
——從Flipped 學習修辭手法

2020-12-25 01:25湖南
教學考試(高考英語) 2020年6期


《普通高中英語課程標準(2017 年版2020 年修訂)》明確提出了語篇知識內容要求,首次將比喻、擬人、強調、反諷、夸張、對仗等修辭手段在語篇中的表意功能及常見的用法列為選修(提高類)的語篇知識內容。讀后續寫的五檔作文評分標準也要求內容豐富、詞匯豐富。整本書閱讀為豐富內容和詞匯提供了具有可操作性的途徑?!垛袢恍膭印罚‵lipped)這本書講述了其貌不揚的小女孩和帥氣的小男孩之間的戀愛故事,有同名電影可以促進學生對故事情節的理解,詞匯難度適中,是適合高中學生閱讀的英文原著。其中的修辭手法比比皆是,有助于學生的語言輸入。但如若教師對修辭手法的功能和使用理解得不深刻,則易導致其在日常教學中忽視修辭手法。

本文參考The Oxford Essential Guide to Writing 指出修辭手法的四種功能:具體化功能、聚焦功能、評判功能、娛樂功能。在教學的過程中,教師應當明確修辭手法不是孤立存在的,而是作為一種思維的工具滲透于神態描寫、動作描寫、語言描寫、心理描寫中的,是實現語言豐富不可或缺的途徑。在整本書閱讀中,教師應設計“四步走”教學法:引導學生欣賞使用了修辭手法的例句——學生自行找出使用了修辭手法的例句賞析并模仿——在讀后續寫和隨筆中操練——共享佳作、同伴激勵。



(1)Chapter 2:She never even put up her own chair at the end of the Day.The only muscles she exercised regularly were the ones around her mouth,and those she worked out nonstop.If there was an Olympic contest for talking,Shelly Stalls would sweep the event.(評判功能)

(2)Chapter 7:“To be held above the earth and brushed by the wind,” she said,“it’s like your heart has been kissed by beauty.” (娛樂功能)

(3)Chapter 8:I avoided him the rest of the Day,but by the end of school there was a tornado inside me,tearing me up from one end to the other.I jumped on my bike and rode home faster than I ever had before.The right pedal clanked against the chain guard,and the whole bike rattled and squeaked,threatening to collapse into a pile of rusty parts.(聚焦功能)

(4)Chapter 14:All I knew was that he had the most beautiful eyes I’d ever seen and that his smile melted my heart like the sun melts butter.(具體化功能)


①What kind of judgment Does the author convey when she says “The only muscles she exercised regularly were the ones around her mouth,and those she worked out nonstop.”?

②Which word in the sentence“it’s like your heart has been kissed by beauty.”brings you pleasure? How?

③What’s the characteristic of tornado? What kind of characteristic of“tornado”does the author want to stress here?

④What kind of feeling Does“smile”give people?What’s the picture in your mind when the sun melts butter?




(1)Chapter 1:The minute I walked into Mrs.Yelson’s second-grade classroom,I was Dead meat.(心理描寫)

(2)Chapter 2:When I couldn’t stand it any longer,I called,“Hi!”into the van,which made Bryce jump,and then quick as a cricket,he started pushing a box like he’d been working all along.(動作描寫)

(3)Chapter 7:At Dinner that night he’d showered and changed back into his regular clothes and house slippers,but he Didn’t look the same.It was like someone had plugged him in and turned on the light.(神態描寫)

(4)Chapter 13:“Bryce,what is going on? You’ve been running back and forth to the Bakers’,climbing over their fence...You’re acting like the world’s on fire!” (語言描寫)


①What kind of Description Does the example belong to?

②Do you think it’s a good Description? Why?

③Can you use one of these Descriptions to Describe an unforgettable moment?





比喻包含明喻、隱喻和借喻。明喻最常見,同時具備本體、喻體和比喻詞。三者的區別在于有無比喻詞以及本體出現與否,三者的共同點在于用已知熟悉的事物映射新的抽象事物。教授修辭手法時,教師應引導學生思考兩方面的內容:What kind of function Does it represent? What kind of Description is it?

(1)Chapter 1:He stuck Juli to me like glue.

(2)Chapter 7:No squeaking,no clanking,no scraping,no breathing...I swear,the guy moved through my room like a ghost.

(3)Chapter 8:It felt like blowing a Dandelion into the wind and watching all the little seeds float off,up and away.I was proud of my parents,and looking around the front yard,I was proud of me,too.

(4)Chapter 11:Instead,my mom was flying around the kitchen,slicing and Dicing and barking orders at Dad and me like the president was coming to Dinner.




Chapter 14:(1)“They look like they’re yawning,don’t they?”She cocked her head a bit and looked a little closer.“Yawning?”“Well,more stretching,I guess.Like they’re sitting up in their little bed of Dirt with their arms stretched way high,saying,Good morning,world!”(2)I got up and uncoiled the hose.“I think they(草)need a wakeup shower,don’t you?”

例(1)(2)的共同之處在于都體現了擬人化的娛樂功能,通過將草擬人化帶給人愉快,且都是語言描寫。不同的是,例(1)還利用yawn,stretch,sit up,say 等詞對草的生長進行了一系列動作擬人。運用擬人能使形象更生動,充分抒發情感、激發共鳴,令人浮想聯翩。這也啟發學生在日常生活中學會觀察,以充滿愛的眼光去看待世界,給世界的一花一木都賦予靈性。



(1)Chapter 3:I made it past the crook,up a few limbs,and then — just to see how I was Doing — I looked Down.Mis-take! It felt like I was on top of the Empire State Building without a bungee.

(2)Chapter 5:Then she races across the street in a flood of tears.

