
Julie of the Wolves (Excerpt I)

2018-10-31 05:30By
英語世界 2018年10期


Miyax pushed back the hood of her sealskin parka and looked at the Arctic sun.It was a yellow disc in a lime-green sky, the colors of six o’clock in the evening and the time when the wolves awoke.Quietly she put down her cooking pot and crept to the top of a dome-shaped frost heave, one of the many earth buckles that rise and fall in the crackling cold of the Arctic winter.Lying on her stomach, she looked across a vast lawn of grass and moss and focused her attention on the wolves she had come upon two sleeps ago.They were wagging their tails as they awoke and saw each other.


[2]Her hands trembled and her heartbeat quickened, for she was frightened,not so much of the wolves, who were shy and many harpoon-shots away, but because of her desperate predicament.Miyax was lost.She had been lost without food for many sleeps on the North Slope of Alaska.The barren slope stretches for two hundred miles from the Brooks Range to the Arctic Ocean,and for more than eight hundred miles from Canada to the Chukchi Sea.No roads cross it; ponds and lakes freckle its immensity.Winds scream across it,and the view in every direction is exactly the same.Somewhere in this cosmos was Miyax; and the very life in her body, its spark and warmth, depended upon these wolves for survival.And she was not so sure they would help.


[3]Miyax stared hard at the regal black wolf, hoping to catch his eye.She must somehow tell him that she was starving and ask him for food.This could be done she knew, for her father,an Eskimo hunter, had done so.One year he had camped near a wolf den while on a hunt.When a month had passed and her father had seen no game,he told the leader of the wolves that he was hungry and needed food.The next night the wolf called him from far away and her father went to him and found a freshly killed caribou.Unfortunately,Miyax’s father never explained to her how he had told the wolf of his needs.And not long afterward he paddled his kayak into the Bering Sea to hunt for seal, and he never returned.


[4]She had been watching the wolves for two days, trying to discern which of their sounds and movements expressed goodwill and friendship.Most animals had such signals.The little Arctic ground squirrels flicked their tails sideways to notify others of their kind that they were friendly.By imitating this signal with her forefinger, Miyax had lured many a squirrel to her hand.If she could discover such a gesture for the wolves she would be able to make friends with them and share their food,like a bird or a fox.


[5]Propped on her elbows with her chin in her fists,she stared at the black wolf, trying to catch his eye.She had chosen him because he was much larger than the others, and because he walked like her father, Kapugen, with his head high and his chest out.The black wolf also possessed wisdom, she had observed.The pack looked to him when the wind carried strange scents or the birds cried nervously.If he was alarmed, they were alarmed.If he was calm, they were calm.



【第一段】parka是愛斯基摩人特有的皮衣,如果只翻譯成大衣不能傳達特有的文化信息,所以譯文添加了“愛斯基摩人”。而frost heave的詞典釋義為“冰凍隆脹”,即凍土堆。愛斯基摩人喜歡用sleeps(過幾夜)來表示時間或距離(比如,two sleeps away就是需要走上兩天的距離),但“兩夜之前”(two sleeps ago)在中文里較為費解,譯文就轉譯為“兩天之前”。

【第二段】段中有一個句式she was frightened not so much of… but because of,中間還有一個插入的定語從句who were…,如果照搬原來句式,容易造成語義不暢。譯文中重復了“她害怕的”,這樣就使得上下文聯系起來。文中還有一個文化專有項harpoon-shots,即投擲魚叉的距離,如直譯,即為“相隔有好幾次投擲魚叉的距離”,如此雖能傳譯愛斯基摩文化特色,但譯文較為費解。于是譯者將其簡化為“幾十米外”,這算是翻譯中的損失。倒數第二句的譯文基本上是直譯,看似有點奇怪,但原文如此,文學性強,相信中文讀者也能接受。

【第三段】短語catch his eye文中出現了好幾次,不宜直譯,譯文選擇了“對上目光”和“對上眼”。愛斯基摩人文化專有詞語kayak(皮船)在譯文中得到了保留,而且添加了“愛斯基摩人”使其明晰化。

【第四段】短語others of their kind如直譯為“同類中的其他人”較為啰唆,于是簡化為“同類”。而imitating this signal如直譯為“模仿這個信號”在中文里會顯得奇怪,于是改譯為“模仿這個動作”。



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