

2021-11-04 05:29
重慶與世界 2021年10期







On September 24, Chen Miner, secretary of the CPC Chongqing Committee, and Tang Liangzhi, deputy secretary of CPC Chongqing Committee and mayor of Chongqing, met with Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor who was visiting Chongqing, and carried out in-depth exchanges on promoting Chongqing Hong Kong cooperation.

Erick TSANG Kwok-wai, Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and municipal leaders Wang Fu, Li Jing, Li Mingqing and Cai Yunge attended.

On behalf of CPC Chongqing Committee and Chongqing Municipal Government, Chen Miner and Tang Liangzhi welcomed Carrie Lam's delegation to Chongqing and thanked Hong Kong for its long-term strong support for the development of Chongqing. Chen Miner said that Chongqing is thoroughly implementing General Secretary Xi Jinpings important instructions, completely, accurately and comprehensively carrying out the new development concept, actively integrating and serving the new development pattern, speeding up the construction of an inland opening-up high ground and a land of natural beauty, striving to compose high-quality development and high-quality life chapters, and embarking a new journey of socialist modernization. We vigorously propel the construction of Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle, accelerate the construction of modern industrial system, deeply advance big data intelligent innovation, drive the coordinated development of urban and rural areas, and strive to play a bolstering role in promoting the western development in the new era. We proactively serve the national strategy, focus on making use of the advantages of major corridors to the sea and border, accelerate the construction of inland international logistics hubs and ports, improve the level of open economic development, and strive to play a leading role in the joint construction of the “Belt and Road”. We resolutely implement the policy of "jointly ensuring large-scale protection instead of large-scale development", coordinate the management of mountains, waters, forests, farmland, lakes, grass and desert, fortify the key ecological screen in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, actively promote carbon peak and carbon neutralization, and strive to play an exemplary role in advancing the green development of the Yangtze River economic belt. A major international financial, trade and shipping hub and an international innovation and technology center, Hong Kong has close exchanges with Chongqing. The cooperation between two sides boasts a solid foundation and broad prospects. It is hoped that the two sides will further strengthen strategic docking, closely focus on the implementation of major strategic deployments such as the development of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the construction of Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle, constantly expand cooperation fields, realize complementary advantages, mutual benefit and win-win results, better serve the overall national development and benefit the people of the two places.

Lam thanked Chongqing for its long-time care and support towards the development of Hong Kong. She said that Chongqing, with its prominent geographical advantages and critical strategic position, is an important hub city in the western region. In recent years, Chongqing has experienced great development and transformation with great momentum. Many Hong Kong enterprises deem Chongqing as a destination for investment. At present, Hong Kong is seizing strategic opportunities such as the national support of the 14th Five-Year Plan, the construction of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and Qianhai development, and actively integrating into the overall situation of national development. Hong Kong is willing to give full play to its own advantages, further deepen cooperation with Chongqing in the fields of financial services, scientific and technological innovation, aviation logistics and cultural exchanges, and bring bilateral cooperation to a new level.

Heads of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government and relevant municipal governments also attended the event.

Source / Chongqing Daily

重慶市政府 全力支持陳敏爾