

2019-01-19 12:57金文麗
中國陶瓷工業 2019年6期


(浙江麗水學院,浙江 麗水 323000)

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1 語用學關聯論

應用翻譯語用學視角下的關聯理論(Relevance Theory)認為:譯者必須采用各種翻譯策略幫助讀者找到原文與譯文語境之間的最佳關聯,達到最佳交際效果,格特[1]在闡述關聯論與翻譯關系時指出:譯文要與譯文讀者產生充分的關聯,即提供充分的語境效果,以使譯者意圖和讀者期待相吻合。雖然語境效果并非確定關聯的唯一因素[2],但語境效果越大,話語關聯性往往越強。該理論對應用翻譯中的變譯具有充分的解釋力。變譯是譯者根據特定情況下特定讀者的特殊要求,采用增、減、編、述、縮、并、改七種變通手段攝取原作有關內容的翻譯活動[3]。從語用學理論來關照,變譯就是最具廣泛意義的語用翻譯(translating the pragmatic implication of the original expression)。在關聯論指導下,變譯能以最佳的交際效果把中國特有的旅游文化資源傳遞給世界。諸多專家學者在這方面進行了撰文探討,并取得了豐碩的研究成果。對翻譯實踐頗具指導作用,也為特色鮮明的文化旅游語篇英譯提供了新的思路。以下結合青瓷文化旅游翻譯實踐,以龍泉青瓷文化具體景點及介紹語篇英譯為例,通過關聯論下具體的變譯方法如擴充法、整編法、縮減法、替換法,分析其語用翻譯效果。

2 青瓷文化旅游語篇的英譯

2.1 龍泉窯大窯---金村遺址景點英譯


作為獲批中國海上絲綢之路申遺首批遺產點的“金村”,是譯為Jincun village,Jin Village,還是Jincun pier,或是 the Jin Village Pier?通過實地考察,可知該村位于龍泉、慶元交界處,村子依山傍水,村民沿河而居,實際上是個長約150 米、寬約4 米的碼頭。正是從五代開始,金村的瓷器從此處運至大山外的世界,龍泉瓷器從那時起開始走向世界各地。這樣一個具有獨特歷史背景的景點,若只譯為Jin Village,或按專名+通名的模式譯為Jincun village,均不足以體現其人文內涵,參照山東青島的標志性景點“棧橋”(實際上也是一個碼頭)的英譯Zhanqiao Pier[4]不妨譯為Jincun Pier,較之the Jin Village Pier 顯得簡潔利落,完整地譯出了“金村碼頭”這一名稱,切合了語用含義的等效傳達,即在詞匯、語法、定義等語言學的不同層次上,以譯文中最貼切而又最自然的對等語將內容表達出來。


(1)這是甌江上游第一個碼頭,距市區50 公里。古代的龍泉青瓷就是由此源源不斷地運出,此地在北宋時非常繁華。由于金村附近有著豐富瓷土和森林資源,便于就地取材,五代時人們就開始在此燒制青瓷??梢哉f這里是龍泉青瓷生產的發源地。后來周邊窯坊興起,金村碼頭由此成為青瓷的集散地。據史料描述,當時窯群林立,煙火相望,江上運瓷船往返穿梭,日夜繁忙。(2)據說,一次非常大的洪水災害沖毀了這碼頭,否則還很完整。始于五代的龍泉青瓷在南宋時發展最盛。這得益于當時開放的對外貿易,龍泉瓷經甌江出海,運至日本、韓國、東南亞及阿拉伯諸國,成為中國與世界各國溝通聯系的“友誼使者”。(3)龍泉瓷到明代中期逐漸衰落,然后停燒。明代成化、弘治年間后,海上貿易之路變為西方殖民者、海盜的侵略之路。因此明王朝實行海禁,青瓷外銷量銳減,一時瓷窯紛紛關閉,盛極幾個朝代的龍泉青瓷開始走向衰落,金村碼頭附近從此遺留下一百多處古窯遺址?!ㄕ浴墩憬小俘埲乜?/p>


(1)This pier,50 km away from the downtown of Longquan,is the first pier on the Oujiang River and from here celadon products were continuously sent out in ancient times.This is the upper reach of the Oujiang River and the locals call it the Meixi Stream.It was a very prosperous place as the area around the Jin Village was rich in porcelain clay and forest,providing convenient materials.People began to fire celadon here as early as the Five Dynasties.Later with the rise of surrounding kiln workshops,the Jin Village Pier became a distributing centre of celadon.As described in historical books,back then there were numerous densely-located kilns giving out constant smoke and porcelain-carrying boats shuttle back and forth day and night over the river.

