

2017-11-01 15:02尹全超張彥敏王運華

尹全超, 張彥敏, 王運華

(中國海洋大學信息科學與工程學院,山東 青島 266100)


尹全超, 張彥敏**, 王運華

(中國海洋大學信息科學與工程學院,山東 青島 266100)

利用L波段Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar(UAVSAR)全極化數據,對成像海域海浪斜率的反演進行了研究。其中,沿SAR圖像方位向海浪斜率是通過Krogager分解右旋和左旋圓極化相位差方程所提取的極化方向角,并利用該極化方向角的偏移量進行求解。而在求解海浪沿距離向的斜率的過程中,本文則選取了平均散射角(α角)、一致性參數、極化相干矩陣對角元素T22/T11、同極化比四種極化特征參數,并基于Bragg共振散射模型,對這四種極化特征參數的近似表達式進行了理論推導,通過分析發現這四種極化參數都是入射角的單調函數,從而使得利用這四種極化參數擬合求解距離向海浪斜率成為可能。本文中選取37景UAVSAR海浪圖像,采用極化方向角及其他四種極化參數分別對海浪方位向和距離向斜率進行了擬合反演,并通過反演所得海浪斜率譜進一步計算出感興趣海域海浪的波長、周期、傳播方向、斜率均方根、有效波高等參數,將所得結果與National Data Buoy Center(NDBC)提供的浮標數據進行了對比。通過對反演結果進行統計分析發現:T22/T11、一致性參數的所得結果較好,同極化比次之,α角稍差;另外,從計算的復雜程度來說,T22/T11、一致性參數、同極化比較之α角簡單,不需要復雜的極化分解。


海浪是海洋上一種常見的波動現象,是發生在海氣界面的重要海洋動力學過程,很大程度上影響著相關海洋工程的開展和實施,在軍事上海浪也是重要的參數,對海浪相關性質的研究以及對海浪相關活動的監測和預警是目前的熱點問題。合成孔徑雷達(Synthetic Aperture Radar,SAR)是監測海浪活動的一種強有力的工具,有著全天時、全天候、高分辨率、大監測范圍等特點,幾乎可以在任何天氣條件下對海浪進行觀測,是目前國內外公認的有效監測手段。在SAR海浪成像的過程中,主要調制作用可以分為傾斜調制、流體力學調制以及速度聚束調制[1]。傾斜調制是由海浪坡度變化引起本地入射角變化[2]而產生的,流體力學調制是由于大尺度表面波和小尺度表面(布拉格表面)波相互之間的流體力學相互作用引起,在中等入射角的情況下貢獻了最多的后向散射[3]。速度聚束是SAR成像系統所獨有的調制作用[4],是在方位向雷達和目標的相對運動造成的,在海浪沿方位向傳播的情況下,速度聚束的影響顯著。

傳統單極化的情況下,研究人員利用ERS 1&2、RADASAT-1等數據來從圖像中提取海浪斜率譜,并對海浪作定量描述[5],提出了多種不同的方法[6-10]??傮w上可以分為線性方法和非線性方法兩類。所謂線性方法,就是在海浪譜和SAR圖像譜之間定義一種線性的調制轉換函數(MTF),Lyzenga[10]在1988年提出過此類方法,但這種方法是純線性的,不包括調制中的任何非線性處理過程,所提取的海浪信息不夠準確?;诖?,非線性迭代的反演方法被提出:Hasselmann[8]等人利用Lyzenga[10]提出的線性調制轉換函數以迭代的方法來從圖像譜中恢復海浪譜,并在1996年被改進[11]了算法;但是這種方法運算復雜,需要從海浪數值模型中獲取第一猜測譜。為了避免提取海浪譜的過程中對第一猜測譜的依賴,Mastenbroek和de Valk提出了一種半參數的方法[12],這種方法不需要海況的先驗知識,每個SAR圖像譜可以和散射計的風矢量關聯起來;但僅適用于ERS衛星,對于沒自帶散射計的衛星數據無效。


在本文中,方位向采用右旋和左旋圓極化相位差方程提取的圓極化角算法,距離向采用α角、一致性參數、T22/T11、同極化比4種極化特征方法。其中圓極化角算法在陸地[18]和海洋[13]的方位向斜率提取中已經取得較為成功的應用;在距離向上,因為入射角的調制作用,不同的極化特征會隨著入射角的改變而變化,α角是旋轉不變且對入射角有著較好的敏感性[19],已經被成功應用到距離向海浪斜率的提取工作中[13]。采用一致性參數、T22/T11、同極化比來擬合計算距離向斜率的可行性也在本文中做了推導并采用統計的方法得到了驗證。共選取了37景L波段UAVSAR全極化數據來擬合計算海浪斜率,計算出波長、周期、方向、斜率均方根、有效波高五個參數,并將所得結果與NDBC(National Data Buoy Center)提供的浮標數據進行了對比,取得了較為吻合的結果。相對于傳統的單極化方法,本文不需要依賴復雜的調制轉換函數便可計算出方位向和距離向的海浪斜率;同時相對于α角的方法,一致性參數、T22/T11、同極化比這三種極化特征不需要進行復雜的極化分解,在距離向斜率的反演中,其反演效果與α角相當甚至優于α角。

