

2021-09-10 23:45趙飛躍
考試與評價·高二版 2021年5期


Emails lack human warmth. It is always a(n)? ? 1? ??task to express emotional thoughts by way of email. The pressure of time, the need to? ? 2? ??spelling, the pressure to answer other emails—all these facts? ? 3? ??an impersonal communication.

Letters, however, convey a much higher level of? ? 4? ??. There is little room for? ? 5? ??, unless a draft is first written and then a? ? 6? ??copy is made. People writing letters on paper must? ? 7? ??what they want to say, thought by thought,? ? 8? ??, before it is written down. The letter—writer must go to the? ? 9? ??of putting the letter in the mail.

With emails, you may not actually want to take the time to? ? 10? ??your first thoughts. And it is so easy to hit the “? ? 11? ??” button. Not only that, but you don't have to? ? 12? ??several days before the receiver gets the message, and several more days for a? ? 13? ??. With emails, sending and receiving messages can? ? 14? ??in real time. What was not? ? 15? ??in the first message can perhaps be explained in a second or third email.

It is important to be? ? 16? ??of the differences between emails and hard-copy letters. They are not the same.? ? 17? ??they do convey information from one person to another, they can be very different in the? ? 18? ??of thought that goes into them. The level of sensitivity varies, since emails are likely to be less sensitive, often incomplete thoughts that can mislead or? ? 19? ??the receiver. I suggest that, when writing an email, we take the time to? ? 20? ??and read it through and rethink what has been said. Just try to put ourselves in the place of the receiver.

1. A. difficult? ? ? ? ? B. important? ? ? C. immediate? ? ? ? ? D. dangerous

2. A. use? ? ? ? ? ? ? B. improve? ? ? ? C. check? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? D. practice

3. A. suffer from? ? ? ? B. lead to? ? ? ? C. result from? ? ? ? D. stick to

4. A. friendship? ? ? ? B. assistance? ? ? C. intelligence? ? ? ? ? D. sincerity

5. A. argument? ? ? ? ? B. imagination? ? C. correction? ? ? ? ? D. movement

6. A. clean? ? ? ? ? ? ? B. free? ? ? ? ? C. perfect? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? D. modern

7. A. give away? ? ? ? B. pick out? ? ? C. believe in? ? ? ? ? ? D. think through

8. A. day after day? ? ? B. word by word? ?C. side by side? ? ? ? ? D. hand in hand

9. A. trouble? ? ? ? ? ? B. pleasure? ? ? ? ? C. permission? ? ? ? ? D. experiment

10. A. control? ? ? ? ? B. contain? ? ? ? ? ? C. polish? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? D. write

11. A. start? ? ? ? ? ? ? B. send? ? ? ? ? ? C. stop? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? D. play

12. A. spend? ? ? ? ? ? B. work? ? ? ? ? ? C. prepare? ? ? ? ? ? D. wait

13. A. reply? ? ? ? ? ? ? B. result? ? ? ? ? C. chance? ? ? ? ? ? ? D. reward

14. A. pull up? ? ? ? ? ? B. break down? ? C. take place? ? ? ? ? ? D. knock off

15. A. real? ? ? ? ? ? ? B. clear? ? ? ? ? C. bright? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? D. active

16. A. glad? ? ? ? ? ? ? B. sure? ? ? ? ? C. proud? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? D. aware

17. A. While? ? ? ? ? ? B. Before? ? ? ? C. Unless? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? D. If

18. A. power? ? ? ? ? ? B. nature? ? ? ? C. depth? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? D. source

19. A. please? ? ? ? ? ? B. annoy? ? ? ? ? C. disturb? ? ? ? ? ? ? D. interest

20. A. sit down? ? ? ? B. come out? ? ? ? C. look out? ? ? ? ? ? ? D. go back
