

2023-09-17 07:58
時代英語·高三 2023年4期





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A writer who won the Nobel Prize leads a very tough life at the age of 15. In order to look after his sicker mother, he had to earn his living on by writing articles for a newspaper. Therefore, his boss was very strict with him, that resulted in a fact that he was experienced in writing. To our delight, one of his books were given the title of The Best Seller in 2010, and got the world attention. As result, many people could not help learn his positive spirit, and his success set a good example to them.


I had a awful day at school yesterday. My friends and I were about to run while I suddenly fell and hurt my ankle. I had difficulties in walking, so my friends carried me to a nearby hospital and stayed with me until their parents arrived. The doctor tells my parents my ankle was badly broken and I needed to stay in bed for a month. Felt better, I came home with my parents then. This incident made me to realize we should be careful. With my friends help, I couldnt have received treatment immediate. I was extremely thankful to them.


My exchange year was a great experience for me. I successfully improved their language skills. To be precise, my speech experience helped me develop my English speaking skills, thus allow me to understand more about how to make presentations in the public. Besides, I meet all kinds of helpful people there and had fun. I thanked those people which helped me. I learned to think things from a different point of view. Meanwhile, I learned to give back to societies and serve others without expect anything in return. In shortly, I did gain anything valuable from the trip abroad.


Last Saturday, my classmates and I went to the Nanshan Community. The community when we participated in a volunteer activity is organized by our school is about three kilometers from our school. We got there at nine. Divided into three groups, we begin to work. Group One dealt old furniture abandoned in the hallway. Group Two picked up litter but cleaned public areas to create the more comfortable environment. My group was responsibly for cleaning all the equipments in the community. I devoted me to my task, just like everyone else. At about half past eleven, we returned to school. Though feel tired, we were happy.


As the proverb goes, “Good habits benefit from you all your life.” Enter high school, I was crazy about fast food and ate too much. As result, I was too heavily overweight that I suffered a lot from my awkward appearance. Worse still, my classmates play jokes on me at times. From then on, I made up my mind to lose weights. Because of the timely change, it was not long after I did succeed in creating my new image. Only then did I realize the important of a forming good habit.

To be honest, the change in our habit means a lot to me, which help me regain my confidence.


Our school is going to provide a course naming Chinese Classic Poems Singing for foreign students. Any foreign student who is studying at our school and interested in Chinese poems are welcome to choose it. It would be a golden opportunity to enjoy the beautiful of Chinese poems. If interesting, do sign up for the course before the next Saturday. General speaking, to apply for the course, foreign students are required to hand an individual application form. They can be got either from the Students Union directly and be downloaded from the school website.


John went shopping in a store, and he forgot to bring a bag. So he buys a shopping bag. After arriving home, it occurred him that he could make a bag by using his old trousers. Several hours late, he made himself a very nice bag. His mother was amazing at what he had done. Avoiding spending money unnecessarily is a way of saving. And making a good use of things is an approach to protect the environment. Whats more, it is helpful for you to improve the ability to make things by hands. It not only brings us pleasure but reduce waste around us.


To deal with rubbish is great important in cities. Rubbish must be treated properly. Our city had begun to pay an attention to the problem. As far as I know, some rubbish is sorted and sent to different factory. Rubbish, such as old newspapers and glass, are recycled. Some harmful rubbish is sent to a certain place and buried. Waste air is cleaned after it goes into the air. Waste water is treated before it is pouring into rivers. To protect the environment, the government has past laws to prevent people throw rubbish everywhere. We should do our best and do what we can take good care of the environment and fight against pollution.


A sports festival was held up in our school and it was the most successful one. It was organized not by teachers or by us students. You cant imagine how excited we are during the festival. We set various interesting event by ourselves, who attracted a lot of students. Everyone was eagerly to take part. It not only relaxed us but also improved their ability of creation because we had a brainstorm to come up many new ideas about the sports. We acquired many knowledge that we cant get from textbooks. In addition, we learned the important of teamwork from the activities.


I am very luckily to have the opportunity to see so many places. Dad and I now are traveled through Denmark, Norway and Sweden. I used to thinking that these countries are the same, but not anymore. People in Denmark are a bit of friendlier, while Norwegians and Swedes prefer not to talk to stranger. Im surprised to learn that many people there speak English in addition to their national languages. In Sweden, it seems that everyone has gold hair and blue eyes. I feel little strange with my black hair and dark eyes. I imagine this is that foreigners feel when they visit China!

On the Sublime Beauty of Hemingway’s A Clean, Well-Lighted Place ——From the Perspective of Longinus’On the Sublime
Exploration on the Differences between China’s Traditional and Communicative Teaching Method