1 四種極化特征隨入射角變化敏感性分析

在本節中將對α角、一致性參數、T22/T11、同極化比4種極化特征從理論進行分析,研究其隨入射角θi的變化關系。L波段UAVSAR的頻率為1.26 GHz,根據Ellison[20]等人的方法,假設溫度為25℃,鹽度為35,計算得出所對應的相對介電常數εr為71~80j??梢?,L波段微波的海水相對介電常數實部較大,因此為了簡單起見,本節中將εr的值取無窮大,并對上述4種極化特征隨入射角θi的變化關系進行了理論推導。同時,為了驗證該近似的合理性,本節中將所得近似結果與εr取71~80j時的結果進行了比較。

1.1 α角隨入射角變化敏感性分析

基于SPM(Small Perturbation scattering Model)小擾動散射模型可以估計α角對沿距離向傳播海浪的敏感性。α角是利用Cloud-Pottier極化分解理論[21-22],對3×3的相干矩陣做特征值分解,具有旋轉不變性,α角計算公式為:













SHH=-1 ,









1.2 一致性參數隨入射角變化敏感性分析








圖1 εr取無窮大(藍)和71~80j(紅)時α和θi的對應關系 Fig.1 The influence of θion α angle for different relative dielectric constant, εr=∞(blue line) and εr=71~80j(red line)

圖2 εr取無窮大(藍)和71~80j(紅)時一致性參數與θi對應關系Fig.2 The influence of θion the consistent parameter for different relative dielectric constant, εr=∞(blue line) and εr=71~80j(red line)

1.3 T22/T11隨入射角變化敏感性分析










圖3 εr取無窮大(藍)和71~80j(紅)時 T22/T11和θi的對應關系Fig.3 The influence of θion the ratio T22/T11 for different relative dielectric constant, εr=∞(blue line) and εr=71~80j(red line)

1.4 同極化比隨入射角變化敏感性分析













圖4 εr取無窮大(藍)和71~80j(紅)時 同極化比和θi對應關系Fig.4 The influence of θion the co-polarized ratio for different relative dielectric constant, εr=∞(blue line) and εr=71~80j(red line)


2 海浪反演步驟及實驗結果分析


2.1 海浪反演步驟


表1 示例數據說明Table 1 The instruction of the sample SAR image

圖5 示例數據的快視圖Fig.5 The quick-view image of the sample SAR image

圖6 研究區域VV極化強度圖像Fig.6 The intensity for VV polarization channel in the research region

(1) 選取512×512像素的研究區域,在距離向使用線性插值的方法校正幾何變形。

(2) 采用圓極化的方法計算方位向斜率。

(3) 分別采用α角、一致性參數、T22/T11、同極化比來擬合距離向斜率,并使用高通濾波對結果進行處理。

(4) 分別對方位和距離向海浪斜率做快速傅里葉變換(FFT),得到方位和距離向的海浪斜率譜Py、Px,并估計海浪的波長、方向、周期、斜率均方根和有效波高。












Hd=tan(Srms)·(λd/2) 。


2.2 方位向斜率反演










依據方位向的處理結果(見圖7),提取波長258.69 m方向345.98°周期12.87 s。

2.3 距離向斜率反演



圖8 α角距離向提取結果Fig.8 The range slope inversed by the alpha parameter

圖9 一致性參數距離向提取結果Fig.9 The range slope inversed by the conformity coefficient

圖10 T22/T11距離向提取結果Fig.10 The range slope inversed by the ratio T22/T11

圖11 同極化比距離向提取結果Fig.11 The range slope inversed by the co-polarized ratio

表2 提取結果與浮標數據對比Table 2 The comparison between the inversion results and the buoy data

Note:①The alpha parameter;②The conformity coefficient ;③The ratio T22/T11;④The co-polarized ratio;⑤The buoy data;⑥The wavelength;⑦The period;⑧The wave direction/deg;⑨The RMS slope/deg;⑩The significant wave height

2.4 實驗結果分析


(a.圓極化算法;b.α角;c.一致性參數;d.T22/T11;e.同極化比。a.The orientation angle; b.The alpha parameter; c.The conformity coefficient; d.The ratio T22/T11;e.The co-polarized ratio.)

圖12 波長統計分析
Fig.12 The statistical analysis of the wavelength

(a.圓極化算法; b.α角; c.一致性參數; d.T22/T11;e.同極化比。a.The orientation angle; b.The alpha parameter; c.The conformity coefficient; d.The ratio T22/T11;e.The co-polarized ratio.)

