
Unit 1 跟蹤導練

2020-06-19 08:33
時代英語·初中 2020年2期

第一課時(Section A 1a—2d)



1. He has a high ____ (發燒).

2. I have a ____ (牙痛).

3. Her leg still ____ (疼痛).

4. Cover your mouth when you ____ (咳嗽).

5. Mary is ____ (躺) on the grass and reading a book.


6. Lets take a b____ to have a rest.

7. He could hardly speak because he has a sore t____ .

8. You look tired. Whats the m____ ?

9. There was something wrong with his stomach because he

got a s____ .

10. It is cold. Mom puts a scarf on my n____ .


One day, little Roy was ill. So his mother took him to the clinic (診所). A doctor examined (檢查) him and said, “Well, boy, there is something wrong with you. Im afraid you need to get injections (輸液) twice a day. Then you will feel better soon. A nurse will give you the injection later.” Roy thought it would hurt so he was afraid.

His mother wanted to comfort him, “Sweetie, dont be nervous. Im here. If youre brave (勇敢), Ill take you to the zoo on weekends. I promise!”

“Great! Mom, I love animals!” said Roy.

Just then a young nurse came and said to him with a smile, “I am going to give you the injection now, Roy. Where do you want it? Left arm or right arm?”

But Roy got scared again. He thought for a while and asked, “Nobody has let me choose that before. Must I choose now?”

“Yes, Roy,” the nurse replied, “Where do you want it?”

“Well,” Roy answered in a low voice, “I want it in your left arm, please.”


( ) 1. Roys mother took him to the clinic because of his


( ) 2. The doctor told Roy he needed to get injections twice

a day.

( ) 3. Roy thought the doctor would hurt him so he was


( ) 4. Roys mother promised to take him to the zoo on


( ) 5. Finally, the nurse gave the injection on her left arm.

第二課時(Section A 3a—3c)



1. Im afraid you are having a fever. Let me take your

t____ .

2. The bus is crowded with p____ .

3. I have a t____ because there is a cavity (洞) in one of

my t____ .

4. Maybe I shouldnt say that I might get into t____ .

5. I am sorry to hear that a car h____ Tony yesterday,

and hes in hospital now.


A: Hello, Bill! Today is Saturday. Would you like to go

to the zoo with me?

B: Hello, Sam!

A: Why?

B: I cant walk today. I have to lie in bed and rest.


B: I cut my foot when I helped do the housework


A: Im sorry to hear that.

B: Yes. My father took me to the hospital.


B: The doctor said it was nothing serious. He put a

bandage (繃帶) on my foot.


B: It hurts.

A. Im afraid I cant.

B. What should you do?

C. Whats wrong with you?

D. What did the doctor say?

E. Oh, how do you feel now?

F. Did you go to see the doctor?

G. Did you help do the housework?


Mary was ill yesterday. She went to see a doctor.

“Doctor, Im not feeling ?at the moment,” she said. “Every time I do my homework at night, I feel . If I walk to school every day, I have to sit down and ?for ten minutes.”

The doctor looked ?Mary carefully. At last he said, “Nothing serious, but Im afraid you are ?too much.”

“I dont . What do you mean?” asked Mary. “I mean you eat too much food,” said the doctor.

“Oh! You mean Im too . Thats a problem,” said Mary. “What should I do if I dont want to be heavy?”

“The answer is ,” said the doctor. “If you want to be thinner and healthier, you ?eat a lot of food and you also should take more .”

( ) 1. A. good B. bad C. well D. terrible

( ) 2. A. hungry B. thirsty C. tired D. worried

( ) 3. A. rest B. lie C. stand D. talk

( ) 4. A. after B. over C. like D. for

( ) 5. A. drinking B. sleeping C. working D. eating

( ) 6. A. know B. understand C. see D. care

( ) 7. A. fat B. healthy C. big D. thin

( ) 8. A. fine B. easy C. hard D. different

( ) 9. A. can B. cant C. should D. shouldnt

( ) 10. A. breaks B. clothes C. exercise D. medicine

第三課時(Grammar Focus—4c)


( ) 1. You ____ be quiet when you are in the reading?room.

A. should B. shouldnt

C. can D. cant

( ) 2. ____ his surprise, she didnt go to his birthday?party.

A. At B. To C. In D. On

( ) 3. —Mom, I have a ____ .

—Im sorry to hear that, dear. We must go to see? the dentist right away.

A. headache B. stomachache

C. toothache D. backache

( ) 4. Dont forget to take your bag when you ____ the?bus.

A. put off B. take off

C. turn off D. get off

( ) 5. You should look after ____ , classmates.

A. yourselves B. yourself

C. herself D. himself


1. He has a fever. (對畫線部分提問)

____ ____ ____ with him?

2. Tom should eat something. (改為否定句)

Tom ____ eat ____ .

3. He should see a dentist. (對畫線部分提問)

____ ____ he ____ ?

4. 我認為你應該躺下來休息。(完成譯句)

I think you should ____ ____ and rest.

5. 多虧了司機,我及時到達了機場。(完成譯句)

____ ____ the driver, I arrived at the airport ____

____ .


( ) 1. Whats the matter with Rachel?

A. She had a cold. B. She had a toothache.

C. She had a fever. D. She had a stomachache.

( ) 2. What was Julies advice?

A. Washing hands a lot.

B. Gargling with warm salt water.

C. Taking medicine as early as possible.

D. Drinking hot water with lemon juice and honey.

( ) 3. When did Michelle give Rachel advice?

A. 2 days ago. B. 7 days ago.

C. 14 days ago. D. 20 days ago.

( ) 4. How many people advised Rachel to drink water?

A. One. B. Two.

C. Three. D. Four.

( ) 5. The passage may be from ____ .

