

2023-01-31 05:51/李
文化交流 2022年12期

文 /李 蔚

1985年,杭州蕭山衙前鎮原交通村農戶購買的12英寸西湖牌黑白電視機。當初電視機的價格360元一臺,由村辦交通五金廠補貼。唐志揚/攝In 1985, local residents bought a 12-inch West Lake black and white TV set in Yaqian township, Hangzhou’s Xiaoshan district, Hangzhou. The price was 360 yuan, which was subsidized. Photo by Tang Zhiyang.






















“他們想拍啥,或者覺得有啥值得拍的,就會告訴我,就像叫家里人一樣 ?!敝車逭f。


1987年12月,杭州蕭山所前鎮三泉王村幼兒園,時年32歲的李仙梅老師和23位小朋友拍了這張合影(當時有24位小朋友,有一位小朋友未到)。Li Xianmei, who was 32 years old at the time, took a group photo with 23 children in her class in December 1987 at the Sanquanwang village kindergarten in Xiaoshan district, Hangzhou city.

2022年6月, 時隔35年后,李仙梅老師和她曾經帶過的12個孩子重聚。In June 2022, Li Xianmei reunited with 12 students she taught in kindergarten 35 years ago.

















小舒在杭州蕭山浦陽鎮靈山村與青娣奶奶合影。Xiao Shu takes a photo with Grandma Qingdi at Lingshan village, Xiaoshan district, Hangzhou city.

杭州蕭山樓塔鎮大同二村抗美援朝老兵俞關堂的珍藏徽章。樓穎/攝The military medals that Yu Guantang, a veteran who took part in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, collected at his home in Datong’er village,Xiaoshan district, Hangzhou city. Photo by Lou Ying.

杭州蕭山光明村村民動物園內的馬。A horse is seen in the Villagers’ Zoo at Guangming village, Xiaoshan district,Hangzhou city.

杭州蕭山光明村村民動物園內的黃綠鸚鵡。Three parrots are seen in the Villagers’ Zoo at Guangming village, Xiaoshan district, Hangzhou city.











Life Comes from the Fields

By Li Wei

Art comes from life. But where does life come from? For photographers, taking pictures out in the field is a necessary path to trace the source of life.

Zhou Guofeng, a native of Xiaoshan, has been “playing”with his camera for more than 10 years. Since July last year, he has participated in a location photography activity called “Growing Village”, together with more than 60 other photographers.

The fruits of this activity were especially exhibited in the Zhejiang Exhibition Hall in November this year. In the exhibition,a picture of a red heart plum hanging on a branch was enlarged to occupy the entire wall surface, and it was the most eye-catching of all.

“This is the best sales advertisement,” said Wang Haiyong,secretary of the party committee of the Sanquanwang village.

“Story of a red heart plum” was one of the themes for the photography activity carried out in the Sanquanwang village,where Zhou was located. In addition to the on-site display, the photos were also made into a beautiful album and collected in Sanquanwang’s “village box” — there were 20 boxes in total, one for each village.

Fu Yongjun, one of the curators and also a famous photographer himself, said that such a large-scale exhibition of rural images and field investigation findings is rare even on a national level —after all, it was a collection of more than 50,000 pieces of works including images and other forms, made by 60 and odd top Zhejiang photographers who spent two full years field investigating 20 villages in Xiaoshan.

“In fact, the boxes are only a small part of the findings,”Fu said. What they recorded is actually broader in meaning: the new looks of Zhejiang’s villages in the new era, the new image of farmers, the new achievements of agriculture... they are rural archives of the new era.

Every year from March to April, the Sanquanwang village would embrace a sea of fragrant snow flake-like plum flowers. For Zhou and his peers, the grandeur of plum blossoms is a yearly must-see, but it has never occurred to them to find out what would happen after the blossoms fail — at the end of April, the plum blossoms would fade, giving way to new clusters of fingertipsize green fruits.

Zhou came again once at this time of year, wandering around the village and climbing up the mountains while taking a few shots. “The villagers I met all told me to come back and try the ripe red heart plums in two or three months,” said Zhou, whose curiosity was thus aroused.

The Sanquanwang village has one of the largest concentrated planting areas of red heart plums in China. The plums produced from the selenium-rich local soil are the pride of the whole village.

Wang Jianchuan, the village’s tea and fruit cultivation expert,has developed a special bond with Zhou. “Every time he comes, he will follow me up the mountain to shoot.” The winding mountain road is three or four kilometers long. Wearing a straw hat given by the villagers, Zhou carried heavy equipment on his back, trudging along the mountain paths amidst the sound of cicadas.

