
Unit 2 跟蹤導練

2020-06-19 08:33
時代英語·初中 2020年2期

第一課時(Section A 1a—2d)



1. We saw a ____ (標志) which says “No parking”. So we couldnt park the car here.

2. They often ____ (自愿) to teach the children.

3. Look! There is a ____ (通告) on the wall.

4. I dont feel ____ (寂寞的) because I have made new friends here.

5. He didnt ____ (聽起來) surprised when I told him the news.


Gladys Holm worked in an office all her life. She died when she was 86 years old. And she left a big surprise—$18 million! She gave the money to a childrens hospital.

Gladys Holm never got married (結婚) and had no children. But she always liked children, and she wanted to help them. When her friends daughter was ill in hospital, Gladys brought her a toy bear. Then, she visited the hospital many times. After that, people started to call Gladys the “Toy Bear Lady”. Gladys always gave toys and presents to her friends and family but no one knew she had a lot of money. She lived in a small house outside Chicago. A family friend said, “She always gave us nice presents and things, but we didnt know she was rich.”

Before she died, she talked to her friends about “giving something to the childrens hospital”. No one knew that the “something” was $18 million!

根據短文內容,判斷正(T)誤(F) 。

( ) 1. Gladys was 68 years old when she died.

( ) 2. Gladys often visited the hospital and gave children toy

bears because she liked them.

( ) 3. Gladys lived in a small house outside New York.

( ) 4. People started to call Gladys the “Toy Bear Lady” after

she died.

( ) 5. People didn t know Gladys had so much money.

第二課時(Section A 3a—3c)



1. My younger sister looks very sad. Lets go and c____

her up.

2. There are s____ girls in the room. They are talking

about the vacation plans.

3. My uncle is the o____ of the large house.

4. We got a strong feeling of s____ when we see our

patients get better.

5. Mr Smith exercises every day, so he is s____ and healthy.


A: Hello, Li Ming. Whats your plan for this summer


B: I have no idea.

A: Ill take part in a social (社會的) activity with my sister.

B: It sounds exciting.

A: No. I have been a volunteer in a poor village. The children

there dont have money to buy books.


A: Yes. I bought them 30 books with my pocket money


B: What else did you do there?

A: ?And now we are good friends.

B: Wow! ?Id like to join you.

A: Great! Im sure well have a meaningful holiday.

A. What about you?

B. Have you sent books to them?

C. It was a wonderful experience!

D. I helped them with their lessons.

E. She raised some money for them.

F. Can you tell me something about it?

G. Is it your first time to join in such activities?


Sunny House Old Peoples Home. We all ?a great time and it was nice to see a lot of new volunteers!

Here is what we ?last weekend. On Saturday, some ?went to Sunny House Old Peoples Home. Fiona and Tom played chess with some of the old people. David, John and Alice made tea for . Sam played the piano and Sally washed the ladies hair. In the evening, we put on a ?for the old people. It made them very . Grace played the violin and Nick sang songs. Some of the old people sang along with them. On Sunday, we held a fair (市集) on the school playground. In the morning, we ?food, drinks, and some other things for the fair. Nancy and Ann ?one another to buy fruit for their stall. In the afternoon, Nancy sold fruit salad and Ann sold fruit juice. Joe handed out flags. He gave the flags to people who put their donations (捐贈) into ?basket. Many students and their families came to the fair and ?money. We have raised a lot of money for Sunny House Old Peoples Home. Thank you!

( ) 1. A. found B. had C. lost D. took

( ) 2. A. did B. ate C. saw D. heard

( ) 3. A. leaders B. performers C. volunteers D. families

( ) 4. A. anyone B. oneself C. someone D. everyone

( ) 5. A. class B. show C. website D. notice

( ) 6. A. happy B. tired C. scared D. sleepy

( ) 7. A. borrowed B. eat C. brought D. bought

( ) 8. A. taught B. invited C. asked D. helped

( ) 9. A. their B. her C. his D. your

( ) 10. A. gave away B. cared for C. set up D. talked about

第三課時(Grammar Focus—4c)


( ) 1. The brave boy rushed into the room ____ the baby.

A. to save B. saving C. and save D. saved

( ) 2. Li Lei decided ____ with his parents.

A. to not stay B. not to stay

C. staying D. not staying

( ) 3. You can ask the leader to let you ____ them on

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