

2020-12-25 01:25浙江
教學考試(高考英語) 2020年6期


從2016 年10 月開始高考英語浙江卷中出現了全新的寫作題型——讀后續寫和概要寫作。兩種題型在不同考次不定期地交替使用?!镀胀ǜ叩葘W校招生全國統一考試英語科考試說明》(以下簡稱《考試說明》)中對概要寫作的要求如下:提供一篇350 詞以內的短文,要求考生基于該短文寫出一篇60 詞左右的內容概要。至今為止高考英語浙江卷分別在2018 年11 月和2019 年6 月的兩次考試中考查了概要寫作這一題型,但是從閱卷之后的反饋情況來看,這一題型考生得分不高的主要原因是其在概要寫作的要點確認以及概要寫作的要點表達這兩方面存在較大的問題。下面,筆者將具體闡述解決這兩個方面的問題的具體方法,以期達到拋磚引玉的效果。






【例】(2018 年11 月高考英語浙江卷概要寫作第四段)Now,if time and money are making it impossible,then check out the online college fairs at CollegeWeekLive.It’s a chance to chat online with admissions officers,students,and college counselors(顧問),and it won’t cost you a penny! You can register for its online college fair at collegeweeklive.com.While visiting an online college fair can’t take the place of an actual campus visit,it can be a very useful tool that along with all your other research will help you make an informed Decision about which colleges or universities you’d like to attend.





【例】(2019 年6 月高考英語浙江卷概要寫作第一段)Parents everywhere praise their kids.Jenn Berman,author of The A to Z Guide to Raising Happy and Confident Kids,says,“We’ve gone to the opposite extreme of a few Decades ago when parents tended to be more strict.”By giving kids a lot of praise,parents think they’re building their children’s confidence,when,in fact,it may be just the opposite.Too much praise can backfire and,when given in a way that’s insincere,make kids afraid to try new things or take a risk for fear of not being able to stay on top where their parents’ praise has put them.


【方法策略】判斷反襯法的方法也很簡單,即要特別重視but,however,nevertheless,in fact,actually,as a matter of fact 等表示轉折關系的連接詞,以及though,although,while,no matter 等引導讓步狀語從句的連接詞,因為這些連接詞就是反襯法的風向標,指引我們確定這種反襯手法。



【例】(《考試說明》中樣題的第二、三段)In the early 16th century,people thought that Dirt on the skin was a means to block out Disease,as medical opinion had it that washing off Dirt with hot water could open up the skin and let ills in.A particular Danger was thought to lie in public baths.By 1538,the French king had closed the bath houses in his kingdom.So Did the king of England in 1546.Thus began a long time when the rich and the poor in Europe lived with Dirt in a friendly way.HenryⅣ,King of France,was famously Dirty.Upon learning that a nobleman had taken a bath,the king ordered that,to avoid the attack of Disease,the nobleman should not go out.

Though the belief in the merit(好處)of Dirt was long-lived,dirt has no longer been regarded as a nice neighbor ever since the 18 century.Scientifically speaking,cleaning away Dirt is good to health.Clean water supply and hand washing are practical means of preventing Disease.Yet,it seems that standards of cleanliness have moved beyond science since World War Ⅱ.Advertisements repeatedly sell the idea:clothes need to be whiter than white,cloths ever softer,surfaces to shine.Has the hate for Dirt,however,gone too far?

【分析】綜觀上面有關人們對于灰塵的不同態度的兩段內容,考生們在進行概要寫作的時候很容易進入誤區,將第一段的歐洲的具體情況作為重心展開論述,而實際上本篇的第一個要點要從宏觀上概括十六世紀歐洲人認為灰塵可以預防疾病的觀點,而第二個要點則是反過來說十八世紀的歐洲人改變了之前的觀點。這兩個要點都與具體的人物,如法國國王Henry Ⅳ無關。因此對于使用事例法引出主題的說明文,學生在確定主題時應忽略事例直奔論點。




【例】It’s a familiar but uncomfortable feeling.Your best friend will marry a handsome Doctor,and the congratulatory hug you offer lacks genuine warmth.Your friend is made the team for Saturday’s big game,and you take a certain pleasure in telling him you can’t be there to watch him play.You smile but a voice in your head asks,why them and not you?

Envy is a shortcoming of character we like to keep in our heart secretly.How shameful is it not to be looking forward with Delight to your Day as your best friend’s bridesmaid! Who would hope your friend might suffer some injury,so you can take his place on the team?

Envy is everywhere.It seems to be in our nature to hate others’gifts and good fortune,especially if we see them as advantages they shouldn’t have.