(3)Chapter 7:I could feel her anger a mile away.

(4)Chapter 10:The checkers and customers at the registers seemed frozen with terror—like David was some sort of monster out to Destroy the world.

例(1)將爬上高枝向下看的感覺夸張為在帝國大廈頂樓不掛任何安全繩索,把站在高處帶來的恐懼心理具體化。例(2)將畫面定格在面部并夸張為淚如“洪水”(a flood of tears),通過夸張的神態描寫將畫面引入讀者的腦海。例(3)通過夸張的手法烘托出了人物極度憤怒的心理,且透露出一絲幽默感,充分體現了娛樂功能。例(4)將突然發狂的David叔叔比喻、夸張為摧毀世界的怪物,形象的動作描寫也透露著作者的情感評判:對這樣的事實感到害怕以及無可奈何。任何事物都有很多的特征,而夸張能放大某些特征使得情感充分地表達、吸引人眼球。



(1)Chapter 8:Chet taught me how to plumb a line for the pickets,how to hold a hammer Down on the end of the handle instead of choking up on it,how to calculate an adjusted spacing for the pickets,and how to use a level to get the wood exactly vertical.We worked on the fence for Days,and the whole time we worked we talked.

(2)Chapter 13:And every time I s

aw her,she seemed more beautiful.She just seemed to glow.I’m not talking like a hundred-watt bulb; she just had this warmth to her.Maybe it came from climbing that tree.Maybe it came from singing to chickens.Maybe it came from whacking at two-by-fours and Dreaming about perpetual motion.I Don’t know.All I know is that compared to her,Shelly and Miranda seemed so...ordinary.

例(1)用how to 的短語結構將Chet 教“我”怎樣修理草坪具體化,句式疊加的修辭手法使得動作描寫一步步深入讀者的腦海,“我”對Chet 感激的情感也得到了強化。例(2)通過兩個seemed 的排比表現出Bryce 心中的各種不安,但又在自我探尋中找到了答案。通過三個Maybe it came from 暗示了Bryce 最終愛上Juli 的內心變化,同時也夾雜著作者的情感評價:外表的美丑并不那么重要,重要的是要有豐盈的內心世界。例如在學生的仿句練習中有佳句:When I listen to a happy song,I feel like becoming a happy rabbit jumping in the forest.When I listen to a sad song,it seems as if I were the composer.I could feel how he feels.用排比表達音樂已融入了作者的生活,以及其對音樂的細膩體驗。




When the sun was peeping over the horizon,my family set off for the park to enjoy our one-day trip.We walked to the park excited and relaxed,and I could even smell the fragrance of flowers hundreds of meters away! When we got to the park,I ran to the sea of colorful blossoms,and took a close look at these lovely flowers.The morning Dew twinkled in the grass like Drops of crystal.

As the sun rose higher and higher,we went on a picnic.Surrounded by the giant trees,we enjoyed the beautiful singing of the birds and a faint wisp of scent blown to our face with breeze.Laying comfortably on the grass,I looked at the cute clouds similar to pieces of cotton candy in the sky.

As time went by,it was time to go back.I reluctantly said good bye to the trees and flowers in the park and the trees were also waving to us.We went back home tired but enjoyable.How unforgettable the experience was!(陳同學,“難忘的一次回憶”話題寫作)

點評:行文流暢,心理描寫和動作描寫完美交織,實現了修辭的具體化、聚焦、娛樂功能。一切景語皆情語,作者借助陽光(the sun)、花香(fragrance of flowers)、微風(breeze)、露珠(dew)、小鳥(birds)、青草(grass)、樹木(trees)等,表達欣喜、滿足之情。巧妙地運用了修辭手法,如擬人(the sun was peeping over the horizon)、比 喻(The morning Dew twinkled in the grass like Drops of crystal.和the cute clouds similar to pieces of cotton candy in the sky)、夸張(smell the fragrance of flowers hundreds of meters away 和ran to the sea of colorful blossoms)。一幅生動、美好的旅行畫面呈現在了讀者面前。


Suddenly a little rabbit jumped out in front of my horse.However,out of curiosity,I Decided to catch this guy.With my feet pedaling heavily,my horse began increasing his speed quickly like a rocket rising to the sky.“Wait!”shouted my Dad sharply,“Stop,or we will get lost!”Actually,the horse was out of control and I just Dragged the rope in vain,scared and helpless.Fortunately for me,he came to a stop finally.But we indeed got lost.

We had no idea where we were and it got Dark.I looked at the increasingly Dark sky in anxiety.“We should keep calm.”said my Dad,“Never give up and never Despair.” With his company,we started to search for the track.All of a sudden,after going through thick bushes,we Discovered the sheep grazing outside.And soon,the farm house came into my sight and out of which stood Uncle Paul looking around anxiously.Through such a Dreadful experience,I understood that keeping calm is a significant weapon against emergencies.(蘇同學,2018 年6 月高考英語浙江卷讀后續寫)

點評:本文顯示出深厚的基本功,且關鍵點的修辭用得恰到好處?;竟唧w體現為:形容詞疊加作狀語描繪出“我”的焦急;句式多變,如采用了倒裝句型;語篇的小詞銜接到位。錦上添花之處則在于修辭手法的使用:第一段將“rabbit”擬人為“this guy”,給讀者帶來一絲親切感,而將突然加速的馬兒比喻為沖向空中的“rocket”非常有畫面感,兩者皆因加速而向上沖。同時通過夸張的修辭方法將作者的焦急心理描寫得淋漓盡致。第二段在最后總結句之處用比喻句進行情感評價:保持冷靜是應對突發事件的重要武器。此句可謂點睛之筆,將整篇文章升華到理論層面。

