

2021-11-04 05:29
重慶與世界 2021年10期


















攝影/本刊記者 唐安冰

From September 24 to 25, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor led a government delegation to Chongqing. This is the first time that Carrie Lam has visited Chongqing in an official capacity.

Erick TSANG Kwok-wai, Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region attended the visit, accompanied by municipal leaders Tang Liangzhi, Wang Fu, Li Jing and Duan Chenggang.

On the afternoon of September 24, Lam and her delegation arrived in Chongqing. In the evening, she took a bus tour to Jiangbeizui and Danzishi to see the night view of the mountainous city. Looking into the splendid Yuzhong Peninsula full of skyscrapers across the river, she recalled her first visit to Chongqing 42 years ago.

42 years ago, when Lam was a college student, she took a cruise trip to the Three Gorges. "At that time, we ascended the long steps to board the cruise ship at Chaotianmen." Standing on the viewing platform in Jiangbeizui, Lam turned to the direction of Chaotianmen on the opposite side of the river and exclaimed, "such great changes in 40 years, how extraordinary!"

On the morning of the 25th, Lam and her delegation went to The Ring. The total construction area of the project amounts to 420,000 square meters, of which about 170,000 square meters are the shopping center and 70,000 square meters are indoor and outdoor urban green parks.

At the Hongkong Land City Showroom on the ground floor of The Ring, she listened to the introduction of the basic situation and business development of Hongkong Land Group, and then visited the "Muguang Forest" botanical garden. She said that she was glad to see that Hongkong enterprises have brought about high-quality and popular projects in Chongqing, and hoped that Hong Kong enterprises would continue adhering to high-quality development in the Chinese mainland.

Before leaving, Lam passed through the "Pop Mart" counter and particularly mentioned the listing of Pop Mart in Hong Kong. She encouraged Chongqing enterprises to make further use of Hong Kong's financial advantages, and said that Hong Kong was willing to help mainland enterprises develop and grow.

After that, Lam and her delegation headed for China Automotive Engineering Research Institute to learn about the development of Chongqing's automotive industry and Changan Auto and visited the processes of acoustic wind tunnel smoke channel test and real vehicle forward collision test. She said that as Hong Kong is home to a myriad of colleges and universities with prowess in the field of basic research, and Chongqing boasts huge consumer market potential, both sides enjoy broad cooperation space in the field of science and technology application.

Lam also went to Lijia Smart Park to visit the smart life pavilion and smart work pavilion in the park as well as the art exhibition of A Dream Journey Through a Panorama of Rivers and Mountains.

"According to the lighting and prompts, one can cook a bowl of Chongqing noodles." the pavilion manifested the most cutting-edge, fashionable and intelligent all-round smart lifestyle in the future with the characteristics of Chongqing, and received much commendation from the delegation.

"Can you recognize traditional Chinese characters?" Lam asked with a smile when she saw a system that automatically corrects students' compositions.

On the afternoon of the 25th, Lam successively went to Chongqing Planning Exhibition Gallery and Hongyan Revolution Memorial Hall.

In the Chongqing Planning Exhibition Gallery at Landmark Riverside Park in Nan'an District, she learned about the mountains and rivers, history, customs, development achievements and future planning of Chongqing in detail. She also stepped into the Chongqing Flying Cinema with great interest and enjoyed the beautiful scenery of various districts and counties of Chongqing.

"I admire Premier Zhou Enlai and have read Hongyan novels. The Hongyan Revolution Memorial Hall is an important stop of my trip to Chongqing." Lam said that 42 years ago, she had visited the Hongyan Revolution Memorial Hall. Although the outlook of the mountainous city has changed profoundly, the former site of the Southern Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the Chongqing Office of the Eighth Route Army has been carefully preserved exactly the same way as in her memory.

Subsequently, Lam visited the newly built Chongqing Hongyan Revolutionary History Museum, listened attentively to the explanations of the commentators, reviewed the glorious journey of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries, revisited and drew from the Hongyan spirit.

After the visit, Lam also received media interviews in Chongqing.

Source / Chongqing Daily

Photos/Journalist Tang Anbing

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