圖13 周期統計分析
Fig.13 The statistical analysis of the period of sea waves

(a.α角; b.一致性參數; c.T22/T11;d.同極化比。a.The alpha parameter; b.The conformity coefficient; c.The ratio T22/T11; d.The co-polarized ratio.)

圖14 斜率均方根統計分析
Fig.14 The statistical analysis of the RMS slope

(a.α角; b.一致性參數; c.T22/T11;d.同極化比。a.The alpha parameter; b.The conformity coefficient; c.The ratio T22/T11; d.The co-polarized ratio.)

圖15 有效波高統計分析
Fig.15 The statistical analysis of the significant wave height


表3 不同極化參數反演結果與浮標數據標準偏差Table 3 The standard deviation between the inversion results and the buoy data

Note:①The wavelength ;②The period;③The wave direction/deg;④The significant wave height;⑤Azimuth direction;⑥The alpha parameter;⑦The conformity coefficient;⑧The ratio T22/T11;⑨The co-polarized ratio

表4 不同極化參數反演結果與浮標數據的偏移量Table 4 The offset between the inversion results and the buoy data

Note:①The wavelength;②The period;③The wave direction/deg;④The significant wave height;⑤Azimuth direction;⑥The alpha parameter;⑦The conformity coefficient;⑧The ratio T22/T11;⑨The co-polarized ratio

3 結論與討論








表5 所有統計反演的UAVSAR數據Table 5 The UAVSAR data used in this work



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YIN Quan-Chao,ZHANG Yan-Min,WANG Yun-Hua

(College of Information Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100,China)

L-band quad-polarization data of Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar(UAVSAR) is used to retrieve the two-dimensional ocean wave slopes. Krogager decomposition is modified to estimate the orientation angle by calculating the phase difference between right-hand and left-hand circular polarization, according to the shifts of the orientation angle, the slopes of the azimuth direction is retrieved. Based on the Bragg scattering model, four different methods (alpha parameter, conformity coefficient, T22/T11, co-polarized ratio) are selected in the range direction to estimate the ocean wave slopes. The theoretical derivations of the above four polarization features are presented. The simulation results reveal that these polarization characteristics are monotone with the increase of the incidence angle and sensitive to the change of incidence angle, making it possible to extract the slopes of the range direction. Compared with conventional single-polarized method, the method used in this paper could calculate the wave slopes in azimuth and range directions which does not rely on the complicated modulation transfer function (MTF). Furthermore, the 37 UAVSAR images are used to inverse the wave slopes in both the azimuth and range direction, and five main wave parameters (wavelength, period, direction, root-mean-square slope and significant wave height) of the study images are estimated in terms of the inversed slope spectrum. The retrieval results are in good agreement with the buoy data provided by National Data Buoy Center (NDBC). The experiment results can be summarized below: (1) In full-polarized UAVSAR images, the wave slopes in azimuth direction can be retrieved effectively by circular polarization method. The retrieved results are in good agreement with the data collected by buoys. (2) the alpha parameter, the conformity coefficient, T22/T11 and the co-polarized ratio could fit the wave slopes in range direction accurately. Combined with the circular polarization method in azimuth direction, the four parameters can be used to calculate the RMS (root mean square) slope of waves and significant wave heights. The differences between the calculated results and the data of NDBC are small. (3) In terms of computational efficiency, the methods which rely on the conformity coefficient, T22/T11 and the co-polarized ratio are simple and practicable. The alpha parameter is determined through polarimetric decomposition. Therefore, the method which relies on the alpha parameter is more complex. (4) As for the wavelengths and period parameters, the results retrieved based on the conformity coefficient and T22/T11 are the best. The results retrieved based on co-polarized ratio take the second place. The results retrieved based on the alpha parameter have larger deviations. (5) As for the RMS slopes and significant wave heights, the results retrieved based on the co-polarized ratio are the best. The results retrieved based on the conformity coefficient and T22/T11 take the second place. The results retrieved based on the alpha parameter have larger deviations. From the above, the results computed based on T22/T11, conformity coefficient and co-polarized ratio are better than the alpha parameter in range direction.

wave slopes; UAVSAR; polarization features




責任編輯 陳呈超


尹全超, 張彥敏, 王運華. 基于全極化UAVSAR圖像的海浪斜率反演方法研究[J]. 中國海洋大學學報(自然科學版), 2017, 47(12): 118-129.

Yin Quan-Chao, Zhang Yan-Min, Wang Yun-Hua. Inversion of wave surface slopes from quad-polarization UAVSAR data[J]. Periodical of Ocean University of China, 2017, 47(12): 118-129.


Supported by This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 41376179, by the National Natural Science Foundation of China-Shandong Joint Fund for Marine Science Research Centers under Grant. U1406404




** 通訊作者:E-mail:yanminzhang@ouc.edu.cn
