

2016-05-16 21:14Frompopsugar.com&
新東方英語·中學版 2016年5期


雅各布·特倫布萊(Jacob Tremblay, 2006~),出生于加拿大溫哥華。2013年,六歲的特倫布萊因出演電影《藍精靈2》(The Smurfs 2)開始為人所熟知。2015年,他憑借在《房間》(Room)中的精彩表演一舉拿下第20屆金衛星獎、第87屆美國國家評論協會最佳新人獎、第14屆華盛頓影評人協會最佳青少年表演獎以及第28屆芝加哥影評人協會最具潛力演員獎。

Jacob Tremblay is, like, soooooo cute! The pint-sized1) Canadian actor has accumulated a bucket load of attention for his breakout role in Room, and has been charming the world with his dapper2) appearances on the red carpet ever since. Tremblay has been absolutely adorable in every pose and interview he's done during awards season so far and has shown a poise far beyond his years (even when it is way past his bedtime).

Tremblay earned his role in Room fair and square and competed against a whopping3) 2,000 child actors for the role. "You could tell he was special," the director Lenny Abrahamson said. "He was so assured. Maybe too assured. I was a little concerned that he's too coached because he'd done commercials. But he's bright. Once we got him together with Brie, we started to realise just how intelligent he was."

Brie's performance could not have been what it was without Tremblay as her son, Jack. From the first moment of his narration, his interaction with Brie, and his expression of emotion, Tremblay is brilliant; the rare child star who can not only act, but be natural. As Jack, Tremblay feels so real—not just like a real kid, which he obviously is, but like a young child going through what Jack has been through in his young years. We watch him learn as Brie teaches him both mundane4) lessons and hard grown-up ones to make him understand their situation, and you forget you're watching an actor. When Jack sees a sky for the first time, it looks like Tremblay is seeing a sky for the first time. Tremblay's ability is impressive for an actor of any age, and he has an innocence he somehow channels to be perfectly authentic5). When Jack is expressing something tough—anger at his mother for many various reasons, grief when he's scared, confusion when he finally starts to see what the real world is—his words and facial expressions tear you apart.

How did Tremblay prepare for such a dramatically intensive role in Room? "I practice (lines) with my parents. They know how my brain works. They help me a lot," says Tremblay. "I'd go to my chair and I'd sit down and I'd ignore everything that's happening. And I'd think of sad stuff to get the tears going through my eyes." It's impressive that Tremblay has such a commitment to his challenging craft—especially considering you're at least three times older than he is.





布麗·拉爾森 這次要把事情搞大!
特倫的飛行汽車, X改變未來