
Unit 3 Faster, higher, stronger

2024-03-03 16:56
時代英語·高一 2024年2期

Section Ⅰ Starting out & Understanding ideas

單詞拼寫 根據首字母或漢語提示,用本部分所學單詞的正確形式填空。

1. Her p of life is to take every opportunity that comes on her way.

2. He is one of my t and our school football team has won several matches.

3. I hope the master’s course will help me s my computer skills.

4. Now it is February in North China where the spring’s f comes near.

5. It is hard to drive on this m road on rainy days.

6. The ball hit the backboard and (彈起) off it.

7. Something made her look closer, and she noticed a (發亮的) object.

8. Taylor scored with a low (射球) into the corner of the net.

9. The (協會) gives a free handbook to all new members.

10. Some parents in China have unrealistic (期望) of their children.

選擇填空 用方框中所給短語的適當形式填空。

a far cry from give way follow in one’s footsteps carry on beyond one’s expectations

1. She ignored him and with her work.

2. My father is extremely proud that I and became a doctor.

3. Today’s China is what it was 100 years ago.

4. Many houses in the storm which happened last week.

5. It was that they all had left when we arrived.


Stephen’s grandfather built a simple basket by attaching a piece of plastic to a telephone pole along a narrow dirt road, 1 was near the small town of Grottoes, Virginia. Stephen spent many childhood hours playing on this 2 (mud) basketball court, where he learnt to be creative and flexible as a player. The bumps and rocks that lined the road under the basket caused the ball to bounce in all directions, by which Stephen learnt to know where the ball 3 (go) and shoot with great accuracy.

However, Stephen 4 (think) by many people to be too weak and too short 5 (follow) in his father’s footsteps. 6 he didn’t give up because playing basketball was his dream. He finally ended up playing college ball at a small, little-known school. His 7 (create) and perseverance made him Davidson’s star player.

He performed beyond everyone’s expectations with his accurate shooting and continuous 8 (effort). After receiving the Most Valuable Player award for two years 9 a row, Stephen explained his philosophy: What he wanted to do was just be himself. 10 (inspire) others to believe in themselves, he has shown that anything is possible through his self-belief, hard work and perseverance.

1. ? 2. ? 3. ? 4. ? 5.

6. ? 7. ? 8. ? 9. ? 10.


Keeping fit often means sharing a busy pathway with cyclists, runners and walkers, but imagine facing the task of doing it all without being able to see or hear. It is a challenge many disabled athletes face, unless someone agrees to be their eyes and ears.

Newly formed group Achilles Brisbane pairs vision- and hearing-impaired (視覺和聽覺受損的) athletes with people who would like to guide them.

Jane Britt, president of Achilles Brisbane, who is vision- and hearing-impaired, said, “When we go out, it’s much less frightening to have someone beside us that has full hearing to listen for us and tell us what’s there.”

Ms Cullen and Ms Britt meet up most Saturday mornings to take part in the five-kilometer park run. Their partnership is built on trust, but Ms Britt said that it took time to develop.

Ms Britt said it took an unexpected storm for her to trust Ms Cullen completely. “There was violent rain, my glasses were broken and we were walking together. I suddenly had to tell her I couldn’t see anything, and I was going to have to completely trust her. From that time I knew it was going to work because she was so good about dealing with the special situation we both found ourselves in,” she said.

Isabella Allen and her seeing eye dog Tatum are two new additions to the Achilles Brisbane. Ms Allen kept active by rowing, running and cycling but found it difficult to keep going as her vision became worse. After nearly giving up completely, she worked up the courage to ask Achilles Brisbane to find someone to share a boat with her.

Ms Allen said the fear of not finding anyone to row with almost stopped her from reaching out to Achilles Brisbane. “But, they found people and matched me to them,” she said. “It’s the best thing I’ve ever done.”

1. What does Paragraph 1 try to show?

A. The exercise people do to keep fit. B. The danger of walking on a busy road.

C. The difficulty the disabled athletes face. D. The necessity of building roads for the blind.

2. How does Jane Britt feel about going out alone?

A. Relaxed. B. Excited. C. Worried. D. Bored.

3. What happened in the heavy rain according to Ms Britt?

A. She fell down on the ground. B. She led Ms Cullen forward.

C. She developed a strong sense of teamwork. D. She began to trust in Ms Cullen as her guide.

4. What was the best thing Ms Allen has done?

A. Asking Achilles Brisbane for help. B. Working in Achilles Brisbane.

C. Exercising frequently. D. Meeting Tatum.


The most important lesson that sports of all kinds teach us is the sense of discipline (紀律). A good sportsman must always learn to obey (遵守) the rules of the games and the orders of the captain. Lawlessness has ruined many a promising career. The sportsman is never lawless. 1 He knows the value of the proverb— “He who knows how to obey will know how to give an order.”