(2)According to Local elders,the pier was destroyed by a very large flood in 1958; otherwise,it would have been intact.Longquan celadon which started from the Five Dynasties period came to its prime in the southern Song Dynasty. Thanks to the open foreign trade of that time,Longquan celadon was sent overseas through the Oujiang River and sold to Japan,South Korea and Southeast–Asian and Arabian countries.

(3)In the middle of the Ming Dynasty,Longquan celadon gradually went down and finally the firing stopped.One reason was the maritime ban in the Ming Dynasty; the other was the rise of Jingdezhen porcelain.After the Chenghua and Hongzhi era of the Ming Dynasty,the maritime trade route gradually became the invasion route for western colonists and pirates.The Ming Dynasty implemented maritime ban and the foreign sales of celadon dropped dramatically.The porcelain kilns closed down one after another.Longquan celadon that had been prosperous for multiple dynasties began to go down.Around the Jin village Pier,over 100 ancient kiln sites were left.Among them,the Fengdongyan Site in Dayao Village is only 3 km away from the pier.



With the mountains on both sides,Jincun Pier,the first pier on the Oujiang River,is located in the southeast of Xiaomei Town in Longquan,50 km away from the downtown of Longquan.This is the upper reach of the Oujiang River and the locals call it the Meixi Stream.


In size,the pier is about 150 metres long and 4 metres wide.

The Historical Records

In ancient times,the pier was a very prosperous place as the area around the Jin Village was rich in porcelain clay and forest,providing convenient materials.It was from here that celadon products were continuously spread all over the world through the Maritime Silk Road.

People began to fire celadon here as early as the Five Dynasties.Later with the rise of surrounding kiln workshops,Jincun Pier became a distributing centre of celadon products.As described in historical books,back then there were numerous densely-located kilns giving out constant smoke and porcelain-carrying boats shuttle back and forth day and night over the river.Longquan celadon which started from the Five Dynasties period,came to its prime in the southern Song Dynasty.Thanks to the opening up of the foreign trade of that time,Longquan celadon wares were sent overseas through the Oujiang River and sold to Japan,South Korea and Southeast Asian and Arabian countries.In the middle of the Ming Dynasty,Longquan celadon gradually went down and finally the firing stopped.One reason was the maritime ban in the Ming Dynasty; the other was the rise of Jingdezhen porcelain.After the Chenghua and Hongzhi eras of the Ming Dynasty,the maritime trade route gradually became the invasion route for western colonists and pirates.Since the Ming Dynasty implemented maritime ban,the foreign sales of celadon products dropped dramatically.The porcelain kilns closed down one after another.

Longquan celadon that had been prosperous for multiple dynasties began to go down.Around the Jin village Pier,over 100 ancient kiln sites were left.Among them,the Fengdongyan Site in Dayao Village is only 3 km away from the pier.

在上述基礎上補充有關金村的信息,原文:2016 年3 月,國家文物局正式明確了31 處“海絲”申遺首批遺產點,“龍泉窯大窯---金村遺址”位列其中。為此,龍泉市專門設立“一帶一路辦公室”,目前,“海絲申遺”項目已進入快速建設階段,正在積極申報國家考古遺址公園,將成為繼中國青瓷小鎮后,又一個國際化青瓷文化高地?!ā短幹萃韴蟆?017 年5 月17 日)


The Present

In March 2016,China State Bureau of Cultural Relics declared 31 historical sites as applicants for the inclusion in the list of the “Belt and Road” cultural heritage sites. Jincun Pier in Longquan city was one of them.Full attention has been paid by the Longquan municipal government to the site and now it is under rapid construction as a project,with its application as one of the historical sites for being named a national park for international cultural exchange.


