

2020-04-22 10:11北京語言大學校長
孔子學院(中英文對照版) 2020年1期


很高興參加2019 年國際中文教育大會。我謹代表北京語言大學,以及參與孔子學院建設和國際中文教育的中方院校,對大會的召開表示熱烈的祝賀!

北語素有“小聯合國”的美譽,是中國創辦的唯一一所以教授外國學生中國語言文化為主要職能的大學。建校近60 年來,北語始終堅持“德行言語、敦睦天下”的校訓,秉持“愛國擔當、開放包容”的理念,開拓進取,改革創新,聚焦中文教育主業,致力中國文化傳播,累計培養了全球180 多個國家和地區近20 萬名精通中文、熟悉中國的留學生,其中既有像哈薩克斯坦總統托卡耶夫這樣的政界精英,也有像諾貝爾物理學獎得主埃里克康奈爾這樣的科學大家,還有上萬名從事中國語言文化教學研究的各國英才,以及無數從事商務、外交等對華交往工作的各類優秀人才,為促進中外人文交流、增進中外人民友誼,推進世界文明發展作出了積極貢獻,也彰顯了北語的中國精神和世界情懷。

孔子學院面向全球開展中文教育,以語言為橋,融匯中外文化,溝通人民心靈,受到各國民眾熱烈歡迎,成為世界認識中國的重要窗口。目前,北語已與世界五大洲13 個國家、20所大學合作設立了孔子學院,多年來為成千上萬海外中文學習者提供了優質服務。通過參與孔子學院建設,北語獲益良多,實現了從留學生來華教育為主到來華留學教育與走出去辦學并重的雙向辦學格局,完善了面向國際社會需求的中外教育學科體系,強化了國別和區域化的教師培養、教材研發、教法研究等中文教育的核心能力,深化了與中外大學之間的學生互換、學者互訪、學科共建等多領域合作,提升了學校的綜合辦學能力,極大提高了學校的聲譽和影響力。




Liu Li

President of Beijing Language and Culture University

It’s my great pleasure to attend the 2019 International Chinese Language Education Conference. On behalf of Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU),and Chinese universities engaged in the construction of the Confucius Institute and international Chinese language education, I would like to extend my warm congratulations on the opening of the conference.

Known as the Mini-United Nations,BLCU is the only university of its kind in China that specializes in offering Chinese language and culture courses to foreign students. In the past 57 years since its founding, BLCU has always adhered to the spirit of the school motto, “virtuous language harmonize the world”, and the philosophy of “patriotism, responsibility, openness, and inclusiveness”. Committed to reform and innovation, and constantly forging ahead,BLCU is specialized in Chinese language education and the spread of Chinese culture. So far, the university has trained about 200,000 foreign students from 180-plus countries and regions who are proficient in Chinese language and familiar with Chinese culture. Among them, include political elites like Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, President of Kazakhstan, scientists like Eric Cornell,Nobel laureate in Physics, tens of thousands of talents from various countries engaged in Chinese language and culture teaching and research, and countless talents for exchanges with China in business, tourism, and diplomacy. All of them have made positive contributions to promoting people-to-people and cultural exchanges, enhancing friendship between Chinese and peoples from other countries, and promoting the development of world civilization. Besides, they also showcase the Chinese spirit and global vision of BLCU.

The Confucius Institute offers Chinese language education globally, takes language as a bridge to integrate Chinese and foreign cultures, and connect people’s hearts. It has been warmly received by people from all countries and has become an important window for the world to know China. At present, BLCU has set up the Confucius Institute jointly with 20 universities in 13 countries on five continents, providing excellent services to thousands of overseas Chinese language learners over the years.BLCU has benefited a lot from setting up the Confucius Institute. It has formed a twoway school-running pattern that focuses on both education of foreign students in China and school-running’s going global, and improved the Chinese and foreign education discipline systems facing the needs of the international community, strengthened the core Chinese education competence, including teacher training, textbook development,and teaching method research in different countries and regions. It has deepened the cooperation with Chinese and foreign universities in various fields such as student and scholar exchange and subject construction. All these measures have improved BLCU’s overall capacity of school-running and greatly boosted the reputation and influence of BLCU.

While developing international Chinese language education and building the Confucius Institute, we deeply feel that people in the world are more eager to learn Chinese as well as to know about China and there is an increasing demand for international Chinese language education that is personalized, differentiated, and diversified.This not only poses new challenges to Chinese educational institutions at all levels like the Confucius Institute, but also creates new opportunities for coordinating resources to expand the scale of school-running and to improve the quality of school.

As a university with Chinese language education as its main task, BLCU feels a great responsibility. We will more consciously take building the Confucius Institute as an important measure for BLCU to create a world-class language university with Chinese characteristics, and include it in BLCU’s long-term development plan.We will improve the talent training system,make teacher training platform bigger and stronger, focus on the training of high-quality full-time Chinese teachers, and provide an enough excellent talents for the Confucius Institute’s improvement of quality and efficiency. After investigations and consultations, we plan to jointly establish an international non-governmental public welfare education foundation sponsored by various partners in the near future to support the building of the Confucius Institute. Then Chinese and foreign universities can further play their leading roles and we can attract more Chinese and foreign universities,enterprises, social organizations and individuals, obtain more funds for school-running, and consolidate the social and public foundation for the Confucius Institute and international Chinese language education.

Chinese President Xi Jinping pointed out that the Confucius Institute not only belongs to China, but also to the whole world.Ethiopian President Mulatu Teshome Wirtu,notable alumnus of BLCU, inscribed that BLCU belongs to China and it also belongs to the world. To run the Confucius Institute well in the new era and to promote international Chinese language education are not only the responsibility but the mission of BLCU. We will remain true to our original aspiration, keep our mission firmly in mind,and spare no effort to make greater contributions to the development of diverse and colorful civilizations in the world and the great cause of building a community with a shared future for mankind.

網絡平臺補短板 辦學質量穩提升