

2022-01-14 01:06本刊試題研究中心
瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2021年12期


Task 1

Exciting screams of joy from two happy little girls rang across the beach. But I walked along,barely aware of them. I'd come to this remote beach on my sailboat, a place to escape. My marriage was in trouble. I worried about the harm to my two boys. But I didn't know how to make things better.

“Help! Help! ” the girls screamed. I saw one girl was at the edge of the surf, yelling. I charged into the waves, swam to her and seized her. “But where is the other girl?” I looked across the water and saw a small head after a big wave. I shifted the girl I'd rescued to my back. She told me the other girl was her sister. For a moment, I thought of my boys. How much they loved each other? How much I loved them?

I quickened my swimming and held the second little girl. We were at least 50 yards from land.No way could I swim that far, with two girls hanging on to me. But there was no time to wait. I swam as hard as I could, but the weight of the girls grew heavier and heavier. My lungs burned. I opened my mouth to take a breath but swallowed water instead. I choked and couldn't breathe. From behind me I felt an unbelievable force, lifting.

“Mommy! ” The cry pierced (穿透) my consciousness. I looked up. An elderly man was trying to drag me out of the water. Two women were swimming towards the shore. “Thank you,” one of the women cried. “You saved my daughters.” My efforts and my struggles had paid off. I thought of the big waves, lifting me and pushing me. When my body had failed me, and when all hope was disappearing, I was given the strength I needed.

I stood up. My family were waiting for me. There were things I could do. I just needed to make an effort. The strength would be given to me.

1. Why did the author turn a deaf ear to the laughter of the two girls?

A. Because the sound of the sea waves was too big.

B. Because he was trapped in his own problems.

C. Because he couldn't wait to go sailing.

D. Because he was lost in missing his wife.

2. What happened to the author during the rescue?

A. He got his spirits from a superman.

B. He was swallowed by the waves.

C. He managed to swim to the shore.

D. He lost his breath after swallowing water.

3. Which can be the best title of the text?

A. Efforts to save the family

B. Struggles to fight the sea waves

C. The adventurous surfing

D. The magical wave

Task 2

Ways to save yourself in a fire emergency

Knowing how to act fast in case of a fire emergency can save your life and those of others. Most of the time, people die from fire outbreaks for short of information on how to deal with that situation once it happens.__1__.

Stay low to the ground when the fire happens. Poisonous gases are often more dangerous than fire. In an accident of a fire, make sure you lower down not to breathe the smoke as you move towards the outside.__2__. The cloth may protect you better.

____3_. Whenever you find yourself in a new place, make sure you know where the exits are in case they are not marked. Be sure you know where you can escape once a fire happens.

Keep away from elevators! Once you find yourself in a building and a fire has happened, stop using the elevators since most elevators fail to work in case of a serious fire.__4__. Use the stairs if you do not want to get stuck in the building.

Use proper ways to put out the fire. Make sure you are knowledgeable about how to use fire extinguishers (滅火器) in any building you work in. Once you realize that it is not working, call for help as fast as possible.If possible,you can also learn some knowledge of first aid in your spare time.__5__.

A. Know the fire exits

B. It is so dangerous to be kept in elevators

C. First aid may save life in the fire sometimes

D. To prevent a fire outbreak, here are some tips

E. Don't get into a new place without showing care

F. Here are tips for you to save lives during a fire outbreak

G. If possible, tie a wet cloth around your nose or mouth

Task 3

Mac was cycling along a road in Canada's Yukon, halfway through a 2,750-mile bike tour to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. He was carrying a 30-pound camping bag,__1__he wasn't moving very fast.Suddenly, he heard loud breathing behind him. “Man, that's a big dog! ” he thought. He looked to the side, but to his great__2__, he saw that it wasn't a dog, but a wolf, running hard to__3__him.

Mac's heart jumped. He reached for the__4__from his bag. With one hand on the handle bar,he__5__the spray. A bright red cloud covered the wolf__6__, and it fell back, shaking its head. But a minute later it was by his side again. He sprayed a second time, and the wolf fell back again, but only to quickly restart its__7__.

The wolf was getting closer and closer,__8__a dozen yards away. Mac waved and yelled at passing motorists, but meanwhile__9__hard. He knew clearly that he must be careful not to slow down. Otherwise, he would become a__10__of the wolf.

