
2019年11月CATTI二級筆譯 實務真題(漢譯英)

2020-06-24 14:07王維東
英語世界 2020年5期


Passage 1

[1] 新中國成立70年來,中國的人權事業取得了舉世矚目的成就。

[2] 1949年新中國成立前,中國的人均GDP僅達27美元,人均預期壽命35歲,人均受教育年限不到一年,約90%的中國人民是文盲;戰亂仍頻,人民生活在苦難之中。

[3] 現在,中國已成為世界第二大經濟體,人民安居樂業,人均預期壽命由35歲增長到77歲。中國已基本建立起保障公民權利的法律和政策體系。

[4] 中國把“尊重和保障人權”寫進了憲法,社會和諧發展的水平得到了顯著提升。中國支持保障公民生存權和發展權,反對忽視經濟、社會、文化權利的趨勢,主張促進這兩種權利的平衡保障,以發展促人權、消除貧困,中國的人權原則已得到國際的廣泛支持。

[5] 中國認真履行國際人權義務,加入了包括6項核心人權公約在內的26項國際人權公約。中國廣泛開展國際人權交流合作,同20多個國家開展人權對話和磋商,同聯合國人權機制保持建設性交流。


[1] Chinas human rights effort has made tremendous progress since the PRCs founding 70 years ago.

[2] Prior to 1949, the average income of Chinese citizenry was only 27 U.S. dollars and the average life expectancy as low as age 35. The duration of formal schooling per capita was less than one year. Approximately 90% of the population was illiterate. Wars were frequent, causing our people to suffer.

[3] Today, China has become the worlds second largest economy. Its citizens enjoy a good and prosperous life. The average expected lifespan has increased from age 35 to 77. The Chinese government has basically set legal frameworks and policies for ensuring citizens rights.

[4] China has enshrined “the respect for and protection of human rights” in its Constitution, thus raising harmonious societal development to a new level. It reinforces and safeguards Chinese peoples rights to subsistence and development while countering the trend whereby citizens social and cultural rights have been ignored. It urges that a balance should be achieved between these two kinds of rights so as to better promote human rights through sustainable social-economic development and the elimination of poverty. The human rights principle upheld by China has won broad international support.

[5] China is earnestly fulfilling its international human rights obligations. So far, it has acceded to 26 international human rights conventions, including six treaties concerning core human rights. It carries out extensive international exchanges and cooperation in the field of human rights, holding dialogue and consultation with more than 20 countries on that issue and maintaining constructive exchanges with United Nations human rights bodies.


[1] 第一,“新中國成立”譯成the PRCs founding,較之用the new China或New China翻譯“新中國”,更為西方讀者群所接受。第二,“事業”并不總是和cause相對應。例如“人權事業”更常見的譯法是the development of human rights或progress in human rights??蓞⒄罩袊俜降娜藱嗍聵I白皮書英譯版,作為考前準備時的平行文本。但參照不等于機械照搬。例如本段的英譯,有下文has made tremendous progress的制約,不宜譯成“Chinas development of human rights has made… progress”,更不能譯成“Chinas progress in… has made… progress”,因為英文一般不接受“某發展(向前)行為導致了進步(也是向前)”這類無謂的語義重復(或近似)。同理,英文一般也不接受economic development(向前,向好)mounted a new stage(向好)這類表述。有時“事業”甚至可以不譯,例如把“現代化建設事業”簡單地譯成modernization。

[2] 第一,“1949年新中國成立前”英譯時可簡化成prior to 1949,因為上文剛剛提到“成立后取得了……成就”,而下文則歷數了成立前的種種不堪。譯文讀者應能據此推斷,1949年是成立前后的分界點。第二,“人均”被分別變通地譯成“average… of… citizenry”、average和per capita。同樣,“中國人民”和“人民”變通為the Chinese population和our people(后面第三段里的“人民”也因地制宜地譯成its citizens)。這類變通手段在英文寫作中比比皆是。該怎樣寫英文,就該怎樣做漢譯英。

[3] “經濟體”譯成economy足矣,不需要增詞。同理,“首任行政長官”譯成the first chief executive即可;若譯為the first term of chief executive,則成了中式英文。

[4] 第一,“支持保障……生存權和發展權”或有歧義,既可表示“支持對……的保障”,也可表示“支持并保障”。reinforces and safeguards偏向第二種意思。第二,英譯未用既可表行為、亦可表態度的support來譯“支持”,而是用了只表行為的reinforce。與此對應,英譯也用表行為的counter,而非表態度的oppose,來譯“反對”。