A. a sports newspaper B. a doctors letter

C. the Internet D. an art magazine

第四課時(Section B 1a—2e)


1. In the book, the writer tells us the ____ (important) of

learning English.

2. Tom didnt give up ____ (try).

3. When he crossed the street, he saw an old man ____

(lie) on the side of the street.

4. Mary hurt ____ (she) when she fell down the bike.

5. This bus can carry 40 ____ (passenger).


1. Jeff ____ ____ ____ (習慣了) the weather in

Beijing now.

2. You cant ____ ____ (冒險) with other peoples lives.

3. Alan, you can ____ ____ (切下) a piece of meat

and taste it.

4. Mary ____ ____ ____ (花光了) all her money

to buy a dress yesterday.

5. My uncle ____ ____ ____ ____ (掌管) this



I have a neighbor. She looks young and beautiful ?she is over 70. She can do all the housework, ?newspapers and learn something new on the Internet. I often see her do Tai Chi in the morning and dance in the evening.

Last week a ?from a magazine asked her how she kept so young and healthy. She replied, “I have a secret (秘訣) for staying young and healthy. It is quite . Keep your mind active (活躍的), be interested in the world around you, ?learn at least one new thing every day. Dont ?you are too old to learn. I know a man who ?to study medicine in a college when he was 70 years old. He studied there for 6 years and now he works in a hospital. Another man started to learn to play ?at the age of 71. And now he is good at playing tennis. Some people may think keeping learning is easy only for ? people. In fact, everyone can make it.”

Please tell this story to your family. It would be a good start to ?the old womans example. I hope all the people will stay young and healthy.

( ) 1. A. until B. unless C. because D. although

( ) 2. A. buy B. read C. sell D. find

( ) 3. A. worker B. winner C. reporter D. writer

( ) 4. A. simple B. cheap C. clear D. funny

( ) 5. A. but B. and C. so D. or

( ) 6. A. think B. hope C. discuss D. argue

( ) 7. A. stopped B. agreed

C. remembered D. started

( ) 8. A. volleyball B. basketball C. tennis D. soccer

( ) 9. A. young B. happy C. cute D. smart

( ) 10. A. choose B. follow C. trust D. care


Do you know growing pains (疼痛)? Growing pains arent a kind of illness. Sometimes you dont have to go to the doctor. Usually, children will get them between the ages of 3 and 5 or 8 and 12. When children are over fifteen, most of them dont get growing pains. Children often get growing pains in their legs. They often start before bedtime and sometimes in the middle of the night. But they go away by the morning. Doctors dont know why. They think when children run, climb or jump a lot during the day, they may have pains in their legs at night.

Parents can help children feel better by buying some medicine. But it is not good for children. Here are some ways that may help children feel better:

1. Put a piece of warm cloth on the place where children feel painful.

2. Ask children to stretch the legs like what they do in the PE class.

3. Ask somebody to help massage (按摩) the painful legs.

( ) 1. Who probably gets growing pains?

A. A two-year-old girl.

B. A six-year-old boy.

C. A ten-year-old girl.

D. An eighteen-year-old boy.

( ) 2. Where do children often have growing pains?

A. On the back. B. In the arms.

C. In the neck. D. In the legs.

( ) 3. What can we know from the passage?

A. Its better for children not to take medicine for growing pains.

B. Children often get growing pains during day time.

C. Doing massage can stop growing pains.

D. Growing pains is bad for health.

( ) 4. What does the underlined word “stretch” mean in


A. 伸展 B. 繃緊 C. 撫摸 D. 擊打

( ) 5. What is the best title for the passage?

A. Childrens Exercise

B. Parents and Children

C. Childrens Growing Pains

D. Childrens Health Problem

第五課時(Section B 3a—Self Check)



My house was on a hill. ?As a new driver, I was so scared when I realized (意識到) I would have to reverse (倒車) out of the driveway. I knew that if I parked backwards (朝后), it would be easier to get out later. But it was impossible that I could do that way.

For three months, I didnt even think of trying. ?But one day, I suddenly thought to myself, “How am I ever going to know whether I can do it if I dont even try?”

So I started my car, went down that hill, turned around and reversed. I made it. I got into the parking place.

As weeks went on, I continued trying. The more I practiced, the better I did. ? So I decided to have a try.

When I slowly drove to the parking place, I couldnt see anything. My heart was beating fast. A moment later I guessed I was getting somewhere; I let the car go. Oh, my god! ?I had made a mistake about the distance (距離) of the car. But I tried it after all.

A. The car hit a tree.

B. I always parked forward.

C. The car didnt hit anything.

D. There was only a small parking place.

E. But I had never practiced parking in the dark before.



difference sick serious rest easy

touch eye you go well

If you dont keep yourself warm enough, winter can be a time to be1 . During the winter months, people

2get colds and flu. Many people think they are the same, but they are3 .

Colds can stay with you for up to a week. You will have a running nose, sore throat, headache, cough and a fever. Flu is4 . You will feel sick very quickly. You will have a fever and a headache. Your body will hurt and become weak. This could last for up to four weeks.

Is there any way to keep5away from colds and flu? Staying clear of (避開) people with colds or flu may work. Try not to touch your nose or6if you have been close to someone who has a cold. Wash your hands, especially after7your nose.8out with wet hair can also give you a cold!

If you catch a cold or flu, go to bed and9 . Doing this will help you get10 . Drink lots of water. Stay in a warm and well-aired room. If you have a headache, take some medicine.







參考詞匯:電子游戲 video game

Dear Jack,

Im sorry to hear that

I hope you get well soon.


Li Hua

Group the words
新目標英語九年級Unit10 STEP BY STEP隨堂通