Discipline goes hand in hand with duty. On the playground, each individual has his own duty to perform. 2 It is his duty to help in winning games by obeying his captain. Discipline, duty, obedience are the three great qualities that contribute to a strong character. Another great quality which sports help us acquire is the will to win. Life is a struggle, a constant fight against difficulties and disappointments. A sportsman takes defeats and disappointments as true parts of a game. 3 Today he is defeated, but he knows that tomorrow he may win.

4 Look at the rowers in a boat; how harmonious their strokes (劃槳動作) are! If one of them misses his rhythm the harmony will be destroyed. It is the same in the football field; the same everywhere. Unity of action is a great lesson which we can learn from sports. 5 The lessons learned on the playground will make us better soldiers in the battlefield of life.

A. He knows how to obey.

B. He has to carry out his share.

C. Health means a sound mind in a sound body.

D. He is not disappointed but prepares for another try.

E. The true sportsman also knows the value of team spirit.

F. So sports are good for not only the body, but the mind and the character.

G. They will inspire him to nerve himself to make greater efforts, to have stronger determination.

1. ? 2. ? 3. ? 4. ? 5.

Section Ⅱ Using language

單句語法填空 在空白處填入1個適當的單詞或括號內單詞的正確形式。

1.The dog was so skilled that it crossed the short fence a row.

2.The boy (cheat) in the exam, which made his parents ashamed.

3.With a label (attach) to each piece of luggage, it is easy for passengers to recognize their own luggage.

4.His not (get) to the station on time made everyone worried last night.

5. (invite) to the party was a great honor to him.

6.She went to Spain the fact that her doctor had told her to rest.

7.It was he encouraged me when I met difficulties.

8.Planning so far ahead (make) no sense—so many things will have changed by next year.

9.I was 9 years old and too young (know) how to face the challenges in life.

10.Jenny has made (remark) progress in literature with her teacher’s help and her own hard work.

單元語法填空 閱讀下面短文,根據上下文語境,結合本單元所學語法知識完成短文。

For a period, 1 (watch) TV became a routine for Tom. His mother repeatedly said he wasted valuable time 2 (stay) in front of TV. However, Tom often answered he could keep a balance between studying and watching TV. As you know, 3 (talk) is easier than doing. As a result, Tom failed the final exam and was so sad. Tom’s mother knew that there was no point in 4 (criticize) him, so she comforted him and said, “It is no use 5 (cry) over spilt (灑出的) milk. There is no telling what you can do, just try your best.”

1. ? 2. ? 3. ? 4. ? 5.

完成句子 根據漢語提示,結合本單元所學語法知識完成句子,每空一詞。

1. 學好畫畫需要很長時間。

takes a long time.

2. 做運動使我們保持健康。

keeps us healthy.

3. 說和聽對語言學習非常重要。

are very important for language learning.

4. 只學習不思考是不管用的。

It is no good .

5. 他早上起晚了,因此上課遲到了。

in the morning made him late for the class.


In the early 1950s, I was a junior high student at Punahou School in Hawaii. During summer vacations, I often swam at Waikiki Beach. There was another man who would also 1 . He was a tall, handsome, silver-haired Hawaiian. Occasionally I saw him swimming gracefully and effortlessly at a(n) 2 pace to the beach wall and back again.

One morning when I 3 as usual, he walked past me on his way to the water. Suddenly he stopped and asked me if I’d like to 4 against him. “Just for fun. Down to the beach wall and back.” He pointed in that direction. After some thought, I 5 it.

We jumped into the water and started swimming. Teenagers are often very 6 , and I was no different. I started out as fast as I could to take the lead. But in the first 50 yards, we were even. When we 7 the beach wall, we were still even. I was already 8 . My legs felt heavy. My shoulders started to burn. As we 9 , my arms and shoulders felt nothing, and my head was spinning (天旋地轉). I wanted very badly to quit and 10 the rest of the way. But I 11 and made it, fighting the water.

When we finally arrived where we started, I was out of 12 . “Just about even. You’re pretty good,” he said. He walked out of the water and up the beach. I stayed where I was, 13 .

Ten minutes later my friend, Sammy Kauua, arrived. I told him what had happened. Sammy laughed, “Are you 14 ? That’s Duke Kahanamoku. He won gold medals at the Olympics!”

