
Career advice for teenagers給青少年的職業建議

2023-11-10 19:57張文慧
瘋狂英語·讀寫版 2023年9期



主題語境:職業 篇幅:355詞 建議用時:6分鐘

1 It’s often said that there’s a need for bettercareer advice for us teenagers and according to arecent survey, 4 in 10 people end up working in anunfulfilling job because they didn’t know what else todo. So providing quality career advice for us teenagerswill empower us to make our own decisions and takeaction on our goals.

2 Try arranging some statements in order of how important they are to us. For example,I prefer to follow instructions from others or I value having the freedom to work. Considerthe order in which we’ve placed these statements. The ones that we’ve placed at the top ofour list are most likely the ones that we value the most when thinking about careers.Try to bear values in mind when carrying out our research as they can impact what type ofcareer we might want to pursue.

3 Our personal interests can be a good starting point for reflecting on possible careeroptions. One of the things that the survey we mentioned earlier found was that 40% ofpeople end up leaving their job because they don’t want to regret spending their careerworking in the wrong industry. If we’re able to find a career working in an industry that wehave a genuine passion for, then we’ll get more job satisfaction and will generally behappier with our career choices.

4 Whereas every skill can be developed, most of us have one or two that just seem tocome naturally to us. When it comes to reflecting on our career options, it can help to thinkabout what skills we already have. If we’re good at talking people round, then perhaps acareer in sales or public relations would be good for us. Or if we work well in numbers, thenperhaps we should look at a career in finance or management.

5 Make a list of all the careers that we thought about when reflecting on our options.The next step is to dig a little deeper into each of these career areas and find out whatqualifications and experience we’ll need to gain in order to work in these areas.

Reading Check

Fill in each blank with proper words according to the text.

Language Study

Ⅰ. Difficult sentence in the text

The ones that we’ve placed at the top of our list are most likely the ones that we valuethe most when thinking about careers. 這些我們放在列表最前面的陳述,很可能是我們在考慮職業時最看重的。

【點石成金】句中的兩個that引導的都是定語從句,that在從句中都是作賓語,先行詞都是the ones;句中的when引導的是一個省略的時間狀語從句。

Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases in the box in proper forms.

qualification consider arrange personal reflect on take action

1. They had a(n)________that the children would spend two weeks with each parent.

2. He brought to the job not just________experience but passionate enthusiasm.

3. The profession’s leaders must________now to promote equal opportunities for all.

4. You will be held________responsible for any loss or breakage.

5.________the surveys findings, clinical psychologist Ron Bracey agreed.