2.2 青瓷小鎮古“龍窯”的英譯辨析

“龍窯”是譯為long kiln,dragon kiln, 還是dragon-shaped kiln?若是譯為Long kiln 則形同未譯,“形似龍”這一生動意蘊的缺失會令西方讀者感到陌生,從文化角度而言,雖然dragon“在英語中也是傳說中的動物,但它有翅膀和尾巴,能噴火-----a large fierce animal with wings and a long tail,that can breathe out fire”常用作貶義,代表暴躁(fiery)、兇猛(cruelty)、殘暴(ferocity)[5]。英語中的Dragon 和中國龍在形態和蘊義的不同似乎決定了不能用dragon 來翻譯中國龍。但是,Dragon作為中華民族的圖騰已為西方國家所公認,越來越多的西方民眾,從審美角度接受了這個與西方文化語境下迥然不同的“龍”。因此不妨用異化法譯為dragon,只是加了shaped 反而會弄巧成拙。因為根據陶瓷語匯的專業工藝特征,按窯爐形狀可分為龍窯、圓包窯、方窯、階梯窯和葫蘆窯。龍窯一般建在較為平緩的山坡上,它頭在下,尾在上,猶如一條向下俯沖的龍,因而稱為龍窯[6]。故“龍”應按“龍的形狀”語義譯為dragon kiln[7],進一步加注譯為:A dragon kiln is usually built on a gentle slope with head below and tail above,so it’s called a dragon kiln.The old dragon kiln has a history of 170 years.It is usually 33 meters long and 1.8 meters wide with 22 kiln chambers.The kiln chambers line in steps.Each step represents a kiln chamber.In a dragon kiln,the firing lasts two or three days and nights with the one-tenth finished product rate.In contrast,a liquefied gas kiln takes only a dozen hours and because of easy control of the fire temperature,the finished product rate can reach more than 80%.此譯生動形象,在源語和譯語間獲得了最佳關聯,增強了語用效果。

2.3 “曾芹記古窯坊”景點英譯


(2)曾芹記的龍窯長32 米,分22 節,內高1.9米,內寬1.8 米,一次可燒碗、盤2 萬余件。

(3)龍窯以柴火為燃料,一次耗費2 萬多市斤。事先在窯內堆好柴火和瓷坯,然后封閉窯門,通過窯兩側的燃燒孔,由低到高逐節投柴點火,需要燒足一天一夜的火候,然后再冷卻三天三夜。

(4)1957 年,這座龍窯收歸當時在上垟鎮辦起的龍泉青瓷總廠集體,此后因歷史原因一度停燒。1997 年,曾家又以7 萬元向集體買回這座龍窯,并作了修補。窯主曾世平認為龍窯產量雖不如液化氣窯,但燒出來的青瓷的釉色、耐酸堿度等指標都比液化氣窯燒出來的要好得多。為表示繼承先祖的決心,曾世平用祖父名字中的“芹”字命名了自己的作坊。

(5)曾幾何時,龍泉當地有336 座龍窯,如今隨著液化石油氣窯的發展,龍窯幾乎全軍覆沒,唯獨曾芹記的這座龍窯還在堅守以往的傳統。曾芹記古窯坊的龍窯每半年燒一次。該龍窯建于光緒年間,已有上百年的歷史。曾世平是古窯坊主人,其父曾煥明的祖父于咸豐年間買下了這座龍窯,到曾世平這代,曾家與瓷器的緣分已延續了七代。


原譯:(1)Zeng Qin Ancient Dragon Kiln is the only working dragon kiln in Longquan.It sits at the foot of a hill near a highway by Shangyang Town,Longquan Celadon Town.

(2)Spreading on the slope of the hill,thedragon-shaped long kilnhas 22 sections.The inside tunnel is 1.9 meters tall and 1.8 meters wide.In one operation,over 20,000 bowls and plates could be fired.It is now the only kiln in Longquan that uses firewood as fuel.

(3)It takes 10,000 kilogram firewood for one single firing operation.Firewood should be heaped inside with raw products.After the gateis sealed,the fire is ignited through the fire holes on both sides,going from fire holes in low positions to those in higher positions.The fire burns for 24 hours.After the fire is out,it takes three days and three nights to cool off totally before the doorcan be opened.

(4)In 1957,Longquan Celadon Factory was set up in Shanghai Town.Zeng Shiping’s father and grandfather worked as technicians in the factory.The family dragon kiln became the town’s assets and stayed idle for years.In 1997,the family bought the kiln back for a sum of 70,000 yuan and had it fixed.

(5)Longquan used to have 336 dragon kilns.Today,Zeng Qing’s kiln is the only one that is fueled by firewood whereas all other kilns use liquefied gas.The family kiln fires once every six months.Zeng Shiping is now the owner of the kiln.The family came to Longquan from Guitian County in Fujian,a province to the south of Zhejiang.The family settled down in Longquan in the years of Emperor Xianfeng of the Qing Dynasty.All the men in the family worked at kilns.Zeng Shiping’s great grandfather paid a small fortune and bought the dragon kiln.Zeng Shiping is the seventh-generation kiln worker of the family in Longquan and the kiln has been in the hands of the family for over 100 years.

