

2015-04-21 02:59季紅莉付萬發
中華老年多器官疾病雜志 2015年1期

季紅莉,王 清,付萬發,張 翼,陳 明,黃 慧



季紅莉1*,王 清2,付萬發1,張 翼1,陳 明1,黃 慧1

(北京老年醫院:1消化科,2病理科,北京 100095)



十二指腸胃反流是機體存在的一種生理現象,過多的十二指腸胃反流可致胃黏膜損傷,稱為膽汁反流性胃炎(bile reflux gastritis,BRG),它是消化系統常見病,約占胃炎總數的12.3%[1]~16.4%[2]。發生于非手術胃的BRG,稱為原發性BRG;而發生于胃幽門手術后過多膽汁反流引起的胃炎,稱為繼發性BRG,繼發性BRG可導致胃黏膜腸化、萎縮和不典型增生等病理改變[3]。而老年原發性BRG是否具有相同的病理特點?與幽門螺桿菌(,Hp)感染的慢性胃炎相比又有何特點?本研究選擇經內鏡診斷的老年原發性BRG患者進行組織病理學分析,以了解老年原發性BRG的病理特征。

1 對象與方法

1.1 研究對象


1.2 方法

1.2.1 胃鏡檢查 去除繼發于手術后胃的病例,符合將“內鏡下見到黏液湖膽染和胃竇黏膜糜爛(或中度以上充血)并存者診斷為BRG”作為原發性BRG的內鏡診斷標準[4]。(1)胃黏膜尤其是胃竇部黏膜充血、水腫或脆性增加;(2)胃黏液湖為黃色或綠色膽汁染色;(3)胃黏膜有膽汁附著或染色;(4)無胃腸道手術史。

1.2.2 胃黏膜病理檢查 胃鏡檢查時,取距幽門2~3cm胃竇大小彎各一塊組織,進行蘇木精?伊紅(hematoxylin-eosin,HE)染色。按2012年《中國慢性胃炎共識意見》[5],觀察慢性炎癥(輕、中、重)、中性粒細胞浸潤(無、輕、中、重);淋巴濾泡(有、無);腸化(有、無);萎縮(有、無)等形態學特征。

1.2.3 幽門螺桿菌感染診斷標準 (1)病理組織學檢查,病理切片為亞甲藍?硼酸染色陽性為Hp陽性診斷標準;(2)C13呼氣試驗檢測,參考值為0~3.9,>3.9為陽性。以上兩種方法任何1種為陽性,即診斷為Hp感染。

1.3 統計學處理

2 結 果



表1 觀察組和對照組組織病理學特點比較

表2 觀察組和對照組中性粒細胞浸潤情況比較

Compared with control group,***<0.001

表3 原發性BRG患者Hp陽性與Hp陰性者組織病理學特點比較

BRG: bile reflux gastritis; Hp:

表4 原發性BRG患者Hp陽性與Hp陰性患者中性粒細胞浸潤情況

BRG: bile reflux gastritis; Hp:. Compared with Hp positive patients,***<0.001

3 討 論





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(編輯: 李菁竹)

Pathological features of primary bile reflux gastritis in the elderly

JI Hong-Li1*, WANG Qing2, FU Wan-Fa1, ZHANG Yi1, CHEN Ming1, HUANG Hui1

(1Department of Gastroenterology,2Department of Pathology, Beijing Geriatric Hospital, Beijing 100095, China)

To investigate the pathological features of primary bile reflux gastritis (BRG) in the elderly.Clinical data of 77 elderly patients with primary BRG diagnosed by endoscopy (observation group) and another 78 elderly patients suffering from chronic gastritis by(Hp) infection but not with bile reflux (control group) admitted in our hospital from January 2013 to August 2014 were collected and retrospectively analyzed. The pathological changes in the gastric mucosa tissue were observed and compared between the 2 groups.The Hp infection rate was 19.5% in the primary BRG patients. The rates of mild, moderate and severe gastritis were 32.5%11.5%, 58.4%34.6% and 9.1%53.8% in the observation group and the control groups respectively. Neutrophils infiltrating classification (no, mild, moderate and severe) were 83.1%41.0%, 11.7%20.5%, 5.2%32.1% and 0.0%6.4% respectively for the 2 groups. The detection rates of lymphoid follicles, intestinal metaplasia and gastric mucosal atrophy were 4.3%26.9%, 5.2%17.9% and 6.5%25.6%, respectively between them. What’s more, between the Hp-positive and Hp-negative patients from the observation group, the ratios of mild, moderate and severe inflammation were 13.3%37.1%, 53.3%59.7% and 33.3%3.2% respectively, the ratios of no, mild, moderate and severe infiltration of neutrophils were 53.3%41.0%, 20.0%9.7%, 20.0%0.0% and 6.7%0.0%, respectively, and the rates of lymphoid follicles, intestinal metaplasia and gastric grand atrophy were 53.3%4.8%, 0.0%6.5% and 0.0%8.1%, respectively.Primary bile reflux results in chronic inflammation in gastric mucosa, intestinal metaplasia, and gland atrophy in the elderly patients. But the incidence of BRG is lower than that of chronic gastritis due to Hp infection. Neutrophils infiltration and lymph follicles formation are mainly associated with Hp infection. However, for the patients with primary BRG, Hp infection does not increase the risks of mucosal atrophy and intestinal metaplasia.

primary bile reflux gastritis; aged; pathology; endoscopy

R573.3; R592





季紅莉, E-mail: dragon918@163.com