Several days later when I saw Kahanamoku on the beach, I talked to him about his swimming 15 . What I really wanted to know was how a(n) 16 could become good enough to win in the Olympics. “Oh, I 17 ,” he said. “But not hard, really. I did most of my swimming at the beach. I swam because I liked it. We trained of course, but 18 we just swam. It was natural.”

I was 19 at that time because there was no secret formula (秘訣) for success as an athlete. Thinking back on it now, though, I find the 20 he gave me very appealing.

1. A. step in B. walk by C. move around D. turn up

2. A. perfect B. essential C. terrifying D. obvious

3. A. arrived B. rested C. worked D. sat

4. A. fight B. argue C. swim D. defend

5. A. understood B. accepted C. explained D. questioned

6. A. outgoing B. annoyed C. wild D. competitive

7. A. reached B. saw C. passed D. left

8. A. inspired B. tired C. shocked D. ashamed

9. A. went down B. went up C. turned back D. turned over

10. A. stay B. lie C. relax D. refuse

11. A. struggled? B. changed? C. waited? D. decided

12. A. order B. breath C. place D. control

13. A. standing B. shaking C. recovering D. smiling

14. A. kidding B. wondering C. considering D. expecting

15. A. choice B. reward C. promise D. career

16. A. lover B. athlete C. employer D. coach

17. A. trained B. entertained C. ran D. persevered

18. A. recently B. originally C. mostly D. partly

19. A. touched B. disappointed C. comfortable D. embarrassed

20. A. experience B. concept C. answer D. belief


There is a growing interest in rock climbing. Recently there 1 (be) an improvement in technology and techniques to perform it. The sport is getting more 2 (attract) to many people. Although rock climbing has risks and physical challenges, people still have several reasons to take it up.

Some sportsmen feel that rock climbing can never become boring. This is because you have different places to go climbing. Additionally, there are several challenging routes to climb. If you are tired 3 walls at your location, you may visit elsewhere 4 (experience) other challenging walls.

5 (obvious), it offers great fun and adventure to people when they go high up on walls. When they push themselves beyond the expected limits, they get 6 sense of achievement. Many people feel that rock climbing also gives them a feeling of 7 (free), as they can go wherever they want.

There are many sportsmen 8 also take rock climbing as a physical challenge where they always move up the levels. After 9 (cross) a set level, they move to the next and then to the next. And they can always give a fight to their previously achieved 10 (goal). It all depends on their physical fitness and skill levels.

1. ?____________ 2. ?____________3. ?____________? 4. ?____________? 5. ?____________

6. ?____________ 7. ?____________8. ?____________? 9. ?____________ ? 10. ?____________


I like varieties of sports but basketball is my favorite. Taught how to play basketball from my father, I became very interesting in it. I had never stopped playing it ever since then. Basketball can bring me much pleasure and keep me excited, provide me with different kind of other benefits. For instance, as a team sport, basketball can train me how to cooperate with others. I often play basketball with your teammates every weekend improve my skills and prepare for basketball competitions. General speaking, basketball is such a fun that I hope all of us can enjoy the pleasure of playing basketball.

Section Ⅲ Developing ideas

單詞填空 用所給詞的適當形式填空。

1.He is a novelist who can?____________ describe a landscape. In his novels, he always gives a??____________ description of what he has experienced. (vivid)

2.Good ?____________ requires communication. I find it hard ?____________ with those who always stick to their own opinions. (cooperate)

3.I was driving my car along a ?____________ path when suddenly my car got stuck in the??____________ . (mud)

4.The desks and chairs are ?____________ and you can?____________ them to the height of the students. The ?____________is not difficult to make. (adjust)

5.Whenever the teacher ?____________ homework, students should complete every ?____________ (assign)

6.Although he felt the cold of the ?____________ against his cheek, Sam didn’t move his head with vx determination. (steel)

單句表達 根據括號內提示翻譯句子。

1. 吃蔬菜對我們的健康有好處。(動名詞短語作主語)

2. 她眼里含著淚水,離開了辦公室。(with復合結構)

3. 我所有的努力最終得到了回報,我通過了考試。(pay off)

4. 1998年,該搖滾樂隊在樂壇上一炮而紅。(burst onto)

5. 盡管遇到所有這些困難,他仍不氣餒。(介詞短語作狀語)



seize defeat be assigned to pay off contribute to

…is more important than… …is the key to… She/He is only too aware that…



Unless you are fortunate enough to know an NBA player, Ryan Martin is probably the best basketball player you’ll ever meet. Unlike those who fly up and down the court (球場), however, Martin is forced to take a different approach; he doesn’t have legs.

Martin, a 33-year-old man, is a professional wheelchair basketball player. His achievements have taken him halfway around the world to play in Spain for the last seven years. There he made a comfortable living playing basketball and working with some of the greatest athletes in the world.

