五也是大多數這類游戲的設計架構。網咖消費在2013年降到谷底,2014和2015年,到網咖玩競技游戲和觀看電子競技的人數有所增加。


[12]ESPN and Tencent, the largest online games company in China, and

[12]騰訊是中國最大的網絡游戲公司,也是世界上市值one of the largest Internet companies in the world by market cap, have teamed up11team up合作。to cover sports in China.ESPN aired the Heroes of the Dorm tournament, in which college teams competed while playing Blizzard12暴雪娛樂公司,美國視頻游戲開發商和出版商,總部設在加州歐文,是美國動視暴雪公司的子公司?!痵Heroes of the Stormin order to be awarded $500,000 and college tuitions for the winners—in 2016 the winner was Arizona State.

[13]Market estimates are that the total global market for eSports was nearly$750 million in 2015, nearly half of that from Asia led by China and South Korea.


[14]There’s no denying eSports is a world with huge potential for gamers.With gamers and viewers flocking in record numbers, eSports represents a huge market opportunity for companies in terms of sponsorships, advertising,merchandise, and much more.


[15]“Be Like Mike?”13佳得樂的一個廣告片,由美國籃球明星邁克爾·喬丹主演,1992年播出。Who knows…maybe one day Gatorade will be telling us to “Be like Wu.” 最大的互聯網公司之一。ESPN和騰訊已達成合作,在中國報道體育賽事。ESPN轉播了“宿舍英雄”比賽,該項賽事由大學組隊參加,所玩游戲是暴雪娛樂公司出品的《風暴英雄》,獲勝者將贏得50萬美元獎金和大學學費——2016年的獲勝方是亞利桑那州州立大學。


基于Cite Space的國外電子競技研究進展與趨勢分析