
My Hobby

2023-12-25 01:48江蘇張家港市東渡實驗學校六陳語佳
瘋狂英語(雙語世界) 2023年4期

江蘇張家港市東渡實驗學校六(1)班 陳語佳

Hello,everyone! My name is Chen Yujia,and my English name is Jenny.I’m a student in Class 1 Grade 6 at Dongdu Experimental School.Today,I’d like to share one of my favorite hobbies with you,which is creating bullet journals.Bullet journaling is an exciting and creative way for me to organize my thoughts,plans,and daily life.

In my bullet journal,I love using colorful pens,stickers,and Washi tape to make each page special.One character I adore and often include in my journals is Kuroko.He’s a talented basketball player from a Japanese anime series,and I’m inspired by his dedication and teamwork.When I create Kuroko-themed pages,it motivates me to work hard and be a better team player in real life,just like him.

Another delightful part of my journaling is Eggy Party.It’s a cute and charming character-themed party featuring various egg-shaped characters.I enjoy incorporating Eggy Party-themed pages into my journal as well.The cheerful and positive vibes of these characters never fail to bring a smile to my face and brighten up my day.

In summary,crafting bullet journals allows me to express my creativity,stay organized,and draw inspiration from characters like Kuroko and the adorable members of Eggy Party.It’s more than just a hobby;it’s a way for me to learn,grow,and have a lot of fun along the way.I can hardly wait to fill my next page with colorful ideas and inspiration from the characters I hold dear.

張家港市 念好“三字經” 用好“123工作法”