

2020-04-22 10:11美國特洛伊大學高級副校長
孔子學院(中英文對照版) 2020年1期


特洛伊大學是一所公立大學,成立于1887 年,現在注冊的學生有1.8 萬人,特洛伊大學自成立以來就致力于文化和語言的教育。我校有8千名國際學生,擁有來自馬來西亞、越南和中國都有合作院校的學生。我們的一個非常重要的努力就是孔子學院。特洛伊大學孔子學院是一個在語言和教育交流方面非常重要的標志性的成果。

特洛伊大學的孔子學院成立于2007 年,位于特洛伊大學的主校區,但是同時在我校的校園也有分部。我們校的中方合作院校是重慶師范大學,我們感到非常高興。在過去的11 年當中,我們一直得到重慶師范大學的支持。當然我們也非常感謝孔子學院總部及其合作伙伴的支持。


特洛伊大學孔子學院大力發展K12 課堂的語言和文化教學,每天有數以千計的孩子由此獲益??鬃訉W院為大學層次的大學生教授漢語,每年贊助兩到三個到中國學習的項目。我們支持專業人士、教育界領導在中美語言、文化等方面進行相互交流。同時我們也組織大量的公眾節慶活動,比如說中國的春節。這些活動有成人參加,也有很多孩子參加。很多的美國的公眾都非常了解我們的活動。



另外孔子學院也促進了校際交流。我們有個交流項目叫做重慶師范大學特洛伊大學優秀教師交流和學習項目,國家留學基金委支持26 名重慶師范大學教師在特洛伊大學參加為期三個月的語言和高等教育管理和教法學的培訓。這樣的項目大大增強了兩校之間的合作。我們相信通過我們的教育,使得我們兩個學校之間,兩國之間增強了了解,學生相互學習,相互交流,他們能夠擁抱差異。特洛伊大學的這種國際教育的特征得到了很好的反映和體現。

Lance Tatum

Senior Vice President of Troy University

The Confucius Institute at Troy University

Founded in 1887, Troy University is a public university with 18,000 registered students. Since its establishment,the university has been committed to cultural and language education. We have 8000 international students, and we have students from partner institutions in Malaysia, Vietnam and China.One of our very important efforts is the Confucius Institute. The Confucius Institute at Troy University is a very important landmark achievement in language and education exchanges.

The Confucius Institute at Troy University, founded in 2007, is located on the main campus of Troy University,but also has branches in other campuses. We are very glad that the Chinese partner university is Chongqing Normal University. For the past 11 years, we have always been supported by Chongqing Normal University. Of course, we also appreciate the support from the Confucius Institute Headquarters and its partners.

We have a unique exhibition hall of Chinese culture. The Confucius Institute at Troy University is a bond that helps us strengthen the cultural exchanges between China and the US.

The Confucius Institute at Troy University is vigorously developing language and culture teaching in K12 classrooms, benefiting thousands of kids every day. The Confucius Institute teaches Chinese to college students and sponsors two to three programs to study in China each year. We support professional and educational leaders to communicate with each other on the exchanges in language and culture between China and the US. We also organize a large number of holiday celebrations, such as the Spring Festival.These activities involve both adults and many children. Many Americans are very familiar with our activities.

The Confucius Institute Troy University is not only engaged in teaching,but we have also contributed a lot to multicultural experience. Every year,many people come to visit the permanent Chinese art exhibition in our campus. And the Terra Cotta Warriors exhibition at the university’s Janice Hawkins Cultural Arts Park attracts thousands of visitors each year. The Confucius Institute is also helping our citizens to understand more about China’s contributions to world civilizations and the space of multiculturalism.

Many people do not have the opportunity to come to China, but they have the opportunity to see Chinese art treasures through our exhibitions. The Confucius Institute has also organized other training programs such as Chinese language teacher training and student training programs. These programs not only taught the trainees Chinese language, but also introduced Chinese culture to them. Without the Confucius Institute, probably the citizens here would not have the opportunity to have these experiences. Every year we organize some delegations to visit China,giving people a lot of opportunities to learn about China.

In addition, the Confucius Institute has also promoted inter-school exchanges. We have an exchange and study program — the excellent teacher exchange and study program between Chongqing Normal University and Troy University, in which 26 teachers from Chongqing Normal University participate in a three-month training in language, higher education management,and teaching method at Troy University with the support of the China Scholarship Council. The project has greatly enhanced the cooperation between the two universities. We believe that through our education, we can enhance understanding between our two universities and between the two countries;and students can learn from each other,communicate with each other, and embrace differences. The characteristics of this international education of Troy University are well reflected.

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