

2020-06-19 08:33
時代英語·初中 2020年2期

Units 1—2 聽力練習

Text 1

W: Can you play the piano, Peter?

M: Yes. But Henry plays better.

Text 2

W: Would you like to have a trip in the country, James?

M: Id love to. When?

W: Next Friday.

Text 3

M: Jane, how long do you spend on your hobbies every day?

W: I used to spend about two hours, but now about half an hour. I have too much work to do.

Text 4

W: Did Sandy come back from America last week?

M: Yes, but she was at home for only three days before she went to Japan.

Text 5

M: Whats the matter, Mary?

W: I have a headache.

M: Did you take your temperature?

W: Yes. I dont have a fever.

Text 6

M: Whats in the newspaper?

W: There was an accident on the highway.

M: Was that serious?

W: Yes, three men died and seventeen people were badly hurt.

M: Im sorry to hear that. How did that happen?

W: A truck driver kept driving when he was very tired.

Text 7

W: Hello, Jim. Where are you going this summer holiday?

M: I am going to Dalian. I hear the city is very beautiful.

W: How will you go there?

M: I want to go there by train. So I can enjoy the beautiful views on the way. But the trip is too long. So we decided to go there by plane at last.

Text 8

M: Hello, Alice. Could you please come to my house this Saturday?

W: Whats up, Bill?

M: We had an English test last Thursday, but I only got 45. I need your help.

W: Do you read English aloud every day?

M: Yes, I do. But I forget most of it.

W: I think making cards may help you improve your English.

M: Sounds interesting.

W: Ill come to your house and tell you some more ways to learn English well.

M: Thanks a lot. See you on Saturday.

W: See you.

Text 9

W: Hello?

M: Hi, Jane. This is Ben. Ive just got the tickets for the concert next month.

W: Great! How much are the tickets?

M: They are 17 dollars each.

W: Thats not too bad. Which date?

M: The first Saturday in March.

W: Let me write all this down: The first Saturday in March. What time are we meeting?

M: At 6:50 pm. The concert will start at 7:30 pm.

W: OK.

M: We are going to meet outside the bookshop next to the city museum.

W: The bookshop. Oh, yes, I know that.

M: Good. By the way, can you phone Alex? Hes out this evening and I cant phone him tomorrow.

W: OK, Ill call him tomorrow. Bye.

Text 10

Last night, when my eight-year-old son and I were leaving a store, not far from my car was standing an old man. He was dirty and looked very sad.

He had a card in his hand: Looking for work. After we talked with the man, we knew he was trying to get enough money to buy a bus ticket home.

“Mom,” said my son. “Lets help him. He needs help.”

“But today I only have a $5 bill and a $10 bill left, you know,” I said. “Well, lets give him $5.”

“Can we give him all of the money?” asked my son. I agreed. With the money, the old man looked surprised and said, “Thank you, thank you.”

After hearing this, my son was very happy and I felt very happy, too.

Units 3—4 聽力練習

Text 1

W: Shall we go to the mountains this weekend?

M: Im afraid we cant. The radio says there will be a lot of rain.

Text 2

W: Hi, Tom. Whats your favorite pet?

M: I like goldfish best.

Text 3

W: Dad, where is Betty?

M: Oh, she is watering the flowers in the garden.

Text 4

W: Ted is late again. Why?

M: He didnt get up until a quarter to eight this morning.

Text 5

M: Mary, what do you want to be when you grow up?

W: Well, I want to be a dancer.

Text 6

W: Oh! The little girl can ride a bike.

M: Yes. Her mother taught her.

Text 7

M: Amy, please turn on the TV. I would like to watch the evening news.

W: OK, Dad.

Text 8

W: Would you like to go to the movies with me on Saturday, John?

M: Id like to, but I have too many after-school classes. The whole day is full.

Text 9

M: Hello?

W: Hello. Is Lisa there, please?

M: Yes, but she cant come to the phone right now. Shes working in the yard. Can I give her a message?

W: Yes, this is Sue. Please ask her to call me.

Text 10

M: Excuse me. I want a single room and a double room for a night.

W: OK. 120 yuan for a single room and 180 yuan for a double room.

Text 11

M: Hello, Mary. Have you been to the new sports center yet?

W: No, Tony. Where is it?

M: On Long Road, you know, near the bridge, behind the station.