分析:(1)原譯幾乎照搬了原文語序,段落之間稍欠緊密。根據英語語言表達習慣,首先把原譯第二句提前,從結構上按整編法以location 為標題描述該窯位置。原譯首句與下文劃線處兩句其實表達同一意思,即“現存唯一以柴火為燃料而不是以液化氣為燃料的古龍窯”,故可將它們合并譯為一句置于首段,以突出該景點特征。


Zeng Qin Ancient Dragon Kiln is located at the foot of a hill near a highway by Shangyang Town,Longquan Celadon Town,60km away from Longquan city.As the only working dragon kiln in the city,it is fueled by firewood instead of liquefied gas.

(2) 對此古窯坊的內部結構描述可以Dimensions 作小標題,從長、高、寬、燒瓷容量等方面傳達源語的重點信息。試調整如下:


Up the slope of the hill,this dragon kiln has 22 sections.The inside tunnel is 1.9 meters tall and 1.8 meters wide.In one operation,over 20,000 bowls and plates could be fired.It takes 10,000 kilogram firewood for one single firing operation.

(3)以operation 為小標題介紹古窯的工作原理亦作結構上的調整。此處原譯的一些用詞在專業性方面尚有提升之處,如:“事先在窯內堆好柴火和瓷坯”實際是指裝窯,其專門用語是load the kiln(with firewood and green pieces),與此相對應的“開窯”譯為unloading?!案G門”的專業用語是kiln entrance,“封窯”譯為seal the kiln,“燃燒孔”即發火口,應該是firing holes。此外,the gate 和the door指代不明。故可作如下改譯:


First the kiln is loaded with firewood and green pieces,then seal the kiln and get ready to fire the kiln.After the kiln begins to be fired,throw the fire wood through the firing holes on both sides of the kiln from the bottom to the top.The firing usually lasts 24 hours until the fire is out.Then it takes three days and nights to cool off before unloading.

(4)(5)對原文第二段的歷史描述,可以The Historical Records 為小標題按時間順序重組,并增補漏譯的內容即該古窯建造的時間,特別要注意整個段落語言的銜接和語義的連貫,譯文通過使用first,then,when,later,not until,today, whereas,as 等銜接詞實現了這一點,從而使整段譯文脈絡分明,邏輯清晰。譯文如下:

The Historical Records

This dragon kiln was first built in the years of Emperor Guanxu of the Qing Dynasty.During the years of Emperor Xianfeng it was bought by Zeng Huanming,the present kiln owner Zeng Shiping’s great grandfather.Then it was handed down to Zeng Shiping,the seventh-generation kiln worker of the family in Longquan and the kiln has been in the hands of the family for over 100 years.When Longquan Celadon Factory was set up in Shanyang Town In 1957,Zeng Shiping’s father and grandfather both worked as technicians in the factory and the family dragon kiln became the town’s asset.Later it stayed idle for years for some historical reasons.It was not until1997 that the family bought the kiln back for 70,000 yuan and had it fixed.Today,Zeng Qing’s kiln is the only one that is fueled by firewood whereas all other kilns use liquefied gas.The family kiln fires once every six months.With its products traditionally advantageous over liquefied gas-fired products in glaze and acid-resistance,the dragon kiln is now under the government’s reconstruction as the last ancient kiln in Longquan.

2.4 “國際陶藝村”景點英譯

(1)中國青瓷小鎮內的國際陶藝村位于披云青瓷文化園西北區,占地約30 畝,是文化園全力打造的青瓷文化創意基地。(2)建筑風格為獨棟農舍小院。(3)依山而建,溪水環繞,泥墻黛瓦,綠竹掩映。(4)中國最傳統的建筑結構,結合現代生活設施,營造藝術家生活體驗空間。(5)國際陶藝村主要包括十棟獨立庭院,分別為龍淵古跡、品青閣、龍泉青瓷協同創新中心、清華藝術空間、陶藝坊、景德鎮陶瓷學院青瓷材料研究所、宋韻、鑒真陶瓷藝術中心、瓷韻青谷養生中心等十個項目。------(摘自《浙江行》龍泉特刊)

原譯:The International Porcelain Art Village sits on a 2-hectare plot in the northwest part of Piyun Celadon Culture Park.It is a key part of the park.The village is composed of ten separate courtyards along the hills and a stream bubbles by.The courtyard residences are delightfully traditional and bamboo groves flourish.And yet they are equipped with modern household conveniences and amenities,suitable for artists to seek inspiration and translate their fantasies into reality.

