

2019-12-11 03:34策劃劉自良楊光毅執行本刊編輯部
今日重慶 2019年11期

策劃|劉自良 楊光毅 執行|本刊編輯部

2015 年11 月7 日,中新兩國政府在新加坡簽署《關于建設中新(重慶)戰略性互聯互通示范項目的框架協議》及其補充協議,中新(重慶)戰略性互聯互通示范項目正式啟動實施。


至今,項目落戶重慶已整整4 年。4 年攜手,漸入佳境,不負眾望。

4 年間,重慶與新加坡大膽創新,取得了一系列務實合作的成果,帶領西部地區開發開放,開創了“陸海內外聯動、東西雙向互濟”的開放新格局,成為“一帶一路”國際合作的新亮點。

截至今年9 月底,中新互聯互通項目框架下已累計簽約199 個合作項目,總金額約270 億美元。


On November 7, 2015, the governments of China and Singapore signed the Framework Agreement on the Construction of the China-Singapore (Chongqing) Strategic Connectivity Demonstration Project and its supplementary agreement in Singapore, and the China-Singapore (Chongqing) Demonstration Project on Strategic Connectivity was officially launched.

This is the third inter-governmental cooperation project between China and Singapore, in which "modern connectivity" and "modern service economy" are the themes to be explored by the China-Singapore connectivity project. We must also take the heavy responsibility of "the proposition" in four big domains, namely the financial service, the transportation logistics, the aviation industry, the information communication.

So far, the project has been settled in Chongqing for four years. Joining hands for four years, we have made gradual progress and lived up to expectations.

Over the past four years, Chongqing and Singapore have made bold innovations, achieved a series of practical cooperation results, led the development and opening up of the western region, created a new pattern of opening up featuring "linkage between land and sea, and mutual assistance between the east and the west," and became a new highlight of international cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative.

By the end of September this year, China and Singapore had signed a total of 199 cooperation projects under the framework of the China-Singapore (Chongqing) Demonstration Initiative on Strategic Connectivity, with a total value of about US $27 billion.

From the skyscrapers upright by Chaotianmen to the financial center at Jiangbei; From sea, land and air transportation and logistics across the blue sky and sea to unblocked network information and data, the China-Singapore Connectivity Project, as a bridge, has opened up more space for further deepening cooperation between Chongqing and Singapore, and has also created valuable opportunities for Chongqing to build an inland open highland and better integrate into the Belt and Road Initiative.

進博會江蘇簽訂55個合作項目 總規模近50億美元
點絳唇 朝天門
International Collaborative Programs in Software Colleges of China