【分析】上面有關嫉妒的語段的內容比較抽象,因為涉及心理學方面的知識所以給廣大考生確定要點徒增了不少的困難,但是如果我們緊緊把握疑問句之后往往是要點這一原則,確定“Envy is a shortcoming of character we like to keep in our heart secretly.” 和“Envy is everywhere.It seems to be in our nature to hate others’ gifts and good fortune,”這三句是相對重要的內容,那么考生便可輕松確定寫作要點。





【例】(2019 年6 月高考英語浙江卷概要寫作第一段)Parents everywhere praise their kids.Jenn Berman,author of The A to Z Guide to Raising Happy and Confident Kids,says,“We’ve gone to the opposite extreme of a few Decades ago when parents tended to be more strict.”By giving kids a lot of praise,parents think they’re building their children’s confidence,when,in fact,it may be just the opposite.Too much praise can backfire and,when given in a way that’s insincere,make kids afraid to try new things or take a risk for fear of not being able to stay on top where their parents’ praise has put them.

【要點確定】反襯法(根據表示轉折關系的連接詞in fact)

【分析】考慮到前面都在介紹表揚的好處,因此這部分內容要簡單提到表揚的好處,但是不能作為主要內容來呈現,主要內容是in fact 后面的內容,即過度表揚的壞處,兩者之間使用定語從句銜接,不用簡單句和并列句。

【表達形式】Nowadays parents tend to overpraise their children,which may have bad effects on them.

【表達亮點】根據詞匯變換原則把Too much praise 替換為overpraise。進行詞匯變換的前提是要儲備好足夠的同義詞,然后根據具體情況靈活切換。


【例】It’s a familiar but uncomfortable feeling.Your best friend will marry a handsome Doctor,and the congratulatory hug you offer lacks genuine warmth.Your friend is made the team for Saturday’s big game,and you take a certain pleasure in telling him you can’t be there to watch him play.You smile but a voice in your head asks,why them and not you?

Envy is a shortcoming of character we like to keep in our heart secretly.How shameful it is not to be looking forward with Delight to your Day as your best friend’s bridesmaid! Who would hope your friend might suffer some injury,so you can take his place on the team?

Envy is everywhere.It seems to be in our nature to hate others’ gifts and good fortune,especially if we see them as advantages they shouldn’t have.

【要點確定】提問法(根據前面why 和Who 引導的特殊疑問句以及問號)


【表達形式】Envy is a common but unpleasant feeling,which is a secret hidden in our heart.



【例】(2018 年11 月高考英語浙江卷概要寫作第四段)Now,if time and money are making it impossible,then check out the online college fairs at CollegeWeekLive.It’s a chance to chat online with admissions officers,students,and college counselors(顧問),and it won’t cost you a penny! You can register for its online college fair at collegeweeklive.com.While visiting an online college fair can’t take the place of an actual campus visit,it can be a very useful tool that along with all your other research will help you make an informed Decision about which colleges or universities you’d like to attend.



【表達形式】Finally if you lack time and money,using online college fairs could be another option.

【表達亮點】原文中使用了祈使句,而概要寫作要求避免重復,但是內容又必須與原文一致,所以使用動名詞作主語這一表達方式便是個不錯的選擇。其次,option 這個單詞是高級詞匯,在這里出現也頗為應景。因此平時學生必須多積累高級句型和高級詞匯,只有這樣才能在關鍵時刻為寫作增光添彩。


【例】(《考試說明》中樣題的第二、三段)In the early 16th century,people thought that Dirt on the skin was a means to block out Disease,as medical opinion had it that washing off Dirt with hot water could open up the skin and let ills in.A particular Danger was thought to lie in public baths.By 1538,the French king had closed the bath houses in his kingdom.So Did the king of England in 1546.Thus began a long time when the rich and the poor in Europe lived with Dirt in a friendly way.Henry Ⅳ,King of France,was famously Dirty.Upon learning that a nobleman had taken a bath,the king ordered that,to avoid the attack of Disease,the nobleman should not go out.

Though the belief in the merit(好處)of Dirt was long-lived,dirt has no longer been regarded as a nice neighbor ever since the 18 century.Scientifically speaking,cleaning away Dirt is good to health.Clean water supply and hand washing are practical means of preventing Disease.Yet,it seems that standards of cleanliness have moved beyond science since World War Ⅱ.Advertisements repeatedly sell the idea:clothes need to be whiter than white,cloths ever softer,surfaces to shine.Has the hate for Dirt,however,gone too far?


【分析】兩個要點之間如果不使用表達相互關系的連接詞也未嘗不可,但是如果使用了合適的連接詞則會使文章的邏輯性更強,所以however,in addition,as a result(consequence),to sum up 等表示各種不同關系的連接詞還是要適時地出現在概要寫作的要點表達中的。

【表達形式】For a long time in history,people of some European countries,such as France,believed that Dirt protected people from getting ill.(要點1)However,people began to change their attitudes to Dirt about 200 years ago.(要點2)

【表達亮點】前后兩個要點明顯存在著轉折關系,因此使用However 這個連接詞來銜接這兩個要點非常合適。建議考生在復習備考時歸納表示不同關系的連接詞,分門別類地記憶,做到能夠在概要寫作中運用自如。


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