The ten countyards house ten separate projects for exhibition,appreciation,creativity,art,material studies,authentication,and relaxation.

分析:該介紹內容包含陶藝村的地理位置、面積、建筑結構和風格以及用途。原譯一定程度上體現了漢、英旅游語篇在寫作手法上的差異:漢語語篇語言冗余現象突出,大量使用四字格的重復結構,而英語語篇則更注重簡練性和客觀性。(葉苗,2009:120)原譯對漢語原文內容進行重組:把原文句2 和句5 合并,譯為一句。對原文句 3 中連續四個四字格,以概略化的手法用traditional 一詞統領,增補“泥墻黛瓦”的譯文:with plaster walls and black roof tiles,虛實并用,顯示庭院的建筑風格。并根據縮減法的變通手段,較好地采用變譯法的常用類型摘譯(摘取原文中心內容或精華部分翻譯的方式)[8],把相對較長的句5“十棟獨立庭院……”的名稱縮減為ten separate projects for exhibition,appreciation,creativity,art,material studies,authentication,and relaxation,傳達源語重要和主要內容,使譯文信息凝練集中,滿足了目的語讀者用最少的時間獲取最大信息的閱讀需求。由此強調了語境效果,同時達到了較好的語用效果。稍顯美中不足的一點是,陶藝村的英譯porcelain art village,較之ceramic art village,后者更貼切。因為陶器和瓷器總稱為陶瓷,中國人早在原始社會的新石器時代就發明了陶器,瓷器的出現是在東漢時期??梢娛窍扔刑蘸笥写?,所以關于瓷器的英譯便有如下區別:ceramics 是陶瓷的總稱;porcelain 是指工業用詞。而“青瓷”的譯文celadon,又是用西方文化語境下劇本《牧羊女亞斯泰萊》中的男主角“雪拉同”的名字進行了類比和替換[9]。正如“青瓷小鎮”被比喻為“世外桃源”時用Shangarila 替換一樣,都能使譯文讀者所熟悉,符合其認知習慣,容易在認知過程中找到最佳關聯,迅速正確理解并獲得美的鑒賞。最后將譯文以整編法調整如下,使之一目了然:


The International Ceramic Art Village sits on a 2-hectare plot in the northwest part of Piyun Celadon Culture Park in Longquan Celadon Town.It is a key part of the park.

Composition and style

The village is composed of ten separate courtyards along the hills and a stream bubbles by.The courtyard residences are delightfully traditional with white walls and black roof tiles and bamboo groves flourish.


Equipped with modern household conveniences and amenities,the ten countyards are suitable for artists to seek inspiration and translate their fantasies into reality.The beautiful scenery makes the village an ideal place for international art exchange on Longquan celadon.

3 結 論

上述對青瓷文化旅游三大景點英譯的分析,旨在突出源語文化語境和目的語讀者接受性在青瓷文化旅游翻譯中至關重要。為了獲得英譯文和目的語之間的最佳關聯,達到預期交際效果,應通過關聯理論下的變譯策略,在青瓷文化旅游語篇英譯實踐中注意如下:首先要把握漢英旅游語篇介紹的差異,通過譯前對原文的重新整理和編輯,使語篇層次分明,中心突出,一目了然。其次要對譯文讀者的認知語境有合理的估計,若目的語讀者對于特色鮮明的景點歷史文化完全陌生,則需增加相關解釋和細節,對源語作適當的變通和擴充,確保交際成功。反之,則采用濃縮性的語言,對原文信息進行壓縮,以精煉的語言譯出原文中重要的或令譯文讀者的感興趣之處。此外還要追求相關術語的準確性。青瓷文化是中華民族的特有文化,與之相關的術語應具有統一性和規范性,正如“青瓷”英譯宜采用celadon 的專門用詞一樣??傊?,要加大青瓷文化對外交流的力度,促進其國際營銷,青瓷文化旅游的漢譯英也應與時俱進,為國際陶瓷文明作出積極的貢獻。
