

2023-02-24 06:00奇速英語國際教育研究院
求學·理科版 2023年2期


Mobile phones have become a part of modern life. Not only do they serve as a way to communicate, but they also act as a social network tool, personal organizer, online shopping tool, calendar, alarm clock, and mobile bank. While they are without a doubt beneficial devices, some suggest that overreliance on digital devices may be a form of behavioral addiction.

In fact, the term nomophobia was coined fairly recently to describe the fear of being without your phone. This includes not just losing, forgetting, or breaking your phone, but also being outside of mobile phone contact. It is a growing concern in a world where always being connected seems more important than ever before. When people lose their phone, or when their mobile runs out of battery, it can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety—or even feelings of fear or panic.

People tend to experience this phobia when they are insecure, or have lack of self control and discipline, get easily bored or impatient, or have no other recreational hobbies. Humans are social animals needing constant companionship and having the desire to talk and connect with others. Therefore, this phobia is not all that unnatural given the fact that cell phones are readily available everywhere and used by people of all ages today. A person having had a negative experience upon being left without a cell phone could develop life-long nomophobia.

Like all other phobias, the fear of being without a cell phone can also cause various mental and physical symptoms. Most phobics will go to great lengths to protect their phone. They will also keep checking the device every now and then for battery life and/or messages. They will ensure charging the battery so as to never be left without a phone. Many are even known to keep multiple phones. A majority of phobics experience a panic attack when separated from their phone for long periods. They might use the phone in any place they think fit, no matter how inappropriate. Overcoming this phobia can be challenging and while, medical intervention is not always needed, there are many alternative options available.

1.How may people with nomophobia feel without their phone?

A.Complicated. ? ? ? ? B.Sympathetic.

C.Unfortunate. ? ? ? ? ?D.Ridiculous.

2.Which paragraph mainly shows the causes of nomophobia?

A.Paragraph 1. ? ? ? ? ?B.Paragraph 2.

C.Paragraph 3. ? ? ? ? ? ? ?D.Paragraph 4.

3.Which of the following can replace the underlined phrase "go to great lengths to" in Paragraph 4?

A.Run up against. ? ? B.Pay no attention to.

C.Look forward to. ? D.Try one's best to.

4.What may be talked about in the following paragraph?

A.advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones

B.medical intervention for nomophobia

C.mental and physical symptoms of phobias

D.treatment for nomophobia


1.A。解析:細節理解題。根據第二段最后一句“When people lose their phone, or when their mobile runs out of battery, it can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety—or even feelings of fear or panic.”,我們可知,當丟失手機或手機電量耗盡時,人們會有壓力和焦慮,甚至會感到恐懼或恐慌。即他們會感受到復雜的消極情緒。故選A。


3.D。解析:詞義猜測題。根據畫線部分后面的“They will also keep checking the device every now and then for battery life and/or messages. They will ensure charging the battery so as to never be left without a phone.”及前面提到的無手機恐懼癥的意思、產生原因,我們可知,有一些人害怕失去手機,他們時不時檢查手機的電量,時常為手機充電,是為了一直都有手機可用。因此,畫線部分這一句應是表達他們竭盡全力保護手機。故選D。

4.D。解析:推理判斷題。根據最后一段的最后一句“Overcoming this phobia can be challenging and while, medical intervention is not always needed, there are many alternative options available.”,我們可知,作者認為克服這種恐懼癥可能具有挑戰性,但克服這種恐懼癥并不總是需要醫療干預,還有很多其他的方法可以代替醫療干預。由此,作者接下來可能會分享一些有利于緩解無手機恐懼癥的醫療干預之外的措施。故選D。