At the summer solstice, the red heart plums would be finally ripe. “How sweet could these plums be?” At first, Zhou did not expect much. But as he bit into the fruit, he instantly understood where the villagers’ pride came from. “That is so sweet!”

杭州蕭山義橋鎮新壩村村民集體大合影。徐國慶/攝Residents take a group photo at Xinba village, Xiaoshan district, Hangzhou city.Photo by Xu Guoqing.

However, the red heart plum does not look as good as it tastes.In order to make it more photogenic, Zhou also sought advice from his peers. “Why don’t you just cut it open?” someone suggested.

Good idea, but not easy to execute. “The cut should leave a neat surface without scars, and the lighting should also be strictly set to create a clean background,” he explained. Zhou then tried more than 20 times before he finally made a perfect cut, which was forever fixed on the camera. The story of the red heart plum was later made into a short documentary, placed next to the picture in the exhibition.

In the Sanquanwang village, Zhou visited more than half of the households. “They told me straightly what they wanted to shoot, or what they thought was worth shooting, like I was family,” Zhou said.“The villagers are always hospitable and caring to their treasures,whether it is a well or a tree. Young people are also willing to come back and contribute money, efforts, and ideas to their hometown.They are the backbone of promoting sustainable development and achieving common prosperity for this mountain village.” Zhou starts to feel his photography mission here has just begun.

Just when Zhou was still thinking about going back to the Sanquanwang village to shoot a new round of pruning, Shu Siwei,a graduate student at the Communication University of Zhejiang,was also thinking about the meals cooked by Grandma Qingdi in the Lingshan village. The photo she took with Grandma Qingdi with her beauty cam is arguably the warmest and cutest record in the whole exhibition.

When she first met Grandma Qingdi, Shu was taking portraits of Lingshan villagers — she was a graduate student supervised by Fu Yongjun and also signed up for this location photography activity.

It was Shu’s first trip to Lingshan village, a three-hour bumpy bus ride. As soon as she arrived, she began to take portraits of queued-up villagers. When it was Grandma Qingdi’s turn to be photographed, Shu was amused by a move of the old lady.”She put her fan in the back waist of her pants and covered it with her blouse, and from the back, it looked like something was propped up,” Shu recalled.

What Shu didn’t expect was that this grandmother, in the next six months, became the closest person to her. In the Lingshan village, Shu was treated to a lot of free meals — in villagers’ homes,in the senior citizens’ canteen, at family festival feasts... and was also fed snacks and fruits by villagers when she was shooting.

Her supervisor encouraged this kind of “hobnobbing”: “Before we did the field image survey of these 20 villages, we had a similar hobnobbing in the Xiajiang village. From my experience, the best way to get free meals is to live in the villagers’ homes.”

杭州蕭山河上鎮東山村村民以地方非物質文化遺產“背馬紙羅傘”為主題,演繹三國的故事。詹逾/攝Villagers perform the stories of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms using “paper figurines on horse”, an intangible heritage in Dongshan village, Xiaoshan district,Hangzhou city. Photo by Zhan Yu.

That’s why Shu chose to stay with Grandma Qingdi, who prepared a bedroom especially for her. Many times, when it was getting dark and Shu was still out in the village taking pictures,Grandma Qingdi would give her a call: “Miaomiao, come back for dinner.”

According to Shu, what she likes most about the Lingshan village is not only the simplicity and goodness of the place but also the extremely strong self-driven force of the villagers.

On a board at the exhibition site, the curator Fu reproduced a “homework outline” about the shooting activity. He encouraged the photographic artists to focus on personalized observation,recording, and creation, and also listed 13 projects that must be completed for shooting the village’s image archive.

“It’s not a regular photo shoot but a very in-depth field investigation. I was a reporter before, but if I knew how to render some interview themes in this way, I would have done better,” Fu concluded.

There is something unique and powerful connecting the photographers with the fields they went deep into. “The beauty of the villages captured by our 60 photographers lies in reality.It is not on the surface but is integrated into the villages’ lives,memories, and thoughts, delightful and vivid,” Fu said.

Villages are the root of China and the harbor of nostalgia.Through images and videos, they have been investigated, recorded,and archived. Such materials also have the power to influence reality, which is sufficient to stimulate the potential of rural revitalization.

打通千個發布端口 打造有X-IN媒體——蕭山融媒體中心建設的若干實踐