6. I dont know much about it, so I don’t feel________to comment.


Ⅰ. 熱詞積累


librarian 圖書管理員

surgeon 外科醫生

pharmacist 藥劑師

anesthetist 麻醉師

manager 經理

governor 州長;主管

president 總統

policeman 警察

waiter 服務員

waitress 女服務員

farmer 農民;農場主

stewardess 女乘務員

mechanic 機械師

lawyer 律師

detective 偵探

accountant 會計;會計師

receptionist 接待員

employer 雇主;老板

firefighter 消防隊員

chief of police 警察局長

taxi driver 出租車司機

clerk 店員;職員

mailman 郵差

newspaper boy 報童

bootblack 擦鞋匠

poet 詩人

copywriter 撰稿人

newscaster 新聞播音員

milkman 送奶人

merchant 商人

businessman 商人

florist 花商

baker 面包師

scientist 科學家

musician 音樂家

politician 政治家

strategist 戰略家

philosopher 哲學家

geographer 地理學家

physicist 物理學家

historian 歷史學家

archaeologist 考古學家

biologist 生物學家

fisherman 漁民

journalist 新聞記者

barber 理發師

singer 歌手

engineer 工程師

painter 畫家

pilot 飛行員

dentist 牙醫

athlete 運動員


would like to pursue a career in 想要從事……職業

define one’s life 定義某人的生活

take time to do sth 花時間做某事

the best time to do sth 做某事的最佳時間

bounce around in one’s head 在某人的腦子里晃來晃去

get a head start 搶先一步

be like a road map 像一張路線圖

launch one’s career 開啟某人的職業生涯

safeguard one’s future 保障某人的未來

interest sb most 使某人最感興趣

get some insight into 洞察……

strengths and interests 優勢和興趣

be suited to/be appropriate for 適合……

the secret to ……的秘訣

be passionate about 對……充滿熱情

there is no point doing 做…… 是沒有意義的

work out what sb wants to do 弄清楚某人想做什么

be proficient in/at 精通……

be keen to do 熱衷于做……

match one’s interests to talents 將某人的興趣與天賦相匹配

work personality 職業性格

achieve one’s dream 實現某人的夢想

prepare onerself with a good education 讓某人接受良好的教育

be well prepared to do 準備好做……

acquire knowledge 獲取知識

develop a diligent attitude 培養勤奮的態度

use the summer break wisely and effectively明智而有效地利用暑假

take a specialized course 參加專業課程

get an extra qualification 獲得額外的資格

build confidence 建立信心

broaden one’s horizons 開闊某人的視野

make specific goals 設定具體目標

jump out of one’s comfort zone 跳出某人的舒適圈

work part?time 兼職

benefit people 造福人民

be beneficial to the public 對公眾有益

with no difference in status or worth 沒有地位或價值上的差異

contribute to 有助于……

make great contributions to mankind 為人類做出巨大貢獻

be of great importance to society 對社會非常重要

protect people from diseases 保護人們免受疾病侵害

fairness and justice 公平與正義

Ⅱ. 美句背誦

1. He has a strong sense of justiceand I believe he will be a good judge. 他有很強的正義感,我相信他會成為一名好法官。

2. After working as an accountant fora month, I came to the conclusion that itwas suitable for me. 做會計工作一個月后,我得出的結論是這份工作適合我。

3. I often remind myself to be calmand patient, particularly when teachingnaughty kids. 我經常提醒自己要冷靜、有耐心,尤其是在教育頑皮的孩子時。

4. I know there is no point in worry?ing about things that are beyond my con?trol. 我知道擔心我無法控制的事情是沒有意義的。

5. As he never gave up, he ended upsucceeding in starting up his own business.由于他從未放棄,他最終成功地創立了自己的公司。

6. It’s perfectly normal not to knowwhat career that you’d like to pursue. 不知道自己想從事什么職業是很正常的。

7. The career you have defines yourlife, so taking time to think about it is anessential exercise for young people. 你的職業決定了你的生活,所以對年輕人來說,花時間來思考它是一項至關重要的鍛煉。

8. It is essential that teenagers decideon a career before they become adults. 青少年在成年前決定職業是至關重要的。

9. The best time to start thinkingabout possible careers is while you are stillat school, before you make any choicesabout your further education. 開始考慮可能的職業的最佳時機是你還在學校的時候,在你對延續教育做出任何選擇之前。

10. If you want to work in the financeindustry, your top priority is to obtain rele?vant education. 如果你畢業后想在金融領域工作,你的首要任務是獲得相關教育。

11. Getting a head start in consider?ing your future career may help you for therest of your life. 在考慮你未來的職業生涯時搶先一步可能會對你的余生有幫助。

12. You don’t want to look back inyears to come and say, “I wish I hadthought more about what I really wanted todo.” 你不會想在以后的歲月里回首過去時說:“我真希望我當時能多想想自己真正想做的事情?!?/p>

13. A career plan is like a road mapwhich shows the goals and directions of aperson’s career. It should involve your?career goals and your plans to achievethem. 職業規劃就像一張可以指引一個人職業生涯的目標和方向的路線圖。它應該包括你的職業目標和實現這些目標的計劃。

14. Using the summer break wiselycan be very beneficial. If used correctly,the break will give you some great expe?riences and help you think about what youwant to do with your life. 明智地利用暑假是非常有益的。如果正確利用,暑假能給你提供一些很棒的體驗,并幫助你思考你想要什么樣的人生。

15. I would like to work part?time fora fashion design company in order to learnfrom professional designers—more isbetter when it comes to work experience.我想在一家服裝設計公司兼職,以便向專業設計師學習——當談到工作經驗時,越多越好。

Ⅲ. 主題寫作

你校英語俱樂部將舉辦以“Map out?our career path”為主題的職業規劃分享會,請你寫一篇演講稿,內容包括:

1. 職業規劃的意義;

2. 如何做好職業規劃。


1. 詞數80左右;

2. 可以適當增加細節,以使行文連貫。

Map out our career path




