
All That Is Hot新聞一籮筐

2021-01-21 10:47萬宇婧
瘋狂英語·初中版 2021年12期


1Weifang added to Creative Cities Network


Weifang, Shandong province, has been added to UNESCO's Creative Cities Network as a Crafts and Folk Arts City, UNESCO said on Nov 8. Weifang, with a population of 9.38 million, currently[現時;當前] has guqin, a traditional Chinese stringed musical instrument, and paper-cutting listed as masterpieces of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. Among the city's 17 national-level intangible cultural heritages[非物質文化遺產], 10 are crafts and folk arts, such as kitemaking techniques and woodblock New Year paintings. An annual international kite festival that started in 1984 has become an international cultural and sports event and an important platform to promote international exchanges and cooperation.


Fill in the blanks:

★Weifang is famous for its crafts and ________.

2CO turned to rock in Iceland

At the foot of an Icelandic volcano[火山], a newly-opened plant is sucking carbon dioxide[二氧化碳] from the air and turning it to rock, locking away the main culprit behind global warming. Orca (based on the Icelandic word for “energy”) does its cutting-edge work at the Hellisheidi geothermal power plant in southwest Iceland. Fans in front of the collector draw in ambient[周圍的;外界的] air and release[釋放] it, largely purified of CO, through ventilators[通風設備] at the back. Dissolved in fresh water, the gas is then injected[注入] under high pressure into the basalt[玄武巖] rock between 800 and 2,000 metres underground. The solution fills the rock's cavities and the solidification process begins - a chemical reaction turning it to calcified white crystals that occurs when the gas comes in contact with the calcium [鈣], magnesium[鎂] and iron in the basalt. It takes up to two years for the CO to petrify.


Fill in the blanks:

★It takes about two years to turn ________ into ________.

3Benefits for technical school graduates提升技工院校畢業生待遇

China will improve employment benefits[利益;好處] for technical school[技工院校] graduates in the 2021-2025 period, according to a five-year plan published by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. Works will be done during the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025) to allow technical school graduates to enjoy relevant policies on employment, entrepreneurship[創業] and army recruitment, as well as those on the granting of professional titles and employment in public institutions, says the plan. In the 2021-2025 period, China plans to keep the number of students at technical schools above 3.6 million and the employment rate for graduates above 97 percent, said the plan. By 2025, China expects to have provided over 20 million vocational training sessions to enterprise employees and key employment groups, as well as training more than 2 million highly-skilled personnel[高技能人才].


Fill in the blanks:

★China plans to improve employment benefits for ________ school graduates.

4First “Marz Edition”ketchup revealed全球首款“火星番茄醬”問世

Heinz revealed its first “Marz Edition”ketchup [番茄醬] with tomatoes produced on Earth in Mars-like conditions. A team of 14 astrobiologists[天體生物學家] worked for nine months at the Aldrin Space Institute at the Florida Institute of Technology, growing tomatoes in a controlled environment with soil, temperature and water conditions similar to Mars. Former NASA astronaut Mike Massimino said ketchup has been a staple condiment in space to spruce up dehydrated[脫水的] meals, but the Marz Edition variety has implications that go far beyond flavor. The experiment, which has been two years in the making, demonstrates the possibility of long-term food production on Mars. The research team and Massimino will be the first to taste final product on Nov 10.


Fill in the blanks:

★“Marz Edition”ketchup is made of tomatoes produced on ________.

5Library creates literacy from litter印尼圖書館推出“垃圾換書”

A librarian in Indonesia's Java island is lending books to children in exchange for trash they collect in a novel[新穎的;新奇的] way to clean up the environment and get the kids to read more. Each weekday Raden Roro Hendarti rides her three wheeler with books stacked up at the back for children in Muntang village to exchange for plastic cups, bags and other waste that she carries back. She said that she is helping inculcate[反復灌輸] reading in the kids as well make them aware of the environment. As soon as she shows up[出現;露面], little children, many accompanied by their mothers, surround her “Trash Library”and clamour[吵鬧;強烈要求] for the books. She collects about 100 kg of waste each week, which is then sorted out by her colleagues and sent for recycling or sold. She has a stock of 6,000 books to lend and wants to take the mobile service to neighbouring areas as well.


Fill in the blanks:

★Children can borrow books from “Trash Library”in exchange for ________.