Paul and Becky were driving along the same road. From a distance, they spotted what they__1__1_was a dog running after a man on a bike. As they got__12__, they realized it was a wolf.

Mac heard a car coming up behind him, and he slowed down. The car turned around the__13__,then suddenly stopped in front of him. Mac__14__off his bike and dashed for the back door of the car. It was locked. Paul quickly unlocked the door so as to let Mac in, and the__15__man dived in,shutting the door behind him.

It was quite a while before Mac became calm and cried out, “I thought I was going to die!” And Paul and Becky were glad that they had given a helping hand to people in need.

1. A. but B. so C. for D. or

2. A. regret B. disappointment C. fear D. anger

3. A. catch up with B. break away from C. give in to D. come back to

4. A. hammer B. stick C. gun D. spray

5. A. dropped B. fired C. threw D. held

6. A. in turn B. at last C. in time D. at random

7. A. flight B. race C. journey D. attack

8. A. still B. just C. also D. even

9. A. kicked B. rode C. hit D. pressed

10. A. victim B. competitor C. killer D. protector

11. A. decided B. declared C. assumed D. found

12. A. faster B. closer C. stronger D. wiser

13. A. climber B. motorist C. cyclist D. runner

14. A. sent B. fell C. turned D. jumped

15. A. frightened B. interested C. discouraged D. confused

Task 4

第一部分 語法填空

A 30-year-old man was finally rescued from the Alaskan wilderness after his cabin burned down,1.________(leave) him trapped in the snow for almost three weeks.

Tyson Steele had been living alone 2.________several months in a small house in Skwentna, a town 3.________(locate) 70 miles northwest of Anchorage. He had been burning a fire in 4.________(he) wood stove back in December when a piece of flaming cardboard 5.________(fly) up his fireplace chimney and landed on his roof, 6.________started a slow fire that eventually left the cabin in ruins. Since Skwentna only has a population of about 35 people, Steele's 7.________(near) neighbor lived about 20 miles away. With no means of 8. ________(communicate) to call for help, Steele endured sub-zero temperatures 9.________severe weather conditions wearing long johns (襯褲), boots with no socks, and a heavy wool sweater.

When his family and friends hadn't heard from Steele for several 10. ________(week), they requested a welfare check from Alaska State Troopers. As a helicopter flew over the area, they caught sight of Steele waving his arms in the air next to a massive “SOS” sign that he had stamped into the snow.

第二部分 書面表達

假定你是李華,你與同班留學生Jack約好在教室討論將要舉行的英語演講比賽,但是在路上你目睹了一起交通事故,并幫忙把傷者送往醫院,因此沒能赴約。 請給他寫一封道歉信,內容包括:

1. 向Jack表示歉意;

2. 解釋未能赴約的原因;

3. 詢問后期計劃及安排。


1. 詞數80左右;

2. 可以適當增加細節,以使行文連貫。

Dear Jack,

Sincerely yours,Li Hua

Task 5


It was a hot and dry summer. The beach near the city was crowded with a lot of people, from little kids to the aged, who planned to beat the heat in the water. They enjoyed themselves leisurely.Some were playing beach volleyball, some were making sand castles, and some were doing sunbathing.

Among them, there was a group of 10 boys aged from 12 to 15 years old trying to take an adventure. At first, they intended to hire a yacht (游艇), but due to the wind and the waves, the yacht rides were forbidden on that day. After a while, the boys decided to challenge themselves to race in the sea.They made a deal that the one who swam the fastest would win the race and deserve a huge treat from the group. Most of the boys agreed, except for a few. A boy in the group warned them of the danger,as the waves weren't constant. Some boys began to hesitate, but some didn't listen to him and started their race.

Everything went so well. Suddenly, waves from the sea rose a lot and most of the boys in that young group struggled to reach the beach. However, three boys, who considered themselves very brave,decided to ignore the waves and swim further out to the sea for more excitement and fun.

Although many people on the beach shouted at them and asked them to swim back immediately,they continued to swim further from the beach. The wind became stronger; all of a sudden, one boy was washed away by a rising wave and the other two boys were so scared that they shouted for help and swam to the beach safely. However, no one on the beach risked his or her life to save the boy who was washed away as the waves were so alarming; and the crowd were asked to move to a safe place.

