

2015-08-22 06:39唐曉軍張智勇尹宏宇楊亦楠
中國美容整形外科雜志 2015年7期

唐曉軍, 石 蕾, 尹 琳, 張智勇, 劉 偉, 尹宏宇, 楊亦楠, 王 璇

作者單位:100144 北京,中國醫學科學院北京協和醫學院整形外科醫院 頜面整形外科中心


唐曉軍, 石 蕾, 尹 琳, 張智勇, 劉 偉, 尹宏宇, 楊亦楠, 王 璇

半側顏面短??; 下頜骨; 牽張成骨; 數字化

半側顏面短小畸形(hemifacial microsomia, HFM)是由RJ Gorlin和J Pindborg于1964年提出的,發生率為1/5600~1/3500。半側顏面短小畸形主要的畸形位于下頜骨,而形成“多米諾骨牌效應”,從而進一步影響相鄰組織結構的發育,引起多種多樣復雜的臨床畸形。因此,我們希望通過在兒童期對患者進行下頜骨治療,以阻斷畸形的進一步發展,促進相鄰結構的正常發育。牽張成骨技術是目前治療下頜骨發育不足最有效的方法之一[1],然而對于半側顏面短小畸形患者的下頜骨,最有效的牽引矢量是治療中的重點和最難決定的部分之一[2]。自2010-2014年, 我們對60例半側顏面短的患者應用牽張成骨技術進行了治療,通過分析對有效的牽引矢量進行初步地探討。

1 臨床資料

2 手術方法

2.1 術前設計、模擬和導板制作

患者行頭顱螺旋CT掃描,DICOM格式文件刻錄進光盤,Pro Plan CMF 1.4軟件(MATERIALISE公司,比利時)讀取DICOM數據,通過Segmentation模塊對上下頜骨、下牙槽神經管、未萌出磨牙進行三維重建,可重建出手術區域骨骼和軟組織三維模型。在計算機中進行模擬截骨、延長器放置、牽引延長,根據數字化手術模擬結果,選擇最佳截骨線位置和延長器放置位置,將以上數據通過端口輸出為STL格式,通過CAD軟件進行下頜骨表面提取,進行截骨手術導板設計。將數字化導板數據保存為STL文件,用三維打印機進行打印,打印材料為光敏樹脂。

2.2 手術過程

手術采用口外入路,于患側下頜緣下1.500 cm設計3.000~5.00 cm切口,方向與下頜骨下緣平行。切開皮膚、皮下組織和頸闊肌,翻瓣向上,避免損傷面神經下頜緣支,顯露下頜升支外側骨板。置入手術導板,沿設計的不規則截骨線凹槽截骨,并避開下齒槽血管神經束投影線。將牽引器的固位板在導板表面塑形,調整好后,置入術區,達到與下頜升支外側骨皮質的最大貼合,預固定牽引器。按設計截骨線行下頜升支全層截骨術。在骨折線兩端安置下頜骨牽引器,鈦釘固定。逐層關閉切口。術后5~7 d開始牽引,速度為1 mm/d。牽引結束后,牽引器保留6個月。

3 結果

Fig 1 Design of vector for AngleⅠtype. Fig 2 Lateral view of simulated distraction process. Fig 3 Frontal view of simulated distraction process. Fig 4 Design of vector for AngleⅡtype malocclusio. Fig 5 Lateral view of simulated distraction process. Fig 6 Frontal view of simulated distraction process.

4 討論

Fig 7 Comparison between preview and postview of child with left hemifacial mircrosomia. a.preview (Case 1). b.postview at 12 months (Case 1). c. preview with occlusion of angle Ⅱ malocclusion (Case 1). d. postview with occlusion at 12 months (Case 1). e. preview (Case 2). f. postview at 6 months (Case 2). g. preview with occlusion of angle Ⅰ occlusion (Case 2). h. postview with occlusion at 6 months (Case 2).

[1] Sakamoto Y, Nakajima H, Ogata H, et al. The use of mandibular body distraction in hemifacial microsomia[J]. Ann Maxillofac Surg, 2013,3(2):178-181.

[2] Dec W, Pehomaki T, Warren SM, et al. The importance of vector selection in preoperative planning of unilateral mandibular distraction[J]. Plast Reconstr Surg, 2008,121(6):2084-2092.

[3] Tuin AJ, Tahiri Y, Paine KM, et al. Clarifying the relationships among the different features of the OMENS+classification in craniofacial microsomia[J]. Plast Reconstr Surg, 2015,135(1):149e-156e.

[4] Ascen?o AS, Balbinot P, Junior IM, et al. Mandibular distraction in hemifacial microsomia is not a permanent treatment: a long-term evaluation[J]. J Craniofac Surg, 2014,25(2):352-354.

[5] Sant′Anna EF, Lau GW, Marquezan M, et al. Combined maxillary and mandibular distraction osteogenesis in patients with hemifacial microsomia[J]. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 2015,147(5):566 -577.

[6] Tahiri Y, Chang CS, Tuin J, et al. costochondal grafting in craniofacial microsomia[J]. Plast Reconstr Surg, 2015,135(2):530-541.

[7] Meazzini MC, Mazzoleni F, Bozzetti A, et al. Comparison of mandibular vertical growth in hemifacial microsomia patients treated with early distraction or not treated: follow up till the completion of growth[J]. J Craniomaxillofac Surg, 2012,40(2):105-111.

[8] Suh J, Choi TH, Baek SH, et al. Mandibular distraction in unilateral craniofacial microsomia: longitudinal results until the completion of growth[J]. Plast Reconstr Surg, 2013,132(5):1244-1252.

[9] Singh DJ, Glick PH, Bartlett SP. Mandibular deformities: single-vector distraction techniques for a multivector problem[J]. J Craniofac Surg, 2009,20(5):1468-1472.

[10] Shi L, Liu W, Yin L, et al. Surgical guide assistant mandibular distraction osteogenesis and sagittal split osteotomy in the treatment of hemifacial microsomia[J]. J Craniofac Surg, 2015,26(2):498-500.

Discussion on the vector of mandibular distraction osteogenesis for hemifacial mircrosomia



Objective To explore the most effective vector of mandibular distraction osteogenesis for hemifacial microsomia using the digital techniques. Methods From 2010 to 2014, 60 patients of hemifacial microsomia were performed the procedures of mandibular distraction osteogenesis using digital techniques. The vector perpendicular to the occlusal plane was applied for the patients with classⅠmalocclusion. The vector should be situated between the occlusal plane and its vertical line for the patients with classⅡ, the angle should be determined using the digital techniques. Results The treatment on 60 cases were successful except for 3 cases with distractor displacement and 5 case with infection. The height of the mandibular ramus and the deviation of the chin were improvement and the cant of occlusal plane was almost corrected. Conclusion The most effective distractive direction is perpendicular to the occlusal plane for patients with angle classⅠ, while, to the patients with angle class Ⅱ, the vector should go between the occlusal plane and its perpendicular line, the precise angle should be made and simulated using the digital techniques.

Hemifcial microsomia; Mandible; Distraction osteogenesis; Digital technique


作者單位:100144 北京,中國醫學科學院北京協和醫學院整形外科醫院 頜面整形外科中心


張智勇,100144,中國醫學科學院北京協和醫學院整形外科醫院 頜面整形外科中心,電子信箱:zhangzh1536@sina.com






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