
“The Four Number One Treasures”

2018-11-24 02:57
Special Focus 2018年10期

“The Four Number One Treasures”refers to the four kinds of herbs from the Tujia ethnic minority that lives in the Shennongjia Forestry District.They are also called“the Four Great Chinese Medicines,”including“One Flower with Seven Leaves,”“One Pearl on the Head,”“One Writing Brush of Emperor Wen,”and“One Bowlof Water by the River.”

“One Flower with Seven Leaves”

This particular medicine is the dry rhizome of the Liliaceae.It has around seven to ten ovalleaves,which are attached to the tip ofa stem and its flowers can only grow on the blade,and thus the name is given to this plant.For its big and leaf-like outertepals and degraded linearinnerones,with golden colorwhen it’s ripened,itis also named“Paris polyphylla”or“Golden Paris polyphylla;”its rhizome looks something like a conch,so it is known as “conch seven.”This herbal medicine mainly distributes itself in Laojunshan Mountain,Small Shennongjia,and towns like Songluo,Hongping,Dajiuhu ofShennongjia.

Medicinal effects include heat-clearing and detoxifying,alleviating swelling and pain,and is often used for mumps,tonsillitis,sore throat,mastitis,bruising injuries,and carbuncle.It is extremely effective in treating mosquito and snake bites.

“One Pearlon the Head”

The medicine is the rhizome and mature fruit of the Trillium Tschonoskii(literally“Life-prolonging Grass”in Chinese).It has three leaves which are attached to a single stem,and its flowers can only grow on new leaves;it bears round fruits after flowering,and when it’s ripened,these dark purple and shiny fruits look like a girl in a veil with a jewel on her head,thus it is given the name“One Pearl on the Head.”This herbal medicine is mainly distributed in Small Shennongjia,Laojunshan Mountain,and towns like Songluo,Hongping,Dajiuhu of Shennongjia.

Medicinal effects include blood coagulation,alleviation of swelling and pain,dispelling wind,and eliminating dampness,and it is often used for hypertension,neurasthenia,vertigo&headache,and traumatic injury.Trillium Tschonoskii is a rare and endangered plant species,and a third-class protected plant in China.

“One Writing Brush of Emperor Wen”

This plant is a parasitic fungus on the root of other plants,and the dry plant of Balanophora is used as medicinalmaterial.Its inflorescence resembles a thick brush.According to folklore,Emperor Wen of the Zhou Dynasty once used it as a pen to compose poems,draw a picture,and look over the official reports when he stayed in Shennongjia.Hence the plant is known as the“One Writing Brush of Emperor Wen.”It mainly distributes itself in Bancang Village of Hongping Town,Dalongtan of Muyu Town,Xiaguping Town,and otherplaces.

It is used to treat bleeding, promoting granulation, analgesia, and often for stomach diseases, nose hemorrhage, menorrhagia,dysentery,and traumatic bleeding.Also it can be used as a restorative.

“One Bowlof Water by the River”.

The medicine is the dry rhizome of Diphylleia sinensis.Each node of its rhizome has a bowl-shaped pit(stem mark),and it was found at first under the hillside along the river,hence it has the name.For its tawny and whip-like pit,it is also called “Golden Whip Seven”or“Pit Seven.”The herbal medicine mainly distributes in Nicha River,Honghe River,Dajiu Lake,Yazishi,Hongping town,small shennongjia and other places.

It is used to treat blood stasis,inflammatory swelling,and often used for traumatic injury,rheumatoid arthritis, lumbocrural pain, and irregular menstruation.

七葉一枝花One Flower with Seven Leaves

頭頂一顆珠One Pearlon the Head









文王一枝筆One Writing Brush of Emperor Wen

江邊一碗水One Bowlof Water by the River

秋色斑斕(張 波攝)Maple trees listen to murnuring of the stream(Photo by Zhang Bo)







醉紅九湖(肖華林攝)Leaves dye the mountain red around Dajiu Lake(Photo by Xiao Hualin)

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