W: Oh. Is it good?

M: Yes, its great! You can do a lot of sports there. I played table tennis and volleyball last week. Do you want to go with me next week?

W: OK. Any day except Thursday.

M: Well, why dont we go on Friday? Then we can stay late.

W: All right. Lets meet after school.

Text 12

M: Helen, do you plan to get Dad a gift for Fathers Day?

W: Yes, but Im not sure what to buy for him. Do you have any ideas?

M: How about buying him a book? Im sure hell be happy with it.

W: I dont think so. Its not creative enough. He has too many books here and there in his reading room.

M: Then what about a camera? I know that he likes taking photos.

W: Hmm! Good idea. But I also want to get him a Liverpool football T-shirt. Hes a fan of the Liverpool football team.

M: Hmm! Its a special gift.

Text 13

John Brown, an office worker, lives in Washington. When he was 23, he got one million dollars after his father died. His friends were looking for their first job at that time. He decided to keep living a simple life like everyone else though he didnt have to work. He gave $100,000 away to help poor children to improve their lives. Thirteen years has passed, and he still wears cheap shoes and clothes.

Up to now, John has helped 15 children from poor countries around the world, $200 a month for each. The money pays for their education, food, and clothes. Once John went to meet a little girl he was helping in Africa. He was very excited. He thinks the money is used in a good way. He says he will continue helping the children in need.

Units 5—6 聽力練習

Text 1

W: Simon, how many classes are there at your school?

M: There are 16 classes.

Text 2

M: Excuse me, Helen. May I borrow your dictionary?

W: Id like to, Jack. But Ive lent it to Maria.

Text 3

W: Does your father drive you to school every day?

M: No, I always take the bus.

Text 4

W: Hi, Jim! May I borrow your bike? Ill go to buy a book.

M: Sure, Mary. But where is yours?

W: My sister has it today.

Text 5

W: I dont like the hot days. They make me nervous.

M: Well, I dont like the rainy days. They make me sleepy.

Text 6

W: So, Joe, what do you think your life will be like in 10 years?

M: Oh, I think Ill be an astronaut.

W: An astronaut? Thats interesting.

M: Ill fly rockets to the moon. Maybe Ill also fly to other planets.

W: Oh, where will you live?

M: Ill live on a space station.

Text 7

W: Whats the matter, young man?

M: I dont feel well. I have a headache.

W: When did it start?

M: This morning. Oh, yesterday evening.

W: Let me have a look. Open your mouth. Its just a cold. You should get some rest.

M: Do I have to take some medicine?

W: No, just have some rest. And youll feel well soon.

M: Thank you.

W: Youre welcome.

Text 8

W: Excuse me, Bruce. May I ask you some questions?

M: Yes, please.

W: Were you born in Boston?

M: No, I was born in New York. And my family moved to Sydney when I was five. We lived there before we came to China.

W: Have you ever learned Chinese?

M: Yes, I have learned Chinese for two years.

W: Have you ever visited the Great Wall?

M: No, never. But I will visit it next week.

W: Will Bill and Jason go with you?

M: Jason will go with me. But Bill wont. Hes very busy.

W: Have a good trip.

Text 9

W: May I speak to Tom, please?

M: Speaking.

W: I have some problems with my schoolwork. Could you come to my home and help me?

M: Sure, Id love to.

W: Great. Well, are you free on Saturday morning?

M: Umm, maybe I am not. I have to look after my little sister and help with the housework on Saturday.

W: Then how about Sunday morning?

M: Let me see... There will be an important game show from 9:00 to 9:40. After that I will be available.

W: OK. Lets meet at 10:00, outside our school gate. See you then.

M: See you.

Text 10

Hello, my name is Li Lei. I am going to show you around my hometown. First, here is my house. Its a small house. We have a garden. My mother grows vegetables and flowers in the garden. Outside the garden is a bus stop. It takes about ten minutes to get to the nearest town. There are lots of buildings there. There is a shopping center and a cinema. There is also a park near the center of the town. I like going to town on my bike. The town is near the sea. I often go swimming in summer when its warm and sunny. There is not much pollution in the town because cars are not allowed to go into the center of the town. I have lots of friends here. I think its a wonderful place to live. I hope youll like it.

