

2023-03-11 08:53楊艷唐安冰
重慶與世界 2023年2期

文/本刊記者 楊艷 圖/本刊記者 唐安冰

On the Chinese New Year's Eve of January 21st, the 2023 New Year Cala for International Experts in Chongqing was held at the Jialing River Cableway Museum.Hosted by the Chongqing Culture and Tourism Development Commission, Chongqing Science and Technology Bureau, and Foreign Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People's Government, this activity invited international experts, artists, and entrepreneurs to celebrate the Chinese New Year in Chongqing.

The theme of this activity is spending Chinese New Year in Chongqing,which was globally livestreamed in English via the iChongqing platform.With the scenery of the two rivers and four banks as the background, this gala presented to audiences worldwide an exciting feast of cultural, artistic,and intangible cultural heritage folklore performances.In the meantime, a panorama of the light and fireworks show surrounding the two rivers and four banks was livestreamed with cameras from different angles.



首屆重慶都市藝術節“新時代 新征程 新重慶”光影無人機表演。

首屆重慶都市藝術節“新時代 新征程 新重慶”光影焰火表演。

The culture centers of the Chinese Ministry of Culture and Tourism in Eygpt, Paris, Tokyo, Copenhagen, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico,Singapore, and Athens also livestreamed this activity on their official social media accounts, enabling audiences all over the world to have a taste of this gala integrating culture, art, and Chongqing's urban scenery.

On the site, the bilingual host together with a panda character performer led the on-site guests and audiences online before the screens into "a journey toward wonders", enjoying folk activities in Spring Festival such as making glutinous rice balls, dumplings, having hotpot, and experiencing intangible cultural heritage culture like writing Spring Festival couplets, drawing new year paintings, and making paper-cuts.

With a beautiful violin piece—New Year Greetings and a piano piece—Andante Finale op.13 for the Left Hand playing, the bell for the New Year rang and the guests enjoyed the drone performance, light shows, and fireworks show across the river.

This is the first fireworks show celebrating New Year's Eve of Chongqing's urban arts festival.Near the juncture of the Yangtze River and Jialing River, a 20-minute fireworks show was presented at 24:00 exactly to usher in the new year, creating a joyful, harmonious, auspicious, and festive atmosphere.

The lights of skyscrapers reflected in the gleaming water together with the dazzling fireworks perfectly illustrated Chongqing's unique night scene,which includes mountains, rivers, city, and the sky, as well as Chongqing's new image in the New Era that is inclusive and beautiful.

After the fireworks show, Chongqing Ballet Theater performed an amazing dance—the Panda Baby and the Rabbit Beibei.In a festive atmosphere, the guests sent best wishes to the global audience for a Happy Rabbit New Year.




伴隨著優美的小提琴曲《新春樂》和鋼琴曲《最后的行板 左手獨奏曲》,新年的鐘聲敲響,與會嘉賓隔江欣賞除夕夜的無人機、光影秀和焰火表演。





Promising Start for Chongqing's Culture and Tourism in the Spring Festival of the Year of Rabbit兔年春節重慶文旅“開門紅”

Chongqing’s cultural and tourism economy has witnessed a remarkable recovery at the start of the new year, with a strong rebound in consumption.On January 21, the light-drones-fireworks performance of the first Chongqing Urban Arts Festival themed "New Era, New Journey, New Chongqing" was held following the decisions and plans for Spring Festival Holidays issued by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee and the Chongqing Government.The performance attracted more than one million residents, becoming a focal topic on social media.During the Spring Festival Holiday, performances were available in major theaters and new performing arts spaces for residents to enjoy.

重慶文旅經濟迎來新年“開門紅”,春節文旅消費呈現強勁復蘇、顯著回暖的良好態勢。1月21日,市文化旅游系統認真貫徹落實文化和旅游部、市委和市政府有關假日工作部署,首屆重慶都市藝術節“新時代 新征程 新重慶”光影無人機焰火表演,吸引上百萬市民游客現場感受最溫暖的節日祝福,并通過各媒體平臺形成春節線上傳播熱點。節日期間,全市各主要劇場和演藝新空間上演精彩演出陪市民觀眾過大年。

Chongqing Ranking High on Travel Websites榜 單

● According to lvmama.com, Chongqing ranks the fourth among the top 10 travel destinations for long-distance travel in the country.

● The rank of Chongqing on the list of ly.com is also the fourth.

● The statistics published by mafengwo.cn shows that Chongqing was one of the most popular destinations regarding travel tips.

● The Report for Spring Festival Travel provided by fliggy.com shows that Chongqing was among the most popular destinations for long-distance travel.

● The number of reservation orders for guest houses in Chongqing during the Festival ranks the second, according to tujia.com.

● The consumption statistics released by meituan.com shows that Chongqing's consumer scale was at the forefront of the country during Spring Festival in 2023.

● According to qunar.com, Chongqing's popularity as travel destination is above industry average in terms of flight bookings.

● 驢媽媽旅游網發布數據顯示國內長線游十大目的地重慶位居全國第四

● 同程旅行數據顯示重慶位居全國第四

● 馬蜂窩發布數據顯示搜索“攻略”熱度最高的目的地重慶位居全國前列

● 飛豬春節出游快報顯示重慶入圍長線出行最熱門目的地榜單

● 途家民宿數據顯示春節民宿預訂熱門城市重慶位居全國第二

● 美團發布2023年春節消費數據顯示重慶消費規模位居全國前列

● 去哪兒發布數據顯示熱門城市機票預訂量重慶超過行業平均水平

Chongqing's Tourism Statistics數 讀

During the Festival, Chongqing received 1,249,300 visits (staying in Chongqing overnight), presenting a year-on-year increase of 38.4%.By January 27, the 120 scenic spots under monitoring have received 4,175,000 visits during Spring Festival Holiday, increasing by 37.9% in comparison with 2022.

A total of 141 performances were put on in Chongqing's major theaters and new performing arts spaces, including musicals, dance dramas, plays,operas, acrobatics, quyi(Chinese traditional folk vocal art forms), ethnic orchestral music, dialect comedies, children's plays and other types of arts,adding up to an audience of 36,164.

The 43 public libraries and 41 culture centers in Chongqing were free of charge and provided a wide range of online services, receiving 1,138,000 visits on the spot and 1,179,000 online visits.

Districts and counties carried out various cultural activities for residents,involving 879,000 residents participating in 348 activities in total.

Chongqing's one national cultural and tourism consumption demonstration city and five pilot cultural and tourism institutions and market entities held 178 promotion activities, and issued 4.98 million yuan of cultural and tourism consumption subsidies, attracting 8.9 million participants, directly driving cultural and tourism consumption of RMB1.85 billion.

The 12 national nighttime culture and tourism districts have received 33.5 million visits in total, where over 10,000 businesses have had a total turnover of RMB1.48 billion.







A Glimpse of the Art Festival遇見藝術節