

2019-07-19 06:38江蘇李建高
瘋狂英語·新策略 2019年7期

江蘇 李建高

1.The more you read,the faster you'll be.


The busier she is,the happier she feels.她越忙就越高興。

The harder you practice,the greater progress you will make.你越用功,進步就越大。


該結構可以和if引導的條件狀語從句互換。如上句可以轉換為“If you practice harder,you will make greater progress.”


—________there are sharing riding bikes in cities,________pollution there will be.

—Yes.I think so.


A.The more;the fewer

B.The more;the less

C.The fewer;the more

D.The less;the more

【答案與解析】B 考查“the+比較級……,the+比較級……”句型。sharing riding bikes的中心詞是可數名詞bikes,其前應用many的比較級more修飾;pollution是不可數名詞,其前應用little的比較級less修飾。故選B項。

2.The teacher spoke so quickly that I did not understand her most of the time.


①“so+adj./adv.+that從句”。當that從句是肯定句時,該句型可轉換為“adj./adv.+enough(for sb)to do...”結構;當that從句是否定句時,該句型可轉換為“too+adj./adv.+(for sb)to do...”結構。例如:

She was so angry that she couldn't speak.=She was too angry to speak.她太生氣了以至說不出話來。


This is so interesting a book that we all enjoy reading it.=This is such an interesting book that we all enjoy reading it.這本書非常有趣,我們都喜歡看。


The TV play Journey to the West is________interesting ________I would like to watch it again.


A.such;that B.too;to C.so;that

【答案與解析】C 考查so...that...句型。根據句意“電視劇《西游記》非常有趣,我想再看一次”可知,形容詞interesting前填so,I前用that。故選C項。

3.I want to learn new words and more grammar so thatIcan have a better understanding of English movies.

so that用作連詞,意為“以便;為了”,可引導目的狀語從句,從句中常用情態動詞can或could等。當so that從句中的主語和主句的主語一致時,可以用in order to或動詞不定式短語替換,但意思基本不變。例如:

He worked hard so that he could get high grades in the exams.=He worked hard in order to get high grades in the exams.=He worked hard to get high grades in the exams.他學習用功為的是在考試中獲得高分。


so that也可引導結果狀語從句,意為“以至于”,從句中一般不含can、could等情態動詞。例如:

He worked hard so that he got high grades in the exams.他學習用功,結果在考試中得了高分。

4.Idon't know how to increase my reading speed.

how to increase my reading speed為“疑問詞+動詞不定式”結構,在句中作賓語。該結構還可用作主語或表語。例如:

When to hold the meeting has not been decided.什么時候開會還沒有決定。(作主語)




—Mr.Wu has recommended many books.Have you decided ________first?

—Yes.The Little Prince.


A.how to read B.which to read

C.when to read D.where to read

【答案與解析】B 考查“疑問詞+動詞不定式”的用法。根據答語中的The Little Prince(《小王子》)可推斷空白處應填which to read。故選B項。

5.He warns Scrooge to change his ways if he doesn't want to end up like him.

warn作動詞,后跟動詞不定式作賓語補足語,即“warn sb.(not)to do sth.”句型,意為“告誡某人(不)做某事”。例如:

Teachers often warn students not to cheat in exam.老師經常告誡學生考試時不要作弊。


warn的常見句式還有“warn sb.of/about sth.(提醒/警告某人注意某事)”和“warn sb.+that從句(警告某人……)”等。例如:

Her parents have warned her of/about her schoolwork.她的父母已經提醒過她要重視學業。

I must warn you that I can't stand you anymore.我得警告你我不會再容忍你了。


The policeman warned the man________after drinking.


A.not to drive B.to drive C.driving

【答案與解析】A 考查由warn構成的句型。根據句意“那個警察警告那男人_______酒后駕車”可知,橫線處應填否定形式,符合“warn sb.not to do sth.”句型。故選A項。

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