Units 7—8 聽力練習

Text 1

W: Hey, Jim. You rode to school today? Didnt your father drive you here as usual?

Today is Monday. It is a fine day. I got up early. After breakfast, I hurried to school by bike. At school, I listened to my teacher carefully and studied very hard. I had lunch in the school dining hall with my best friend, Kate. In the afternoon, I played tennis for an hour. I like playing tennis, and Im a member of the school tennis club. Ive been playing tennis for three years. I got home at five oclock. After a short rest, I started to help Mom cook the supper. I had supper with Mom. Dad didnt come back home. Usually, I start to do my homework at half past six. But today I had to help Mom with some housework at that time. Helping Mom with housework is usually Dads job, but tonight he had to work late at his office. I finished my homework at ten oclock. What a tiring day!

Units 9—10 聽力練習

Text 1

W: Li Lei, your bag is too heavy.

M: Yes, but Toms bag is heavier than mine, and his sisters is heavier than his.

Text 2

M: Lily, someone is knocking at the door. Would you please open it?

W: But, Dad! I have heard nothing.

M: Turn down your radio, and you will hear it.

Text 3

W: I got here at five to eleven. What time is it now?

M: My watch says a quarter past eleven.

Text 4

M: Shall we go boating or have a picnic tomorrow?

W: Im afraid we cant go anywhere because the radio said it was going to rain tomorrow.

M: Oh, bad luck, I hate staying at home.

Text 5

W: Have you got a pair of sports shoes in my size?

M: I think so. How about these?

W: Oh, I like them very much. How much are they?

M: Eighty dollars.

Text 6

M: Is Ted your new friend, Linda?

W: Yes, hes from America. Hes good at running. Hes the fastest runner in my class.

M: Really? Does he often run?

W: Yes, every day he runs to school.

M: When does he usually arrive at school?

W: He leaves home at 7:00 am. And it takes about 40 minutes to run to school.

M: I see.

Text 7

M: Could I borrow some money, Mom?

W: What for?

M: Im going to the countryside tomorrow. I need to buy some food and books for the children there.

W: Im going to the supermarket. I can buy them for you.

M: Thats very nice of you.

W: Um, could you please help me sweep the floor and fold your clothes?

M: Yes, I will finish the work in an hour.

Text 8

M: Hello, Jenny!

W: Hi, Jack!

M: I heard you were good at choosing new clothes. Would you like to go shopping with me this afternoon?

W: Oh, sorry. I have to go to the dentist.

M: What about tomorrow morning?

W: Sorry, I have to take a piano lesson tomorrow morning.

M: Well, what are you going to do the day after tomorrow?

W: Its Saturday. I have to look after my sister at home.

M: Oh, I see.

W: Im sorry, Jack. Im really busy this week.

Text 9

M: Hi, Betty. How was your vacation?

W: It was great.

M: Where did you go?

W: I went to Paris with my parents.

M: Paris? Wow! What did you do there?

W: Well, we went to a lot of museums.

M: Oh, how were the museums?

W: They were really interesting. But they were crowded.

M: Did you go shopping?

W: Yeah, I went to a lot of stores.

M: How were the stores?

W: Oh, the clothes there were very expensive.

M: And how were the people there? Did you talk to them?

W: Yeah, the people were really friendly. My parents had some French friends, and we had dinner at their houses.

M: How was the food?

W: It was delicious. I love French food!

Text 10

One day a little boy came into a fruit shop. He had five dollars and wanted to buy some apples. He said to the shopkeeper, “Give me apples for five dollars, please.”

When the shopkeeper gave him the apples, the boy counted them and felt very surprised. Then he said, “Last Friday, my mother bought apples here for five dollars, too. Why did you give me fewer apples?” “Dont ask questions, boy. I have no time for questions.”

“Excuse me, sir,” said the little boy, “but…”

“It is all right, my boy,” said the shopkeeper. “Dont you know? The fewer apples you get, the less fruit you will have to carry.”

“Alright,” said the boy and he gave four dollars to the shopkeeper. He was just going to leave the shop when he heard the words, “Come back! You must pay me five dollars.”

“Thats OK!” said the boy. “Dont you know? The fewer dollars you get, the less money you will have to count.”

Units 1—2 聽力練習
Units 3—4 聽力練習
Units 5—6 聽力練習
Units 7—8 聽力練習