“A good wheelchair player can make $50,000 a year, while a star can make six figures,” said Martin. What’s more, he couldn’t see his family for months and European cities were unfriendly to the disabled. He also had to learn Spanish. Martin, however, overcame those drawbacks (困難).

He started by playing basketball when he was 12. It didn’t take long for him to fall in love with the sport and, after graduating from Somers High School, he attended Southwest Minnesota State University on a basketball scholarship (獎學金). In college, he scored over 1,000 points in his career and set several school records.

And he works as hard—if not harder—as any other professional athlete. “He destroys me,” said Gina Navarra, who works out with Martin on occasion. “What he does amazes me.”

Martin also recognizes that, at age 33, he’s in the back end of his career. With that in mind, he has been focusing more and more on his foundation.

“I have 12 brothers and sisters. College gave me a true sense of achievement. The foundation is designed to give those with disabilities the opportunity to realize the dreams that I once had,” Martin said.

“I’m not saying that out of a sense of pity,” he said. “I realize how fortunate I am to have achieved what I have. But I want to open doors for people.”

1. What was Ryan Martin’s life like in Spain?

A. Free. B. Boring. C. Difficult. D. Bitter-sweet.

2. How was Ryan Martin’s performance in college?

A. He stood out in basketball. B. He broke a few world records.

C. He was excellent in his studies. D. He won several scholarships.

3. Why has Ryan Martin been working for the foundation?

A. To help those in need. B. To finish his basketball career.

C. To earn money for his family. D. To learn basketball skills.

4. What words can best describe Ryan Martin?

A. Honest and responsible. B. Caring and sensitive.

C. Reliable and knowledgeable. D. Determined and warm-hearted.


When Han Duan started her professional career at 16, China’s national women’s football team was defeated in the final of the World Cup by the US. While she was asked to play in her first World Cup in 2003, she largely remained on the bench after the first match.

But things changed. Han later became one of the most important players in China’s team. “I can’t wait to play. Life is short. You must make the most out of it,” Han always says like that.

Han wants every possible honor that a football player can get—an Asian Cup, a World Cup and an Olympic medal. She has always been good at sports, especially swimming and horizontal bars (雙杠). At school, she was the fastest in the 60 m and 100 m.

But the reason she picked football was that she wanted to get more praises. “Football is for boys. But I feel more fulfilled when I can do better than them and win more praises,” she said. Later, when she entered a football school, the coach always asked Han to show others what to do.

However, nobody can be good at everything. Han described her singing as “howling” and the only school subject she was good at was Chinese. “I was very happy every time my essay was posted on the wall for my schoolmates to read.” But Han still has some regrets about her school years. Her handwriting was terrible at school. She ever wanted to improve her handwriting but didn’t achieve much.

“My fans ask for my signature (簽名), so I’d better practice and practice. It’s not too late,” she says.

5. What was Han Duan in the World Cup in 2003?

A. A team captain. B. A fan of a sports star.

C. An unimportant player. D. A member of the audience.

6. What does the underlined part in the second paragraph suggest?

A. Han tries hard to practice. B. Han has to wait to play.

C. Han is ill and finds life is short. D. Han tries to join in matches.

7. What can we know about Han according to the text?

A. She did well in sports even at school.

B. She feels satisfied with her football performance.

C. She has made great progress in handwriting.

D. She was good at her school subjects except Chinese.

8. Which word can best describe Han Duan?

A. Honest. B. Imaginative. C. Determined. D. Independent.


I am a girl, but I was born to be a rebel (叛逆者). I like games that can be 1 . Some of the sports I like, even boys won’t play!

Wrestling (摔跤) is 2 seen as a sport for men, but I 3 to see if I could do it.

Every Saturday morning, I got out of bed early to go and watch my brother 4 . From morning to night, I would sit watching the 5 have all the fun. Since then, wrestling has been part of my 6 .

For three years, I 7 all the boys and became the best player in the team. My best 8 of wrestling is when a boy walked off 9 because he’d lost to a girl.

My last 10 was at this year’s Girls’ State Wrestling Championships.

I was so 11 . I was sure I would win. My heart was beating hard when the match started. I could see nothing but my 12 . When the final whistle blew, I had 13 by four points. The cameras and 14 all turned to me: I was the new wrestling champion. I felt so 15 . But after a few minutes of enjoying being a champion, 16 began to run through my knee.

Because I hurt my knee, my 17 of being a national champion ended. Even so, I still 18 to wrestle next year when I go to college. I have 19 that you can do anything you want if you put your 20 into it.