[5] 首先,“公約”分別變通地譯為conventions和treaties。詞典上所作的詞義區分只適用于極端或典型的情形,實際使用時未必總是謹守。同理,“雇員”未必總是譯成employee,也可以譯成worker;“人員”未必總是personnel,也可以是agent。此外,on that issue這一寫法是為了避免過多地重復human rights。

Passage 2

[1] 中國幅員遼闊,在漫長的歷史發展進程中,逐步形成了各地豐富多彩、極具特色的傳統民居建筑形式。

[2] 2005年,建筑專業的毛葛開始進行傳統民居的研究工作,在見識過各種各樣的傳統民居后,她感受到傳統民居具有鮮明的地域特色,每座都是工匠們忘我勞動的結果。從中,她也看到了中國人對自己生活的深深熱愛。

[3] 80年代城鎮化進程加快以來,中國的傳統民居建筑正在大量消失,伴隨而來的還有對傳統建筑技藝、傳統建筑工具以及相關建筑知識的冷落。

[4] 作為看漫畫長大的80后一代,熱愛傳統民居建筑的毛葛想到了通過漫畫形式向人們介紹傳統民居,希望讓更多人看到傳統民居建筑的美并加入到保護傳統民居的行列,引起更多人尤其是年輕人對這一學科的興趣。

[5] 她以簡單有趣的漫畫形式、通俗易懂的文字創作了面向年輕大眾的漫畫。


[1] China is a country with a vast territory. In the great historical continuum, it has developed a large variety of traditional vernacular housing with distinctly regional features.

[2] In 2005, Mao Ge, who specialized in architecture, started research into traditional vernacular houses. When admiring many such houses, she was struck with their respective regional features. Each of them is the outcome of builders selfless devotion. Through that experience, she also witnessed Chinese peoples deep attachment to their own way of life.

[3] Since the 1980s, with the quickening of urbanization, many traditional vernacular houses have disappeared. Meanwhile, there is a collective neglect of traditional architectural techniques, instruments and knowledge.

[4] Born in the 1980s and having long been used to reading cartoon books while growing up, Mao Ge, who loves traditional vernacular architecture ever so much, hit upon the idea of introducing it to a wider readership through cartoons. That, she hopes, will encourage people to find beauty in folk housing and to start protecting them, thus arousing attention from still more people, especially the young.

[5] Through simple, interesting cartoons matched by equally intelligible wording, she has created her type of cartoons for the young.


[1] 第一,in the great historical continuum是地道的英文短語。in the long river of history則有中式英文之嫌。第二,在distinctly regional features這一結構中,distinctly必須帶-ly詞尾。再舉兩例:a distinctly Chinese face和he is typically American。

[2] 第一,“感受到……特色”不宜譯成“felt the… features”那樣的翻譯腔。第二,很難確知“她感受到”是只管到“傳統民居具有鮮明的地域特色”為止,還是把逗號后的“每座都是工匠們忘我勞動的結果”也管了起來。這類模糊情形在漢語里很普遍,但英譯時須作明晰的處理。

[3] 第一,“城鎮化進程”中的“進程”未必要譯出來,因為譯了會出現兩個of連用的情形:the quickening of the process of urbanization,導致行文的不流暢。第二,英譯“冷落”一詞時增補了形容詞collective,以示這一現象的嚴峻程度。用法實例如下:“集體麻木”可譯成collective paralysis;“集體無意識”的英文對應語是the collective unconscious。第三,在“傳統建筑技藝、傳統建筑工具以及相關建筑知識”這一表述中,用“相關”來指代“傳統建筑”,這固然已是一種簡化,但英譯仍可進一步合并同類項,這好比英譯“智慧沖動和心智能力”時,可讓一個形容詞共用兩個名詞:an intellectual impulse or ability。

[4] 第一,“作為看漫畫長大的80后一代”稍有語病。毛葛只是一代人當中的一分子,不能譯成“as a generation of people born during…”。第二,本段中的“人們”和兩次提及的“更多人”分別譯成a wider readership、people和still more people,從而使行文更趨靈活。第三,英譯對“加入到保護傳統民居的行列”作了輕處理。第四,“引起……對這一學科的興趣”的英譯沒提“對這一學科”,因為這個意思不言自明。

[5] 請留意本段中matched by、equally和her type of等不動聲色的“小過門兒”(潤滑英語行文的詞語)。? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?□



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云辦公軟件cloud-based office tools

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貿易禁令 trade restriction

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事不凝滯 理貴變通