

2020-12-15 07:01趙悅濤
中外醫療 2020年28期


[摘要] 目的 探討微創拔牙技術在阻生齒拔除中的應用與可行性。方法 方便選擇2015年2月—2018年4月收治的68例阻生齒患者隨機數字表分組。對照組進行常規術式,微創拔牙組進行微創拔牙技術。分析效果,拔牙手術的疼痛程度、牙槽完整程度、手術的時間、拔牙窩平均愈合時間;施術前后患者心理恐懼積分、心理焦慮積分,并發癥。結果 微創拔牙組手術效果100.00%高于對照組79.41%,差異有統計學意義(χ2=7.844,P<0.05)。施術前兩組心理恐懼積分、心理焦慮積分相似,差異無統計學意義(P>0.05);施術后微創拔牙組心理恐懼積分、心理焦慮積分(2.01±0.11)分、(23.15±1.16)分優于對照組(5.21±0.24)分、(35.13±2.28)分,差異有統計學意義(t=6.913、7.024,P<0.05)。微創拔牙組拔牙手術的疼痛程度、牙槽完整程度、手術的時間、拔牙窩平均愈合時間(3.02±0.12)、(95.02±0.12)、(15.24±2.61)min、(7.21±1.21)d優于對照組,差異有統計學意義(t=6.221、6.202、7.322、13.761,P<0.05)。微創拔牙組并發癥發生率8.82%低于對照組26.47%,差異有統計學意義(χ2=4.955,P<0.05)。結論 阻生齒患者行微創拔牙技術效果確切,可有效減輕患者痛苦,減少并發癥,加速拔牙窩愈合。

[關鍵詞] 微創拔牙技術;阻生齒拔除;應用效果

[中圖分類號] R322.4+1 ? ? ? ? ?[文獻標識碼] A ? ? ? ? ?[文章編號] 1674-0742(2020)10(a)-0036-03

Application and Feasibility Study of Minimally Invasive Tooth Extraction Technology in Extraction of Impacted Teeth

ZHAO Yue-tao

Department of Stomatology, the First People's Hospital of Honghe Prefecture, Mengzi, Yunnan Province, 661199 China

[Abstract] Objective To explore the application and feasibility of minimally invasive tooth extraction technology in the extraction of impacted teeth. Methods A random number table of 68 patients with impacted teeth admitted from February 2015 to April 2018 was convenient selected collected. The control group performed conventional surgery, and the minimally invasive tooth extraction group performed minimally invasive tooth extraction technology. Analysis of results, of tooth: pain degree of extraction surgery, alveolar integrity, operation time, average healing time of extraction socket patients' psychological fear score and psychological anxiety score before and after surgerytt ?the complications. Results The surgical effect of minimally invasive tooth extraction group was 100.00% higher than that of control group 79.41%, the difference was statistically significant(χ2=7.844, P<0.05). The psychological fear score and psychological anxiety score of the two groups before surgery were similar, the difference was not statistically significant(P>0.05); the psychological fear score and psychological anxiety score of the minimally invasive tooth extraction group after surgery were (2.01±0.11)points, (23.15±1.16) points were better than the control group (5.21±0.24)points,(35.13±2.28)points, the difference was statistically significant(t=6.913,7.024, P<0.05). In the minimally invasive tooth extraction group, the related indexes of tooth extraction surgery, pain degree, alveolar integrity, operation time, average healing time of extraction socket (3.02±0.12), (95.02±0.12),(15.24±2.61)min, (7.21±1.21)d better than the control group, the difference was statistically significant(t=6.221, 6.202, 7.322, 13.761, P<0.05). Complications rate in the minimally invasive tooth extraction group were 8.82% lower than those in the control group(26.47%), the difference was statistically significant(χ2=4.955, P<0.05). Conclusion The minimally invasive tooth extraction technique for patients with impacted teeth has a definite effect, which can effectively alleviate patients' pain, reduce complications, and accelerate the healing of extraction sockets.



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