1. A. interesting B. surprising C. dangerous D. famous

2. A. usually B. ever C. sometimes D. never

3. A. agreed B. desired C. decided D. happened

4. A. teach B. run C. fight D. practice

5. A. boys B. girls C. teammates D. friends

6. A. way B. life C. work D. study

7. A. beat B. stopped C. met D. injured

8. A. plan B. part C. memory D. opinion

9. A. shouting B. arguing C. joking D. crying

10. A. chance B. match C. try D. sport

11. A. smart B. great C. proud D. excited

12. A. reporter B. competitor C. coach D. assistant

13. A. won B. made C. led D. gained

14. A. hands B. players C. lights D. photos

15. A. shy B. hopeful C. happy D. nervous

16. A. heat B. blood C. energy D. pain

17. A. dream B. experience C. choice D. story

18. A. remember B. start C. want D. manage

19. A. said B. heard C. learned D. noticed

20. A. time B. heart C. foot D. joy










1. 比賽的時間、地點和人物;

2. 比賽中發生的事情;

3. 你的感受。


1. 詞數100左右;

2. 可以適當增加細節,以使行文連貫。


1. 基本情況介紹(時間、地點、人物等);

2. 自己的所見所聞(過程、結果等);

3. 自己的感受。



1. 比賽一開始,Tom就盡力奔跑。(try one’s best)

2. Tom跑得很快,沒過多久就領先其他人了。(so… that…)

3. 所有的觀看者都很興奮,他們為賽跑者加油。(v.-ing形式作狀語)

4. 突然,他摔倒了,有的同學建議他放棄比賽。(give up)

5. 在場的所有觀看者都被他的精神所感動。(形容詞短語作定語)



Last Friday our school held a running race on the playground. My classmate, Tom, took part in the race. As soon as the race began, Tom tried his best to run. Tom ran so fast that he was ahead of the others after a short time. All the viewers were very excited, cheering for the runners. Suddenly, Tom fell down and his left leg was injured. Some of my classmates ran to take care of him. They advised him to give up the race. However, Tom struggled to stand up and went on running. All the viewers present at the race were moved by him. Though he didn’t win the race, he won our admiration.



1. 比賽的時間、地點和人物;

2. 比賽的過程和結果;

3. 你對這次比賽的評價。


1. 詞數100左右;

2. 可以適當增加細節,以使行文連貫。

Section Ⅳ Presenting ideas



1. a far cry ____________與……大不相同

2.attach… ?____________… 把……固定/附在……上

3. ?____________ 倒塌,向下垮

4. in all ?____________ 朝四面八方

5. ?____________ 瞄準

6. ?____________one’s skills 提高某人的技能

7.follow in one’s?____________ 仿效某人;繼承某人(尤指家人)的事業

8. ?____________繼續

9. end up ?____________ sth 以做某事而告終

10.beyond one’s ?____________ 超出某人的預期

11. in a ?____________ 連續地

12. ?____________ to do 開始做;出發,動身

13. ?____________ 活生生的例子

14. ?____________發狂;興奮

15.?____________ 突然出現在……(指突然成功)

16. be ?____________ to 被分配到……

17. ?____________off 取得成功

18. the?____________ to ……的關鍵

19. ?____________ 幸虧,多虧



1. It is/was… that…強調句型

…?____________ (就在這條路的旁邊) Stephen’s grandfather built a simple basket by attaching a piece of plastic to a telephone pole.

2. 動名詞短語作主語

____________ (投準球) was another thing he learnt.

3. 介詞短語作狀語

____________ (盡管他父親擁有成功的事業), Stephen was thought by many people… to be too short, too thin and too weak…

4. “介詞from + where”引導非限制性定語從句

He finally ended up playing college ball at a small, little-known school, Davidson College, ?____________ (離他住的地方不太遠).

5. 現在分詞短語作狀語

____________ (激勵他人要相信自己), Stephen Curry is living proof that what other people think of you does not have to influence what you become.

6. “see + 賓語 + 賓語補足語”結構

And there ?____________(我們看到中國隊的隊員們正在擁抱), with tears of happiness in their eyes…

7. 現在分詞的完成式作狀語

Next, the Chinese team defeated the Netherlands in the semi-final matches,

____________ (曾輸給過他們) in the preliminaries.

8. 過去分詞短語作后置定語

Zhu Ting, ?____________ (獲得“最有價值運動員”稱號) at the Rio Olympics, also identified this as the special ingredient in the team’s success…



1. As far as I’m concerned, the most important thing in the game is…

2. It strengthens the cooperation…

3. It develops one’s skill to…
