
Unit 2詞匯要點講解

2020-10-26 02:24李天雨
考試與評價·八年級版 2020年1期


1. cheer v. 歡呼;喝彩

Every time our basketball team scores a goal, each of our classmates cheers loudly. 每當我們籃球隊進了球,我們每個同學都大聲歡呼。

Dear students, please cheer for our youth. 同學們,請為我們的青春喝彩。

【拓展】 cheer up 振奮起來

I think he misses her terribly. You might cheer him up. 我估計他是太想念她了。也許你可以讓他打起點兒精神來。

2. satisfaction n. 滿足;滿意

He was glad and nodded with satisfaction. 他很高興,滿意地點頭。

【拓展】 satisfying adj. 令人滿意的;令人滿足的,形容物;satisfied adj. 感到滿意的,形容人;satisfy vi. 令人滿意;令人滿足vt. 滿足;使滿意

3. volunteer n. 義務工作者;志愿者

vt. 義務(做);自愿(做)

She was a volunteer; she hadnt had to be press-ganged. 她是一個志愿者,不一定非是受人迫使的。

They volunteered to repair the house for the old lady. 他們主動提出替老太太修繕房子。

4. lonely adj. 孤獨的;寂寞的

I feel very lonely without my good friend. 我的好朋友不在旁邊我就很寂寞。

【辨析】 lonely和alone


She lives alone and often feels lonely. 她孑然一身,常感到寂寞。

I dont like going out alone at night. 我不喜歡夜晚單獨外出。

5. excited adj. 激動的;興奮的

I am excited at the news. 聽到這個消息我很興奮。

Are you excited about going to Beijing? 你對去北京感到興奮嗎?

【辨析】 excited和exciting

excited與 exciting都是形容詞。excited意為“興奮的”,一般修飾人;而exciting意為“令人感到興奮的”,一般修飾物。如:interest, frighten, surprise, move, terrify等,這些詞的? -ed形容詞和-ing形容詞的用法都與之相似。

6. disabled adj. 喪失能力的;有殘疾的

The accident disabled his father for work last year. 去年的一起事故使他的爸爸喪失了工作能力。

Her family is very poor because her father is ill and he is disabled. 她的家庭很窮,因為她父親病了,而且殘疾。

7. understand v. 懂;理解;領會


They are too young to understand what is going on. 他們還太小,不明白發生了什么事。

It would be nice to have someone who really understood me, a friend. 要是有個真正理解我的朋友就好了。

8. several pron. 幾個;數個;數人;數件物

Several hundred students are climbing the mountain. 幾百名學生正在爬山。

Theyve been to the hospital several times. 他們已經去醫院好幾次了。

9. feeling n. 感覺,感觸

It doesnt matter if you fail. I know your feeling now. 失敗了沒關系,我理解你此刻的感受。

I also had a strange feeling in my neck. 我的脖子感覺也很奇怪。

10. journey n. (尤指長途)旅行,行程

When you make a journey, you might travel from your hometown to my city. 當你旅行的時候,你可以從你的家鄉旅行到我的城市。

【辨析】 trip, journey和travel

(1) trip常指短距離的、直達目的地的旅行,在日常用語中,trip可與journey通用。

I am going on a trip to the seaside during the summer holidays. 暑假期間我將去海邊旅行。

(2) journey主要指單程較遠距離。

Mr. Smith made a journey from Paris to New York. 史密斯先生作了一次從巴黎到紐約的旅行。

(3) travel泛指一般意義的旅行,是不可數名詞。

He is fond of travel (= travelling). 他喜歡旅行。

11. fix v. 修理;安裝

Can you help me fix my radio? 你能幫我修理一下收音機嗎?

【辨析】 mend, repair和fix


(1) mend指修理一些小用具、玩具、要縫補的衣物等。

Mom, my coat is broken. Can you mend it? 媽媽,我的上衣壞了,你能幫我縫補一下嗎?

(2) repair指修理一些破損、毀壞的、不能正常使用的物品。

When I got home, my father was repairing his bike. 當我到家的時候,爸爸正在修理他的自行車。

(3) fix指大型設備需要安裝、裝配。

Hes outside fixing the brakes on the car. 他在外面修理汽車的剎車。

12. clean up 打掃干凈;整理

We have to clean up the classroom before we leave. 我們必須把教室打掃干凈才能走。

【拓展】 動詞之后加介詞或副詞構成短語,表達一種特定的含義,稱為短語動詞。如:look at 看;look like 看上去像;look after 照料;listen to 聽;welcome to 歡迎到……;say hello to 向……問好;speak to 對……說;put on 穿上;take off 脫下;起飛;write down 記下;come on 趕快;get up 起床;come in 進來;sit down 坐下;stand up起立等。



1. You could ________ (分發) food at the food bank to help feed them.

2. I want to ________ (使變得更高興) my grandparents.

3. —What does your friend want to do this summer holiday?

—He wants to ________ (自愿做) in an orphanage (孤兒院).

4. Look at the ________ (標志) on the wall. Dont use your mobile phone here.

5. Monday is our schools ________ (清潔) Day.


1. He smiled in ________ (satisfied) when he won the game.

2. We cant put off ________ (make) a plan.

3. The ________ (own) of the shop was cleaning the floor when I walked in.

4. I got the ________ (feel) that he didnt like me.

5. On my way to school, I noticed some

________ (break) chairs on the right side of the road.


[ put up, hand out, call up, cheer up,

come up with, give out, put off ]

1. I want to ________ my plan to work in an animal hospital until next summer. Im too busy with my studies this year.

2. She hopes to ________ at least five primary schools to ask if they need volunteers for their after-school programs.

3. Our class is trying to ________ some ideas to ________ sick children because they are often sad.

4. We decided to ________ signs around the school and ________ notices to tell students about the book sale.

5. We will ________ the money from the sale to homeless people.


1. We must find a person ________________ (做這項工作).

2. In my family, my mother is always the first one ________________ (起床).

3. Do you have ________________ (什么問題要問)?

4. Please tell me ________________ (怎樣念這個詞).

5. I havent decided ________________ (買哪一件襯衫).

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