
趣味英語聽力 How to Be Thankful

2021-01-21 10:47Juno
瘋狂英語·初中版 2021年12期


There is good reason to believe that people who own thankfulness 1)tend to be happier and healthier than those who don't. Thankful people 1________ what they have instead of obsessing over what they lack. They express gratitude to others and often receive more gratitude 2________ as a result. It may not be easy, but you'll be thankful that you made the 3________!

1.Take a minute to be thankful for your life

Sometimes a good way to take a break. You'll need to 2)identify things to be grateful for, and sometimes the break itself is a good reason to be thankful.

At school, go for a walk around your building or step outside for 10 minutes to 4________ the fresh air and muse about how thankful you are for the opportunity to take a break, to 3)stretch your legs, to feel the sun, etc. Take a moment to notice the little things you're thankful for, like your morning cup of milk or your pillow when you lay down to go to sleep at night.

2. Tell someone you appreciate them

So often life gets busy that you forget to tell people 5________ they matter to you, or that you've noticed what they do and it means a lot to you. 6________your thanks to others will create an atmosphere of thankfulness that can spread out gradually.

3. Talk about gratitude with family

Set aside a time, like the evening meal, to talk about the things you were grateful for that day. Let each family member have a turn to discuss what made them thankful that day. Make it a routine to go around the table and mention 7________ 1 thing you're thankful for before digging in. Try to be as specific as possible.

1) tend [tend] v.往往會;傾向于;個人認為;護理,照料;招待

2) identify [a??dent?fa?] v.識別,認出;確定;使參與;把……看成一樣

3) stretch [stret?]v.伸展;拉緊;綿延,延續;足夠買/支付;消耗;使極盡所能



take a break意為“休息一會”。break此處為名詞“休息”的意思。

例如:I thought a 15 min break from his work would do him good.



1.appreeiɑte2. in return3. effort4. breathe

5.how much6. Expressing7. at least
