

2016-05-16 21:12Fromtaylorswift.com
新東方英語·中學版 2016年5期


泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift, 1989~),美國流行音樂、鄉村音樂創作型女歌手、音樂制作人、演員、慈善家,2006年發行首張專輯《Taylor Swift》,后又陸續發行了《Fearless》《Speak Now》《Red》《1989》四張專輯。她是唯一一位擁有三張首周銷量突破百萬專輯的歌手,也是第一位兩次獲得格萊美年度最佳專輯獎的女歌手。2014年,泰勒入圍《時代》雜志全球最具影響力人物榜。2015年,她成為《福布斯》全球權勢女性榜上最年輕的女性。

Taylor Swift is, quite simply, a global superstar. She's a household name1) whose self-penned songs transcend2) music genres3), and a clever businesswoman who has built a childhood dream into an empire.

Taylor is a ten-time Grammy winner, and the youngest recipient4) in history of the music industry's highest honor, the Grammy Award for Album of the Year. "As the first woman to win Album of the Year at the Grammys twice, I want to say to all the young women out there: There are going to be people along the way who will try to undercut5) your success or take credit for6) your accomplishments or your fame. But if you just focus on the work and don't let those people sidetrack7) you, someday when you get where you're going, you'll look around and you'll know that it was you and the people who love you who put you there. And that will be the greatest feeling in the world." Taylor said at the 2016 Grammy Awards.

But to be honest, she didn't get to where she is right now without hard work and perseverance8).

Taylor was and is a highly courageous woman. In fact, at the young age of 11 she had the confidence to sing the "Star-Spangled9) Banner" (the US National Anthem) at a Philadelphia 76ers10) game. At that same age, she was convinced that Nashville was the Country Music capital and would convince her mom enough that the two would often travel there to try and get a contract. At 12 years old, Taylor was bold enough to approach music executives11) to get a contract, and even though she was often rejected, she kept moving forward.

"I honestly think I needed to continue to prove myself in my career ..." This is why Taylor will endure. Pretty and sweet, yes, but this 27 year old is no cutie-pie12). She is pure guts13) and steel. For she hasn't been chasing your or mine love. She's stuck to her guns14), done her own thing and guess what, we've all come running to her. From her days as an 11-year-old Pennsylvanian who would ask her mom every night at bedtime, "Do you think I'll ever get a record deal?" to the Grammy award-winning pop princess, she was always going to fail or succeed at this music thing.

"If you've got a dream, it's your responsibility to make it happen. Do your research and find a way to be different from everyone else. Devote your time, devote your energy and devote your talent. The rest is luck."







邊疆行( 之三):拉祜族原生鄉村音樂的新生